Sunday, 29 August 2021

Story: Negima C+S


In her life, Setsuna had been through numerous trials. On the brink of life or death. Challenges that would surely break strong people, leaving them as worthless husks of their former selves. The act of trying to escape and deny Haruna was the single hardest challenge she had ever been set. Heracles himself had not taken on a harder task. Tame Cerberus? Kill the Nemean Lion? Trivial labors in comparison to this.

"Oh dear oh dear," Haruna said, unbuttoning her blouse to show off a strong hint of cleavage. "Could it be? Are you breaking? Is Setsuna's will breaking? Is she about to become Haruna's slutty slave?"

This girl didn't need this stupid spell influencing her thoughts! She was already a pervert! Unfortunately, that gave her a distinct advantage here, as she would be able to do non-perverted things without getting Punished for it. Doing anything but submitting in this situation would be prudish, therefore it would cause her pain. On the other hand, staring and drooling over Haruna's hot body would be... Guh!

Ah, but wait a moment! Wait one moment here! There was an escape. It was an escape she would not normally use, but... But it would work here, right? Instead of trying to struggle upcurrent, build a raft to ride the waves. A martial artist should not seek to batter down the wall where it is strongest, but rather find the weakest point and strike there! Only a fool fights otherwise, to hurl oneself headlong into where the enemy is strongest. Haruna was using the spell to pacify her? Well then, two can play at that game!

Setsuna's hands reached out for Haruna, and the glasses wearing girl smirked in triumph. Until Setsuna had her shoulder in an iron grip. "Bad girl!" she barked, making Haruna nearly jump out of her skin. From there, she put Haruna over her lap and - Smack! Smack! Smack! Gods above but her butt was divine! Setsuna couldn't help but grope it a little bit. "Naughty slut! Trying to brainwash me into being your slave?"

That's right. There was more than one kind of pervert, wasn't there? It was giving in a little bit, but under the circumstances it was the right tactical move. Spank Haruna senseless, smack that keister like a pinata until it was bright red, let her yelp and shriek in surprise, let her awaken to a new fetish all she wanted, this bitch wasn't corrupting Setsuna now! No more of her stupid erotic dance, no more teasing her by standing on top of a ladder in a short skirt and shaking her hips lewdly while pretending not to be doing anything, no more chanting, no more trying to confuse her, now Setsuna was the one in control!

But then, a little Konoka popped up on her shoulder, and asked "Why is your tongue hanging out, Setsuna?" in an adorably naive innocent voice.

Her hand froze mid-air. Only now did Setsuna take in her surroundings. Really think about what she'd been doing. In her attempts to escape Haruna, she had really given her what she actually wanted from the start. She'd given in to these lustful intentions. Revelled in the feeling of groping her body, of having this hot, haughty confident girl over her knee and spanking her senseless

And it did feel good. Oh, it felt really damned good. Make no mistake, she didn't think anything could feel better than this without being illegal for its highly addictive quality. She had to get out of her. Nnngh! "Pain be damned," she grunted, pushing Haruna off her. "I - Nngh! I will not let this - Nnnngh! Control me anymore!"

It hurt. It hurt! It really fucking hurt! But! But, but but! She had managed to fight it off somewhat. She had found reserves of willpower she didn't know were even possible. Konoka. Yes, sweet and innocent Konoka...! That was her light. Her guiding light! Which meant that getting away from Haruna was an even bigger priority, in case she did wind up creating more lewd Konoka clones to try and tempt her!

Admittedly, part of her kind of wanted to see that, but... No! Ignore the pain! Now that you know it can be resisted, you can resist it with all your might! You are disciplined, you are strong, you are mighty, you are dominant, you are -

<i>"Trust in me, just in me - don't forget to subscribe - trust in me..."</i>

Beholding the sight of Konoka and Chizuru happily dancing away while watching something on their phones. It was quite surreal, the pair of them were fist pumping the air while squatting down and slowly turning around, then slapped their hands to their sides and... sort of cutely marched forward while Nodoka held up her phone for them to watch. This, for some reason, transitioned into little leg kicks and finger guns, which went into a series of weird gestures, then became a quick twirl around. It felt like the two of them were moving completely at random.

But it was also the cutest fucking thing she'd ever seen in her life. Setsuna had to actively remind herself to breathe while watching Konoka do this weird adorable dance. It suited her. It suited her better than anything else that she could imagine. Not that she could imagine much because - fuck, this spell was tickling her brain with so much pleasure it was a wonder she was able to stand!

