Monday, 17 October 2022

Story: Akane's Titnosis

At this point Ranma was completely lost. Normally Shampoo would jump at him, try to hug him, generally flirt with him, but right now she was - 

"What you staring at?" she huffed. "Hrmph! It not like Shampoo want Airen to notice Shampoo's sexy body!"

Acting like that. Very uncute. A total mystery to him. Why was she going out of her way to say things she specifically didn't want? And yes, he was in fact that stupid.  Though he was at least smart enough to recognise that this was very much reminiscent of Akane on a bad day. It was as if Shampoo was doing a minor parody of her, or something.

"Shampoo, it's so nice to see you," Nabiki said. And that's another thing. Nabiki's behaviour was all off as well. "Will you be staying for dinner?" That was odd. An odd coincidence, for sure. One of them acting weird he could take, but both of them?

Ranma had encountered all sorts of weird stuff by now, so he'd learned not to take anything at face value. These two girls were acting weird. Very weird, in fact. Completely contrary to how he'd normally expect. Nabiki was being too friendly, Shampoo was being too uncute... Could it be? This wasn't a coincidence, right? Maybe some sort of personality swapping was going on around here!

Which was a bit scary to consider. Did that mean Nabiki had swapped with Kasumi and Akane had swapped with Shampoo? The thought sent a shudder down his spine. Kasumi with that cold glare, Akane being all cuddly and affectionate... Well, to be honest that second one could be kinda fun at least for a little while. He really ought to track her down quickly!

"R-Ranchan, quit staring at Shampoo like that! D-Dummy!" Ukyo blurted out. Ahhh, that one didn't worry him so much because -

"That's a really bad attempt, Ucchan, stick to your usual behaviour, you're way cuter that way."

Ukyo turned bright scarlet at that. Yeah, that had been pretty blatant, hadn't it? At least he didn't have to worry about her behaving all weird.

Well, suddenly Kodachi skipped into the kitchen. Ranma grew tense at the sight of her, that family was nothing but trouble as it was. What was she doing here? Although... weirdly, she basically ignored Ranma and turned her attention towards Shampoo instead.

"It is your turn now," Kodachi said. Shampoo's eyes glazed over and she left the room in a trance like state, which... come to think of it was also a good way to describe how Kodachi was behaving right now.

"Hey, what the hell is going on around here!" Ranma yelled. He stepped forward, intending to grab Shampoo to stop her from leaving - only for Kodachi to step in between them. "You chicks are all acting weird today, what gives?"

"Shampoo! Get back here, what the hell is going on!" Ukyo yelled, pushing right by Kodachi and following after her. Ranma tried to push back as well, but Kodachi was being weirdly insistent on getting in his way.

"Ranma darling..." Kodachi muttered to herself. "Boobicus Maximus."

Just like that, something inexplicable happened right before Ranma's eyes. Kodachi's boobs grew and grew, as she adjusted her leotard to expose them to the air. Ranma's jaw drew slack, and why shouldn't it as such an inexplicable thing was happening before him. He didn't mean to stare or anything, but -

But damn that was a nice rack. Put his girl form's to shame easily. Her tits were so - so large and round and soft and creamy and perfect that they quickly crowded out all other thoughts inside his head.

"Tiiiiits..." Nabiki sighed. Oh yeah. She was here too, wasn't she? Somehow he'd forgotten. Those tits were just... too nice to look at.

"Mistress Akane's perverted side desires the answer to several questions," Kodachi said. She began to rock back and forth on her heels, causing some quite fascinating motions within her tits. Then, she began to sway a little from side to side, amplifying the effect even more. "First of all, state your true feelings for her."

"Love her..." Ranma burbled happily. "Love her lots and lots."

"Do you find her sexually appealing?" Kodachi asked. "Do you want to fuck her?"

"Wanna fuck her..." Ranma nodded enthusiastically, eyes fixed in place. "Wanna fuck her cute sexy body. Wanna pin her down and fuck her for hours and hours."

"Oh. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho." That was a slow version of Kodachi's normal laugh. "At this very moment, the perverted side of Akane Tendo that wants you to fuck her is in a contest for control over her body with her prudish side. The perverted side is deliberately throwing that contest - so that you may be placed in a position to seduce her."

Seduce her...? The idea nuzzled into his brain easily. Seduce Akane Tendo.

"You must be subtle about it," Kodachi said. "Ease into the idea. A little at a time. Start by apologising for the way you've treated her, and then guide into how attractive you have always found her. Entice her with your manly charm, and then - Take your prize."

"Take my prize..." both Ranma and Nabiki sighed in unison. It seemed as though pervert- Akane hadn't been quite as careful in her instructions to Kodachi as she perhaps should have been. There might be a few side effects from this ploy. Side effects that - Honestly, that pervert probably wouldn't mind in the least.


It was a bit eerie suddenly 'waking up' and finding yourself in your room, standing upright with one of your 'romantic rivals' leaving the room. Akane rubbed the side of her head -  right. That's right. For that dumb contest, they had agreed to a temporary measure meant to keep the contest fair. Namely - they had used these stupid tits to put a very simple instruction in their own head. During their 'turn' in this contest, the other was to remain oblivious to whatever was going on out there.

This version of Akane didn't think of herself as 'prudish' Akane so much as she was 'normal' Akane. The other her was a pervert that came with these - These ridiculous tits. Far too big, far too sensitive. She just wanted rid of them at this point, but - Dammit, that apparently wasn't an option, now was it?!

Worse yet, now she had to make use of these - these enormous stupidly sensitive hypnotits to try and make Shampoo leave them alone. She didn't have much time to think of a plan either, because the girl was suddenly in front of her, and - 

And you know, she really was kinda cute wasn't she? Very pretty, when she wasn't sneering in a condescending way at you. While her breasts were nowhere near as large as Akane's now, her figure was definitely the sort that would appeal to a man easily. It did bring up certain insecurities and frustrations, as she pondered why Ranma hadn't run off with her instead...

None of which addressed the core issue. What exactly should she do with Shampoo? The objective here was to make her leave Ranma alone in the best possible way. Get her to leave the boy alone. Then leave her in a better place mentally, giving her a more likeable and stable personality that was a lot less violent.

The immediate instinct was... to pair her up with Mousse. But that didn't feel right. The more she'd gotten to know that boy, the less certain she was that setting them up would do either of them any favours. Akane looked down at her tits, gulped nervously and experimentally ran her hand underneath the right one - And immediately gasped as an indescribable feeling coursed through her body.

"Alright Shampoo. Listen up!" Akane said. Oooh, this was so awkward! How should she do this without touching them? Ah! Of course! Akane put her hands behind her head and thrust her chest out. In turn, Shampoo sighed happily. "Wh-What is it you like about Ranma?"

"He strong, he handsome, he smarter than seems," Shampoo said, and to Akane's annoyance she was telling no lies so far. "He be good husband to Shampoo. Make lots and lots of strong babies." Again, to her annoyance, Akane did find herself generally agreeing with that. Not so sure on the 'good husband' bit, but...

"Alright, here's how this is going to go," Akane said. "I want you to -"

"Hey, Akane!" the door flew open, and Ukyo was right there. "What the hell is... going... on around... Holy crap those are nice tits."

Ah. All of a sudden, Akane found herself with two mesmerised romantic rivals staring right at her exposed tits. Gulp! This was - This was quite a bit awkward, huh? Especially since having the two of them staring at her like that was causing this weirdly pleasant feeling to stir up in her loins. Deep within the recesses of her mind, she could hear that other 'perverted' version of her cackling away. Well... No! She refused! She would not let that side of her win! 

"Well... I guess I could do something with the both of you, since you're pretty suggestible right now..." Akane mused. "Where should I start...?"

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