However.... However, from the glassy look in Konoka's face, the truth was revealed. She had been brainwashed in some way! That's why she was dancing like this! Nodoka was also toiling under this spell - she must have discovered some means of hypnosis and used it against them to make them dance! That was...  that was <i>hot</i> but it was also <i>wrong</i>, she could not abide someone else taking control over Konoka's mind!

N-Not because she wanted to take control of it for herself or anything like that, don't be absurd! Oooh, this pain was getting worse! Nonetheless - nonetheless! Setsuna rushed forward and struck the phone from Nodoka's grip, then fell to her knees as a thunderbolt of agony passed down her spine.

"Ehhh? Setsuna, why'd you do that?" Nodoka asked. She pouted quite cutely, though after seeing that dance it was honestly grotesque in comparison. A bunny hugging a puppy would be hideous to her by comparison to watching Konoka do that weird dance. "I mean, you were watching them for a good ten minutes, I thought you were enjoying it."

"I - I was!" Setsuna admitted. That quelled the pain a little, but only a little. "However, I found my resolve once again, and - And I will not permit you to toy with my Lady any longer!"

"Eh? So you won't let me do this?" Nodoka asked, and then she did the unthinkable. She licked Konoka's cheek. She dragged her dirty, corrupted, impure tongue along Konoka's unaware, cherubic face. "Or this?" Nodoka asked, using her filthy hand to reach under Konoka's uniform to squeeze her breast -

The pain Setsuna felt in this moment was greater than any other she had experienced up until now. Both from the spell, and from her desire to protect Konoka. Still, she rushed forward and pulled Nodoka apart, lifting her by the lapel and staring at her intensely. Her breathing was heavy, impossibly heavy, but... But she restrained herself somehow from doing something she'd regret. Nodoka was not acting under her own power either. She was being twisted up by this as well. However, she had to be taught a lesson.

"Give her a good hard spanking," Konoka's voice came in from... somewhere nearby. If Setsuna was in her right frame of mind, she might have noticed it hadn't come in the same direction as where Konoka was actually dancing. "Flip her skirt and smack her ass!"

"Yes, Mistress Konoka!" Setsuna said. Steam shot out her nose as, for the second time today, she put a class member over her knee and whipped that booty with the flat of her hand, grinning ear to ear despite herself.

"Call her a naughty slut," Konoka commanded.

"Naughty slut!" Setsuna complied without hestiation. "Naughty, naughty slut!"

"Only Setsuna is allowed to have her way with my body, punish her harder!" Konoka continued.

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Each hit to Nodoka's posterior made another flare of pleasure light up along Setsuna's nerves. As much pain as she was in before, this relief was intoxicating. She felt groggy, like being drunk. In fact, after a certain point she didn't even lift her hand anymore, she was content to roughly squeeze those cheeks. Squeeze them roughly, making Nodoka squirm on her lap as she played relentlessly with those mounds of flesh.

"And once you're done with her, you can do the same to me! Teehee!" Mistress Konoka said, and... and Setsuna caught herself once again. This time. THis time she noticed the disparity. This time she could see that Konoka was dancing over there, so where was that voice coming from...?

The answer was one that she regretted immediately. Haruna was leaning seductively on a ladder, while in front of her were three - no less than three!  - different Konokas each wearing an abbreviated school uniform. One of whom had large slashes up the sides of her skirt and had the bottom of the shirt tied off just under her breasts. Another had a deep plunging neckline and a skirt so brief you could see her underwear if she was standing perfectly still. The last had a shirt that had a weird circular cut-out underneath the arms, showing off not only the waist but a healthy dose of sideboob, and their skirt was sliced into neat strips to give the effect of a grass miniskirt.

Each of them dancing, just like the original Konoka.

"Breathe, Setsuna, please breathe," Haruna cackled maniacally. Oh yeah she had to do that didn't she? "Ah, it would have been fun to see you take Konoka over your knee. Then again, she's already had a good hard smack from someone before, has she not?"

At last, at long last, Setsuna had reached the end of her rope. All it would take at this point was one tiny push to put her over the edge, and then that would be -

"Konoka! French kiss Setsuna!" Nodoka blurted out.

Oh. that would do it. The sleepy eyed Konoka dropped to her knees, smiled serenely, and then kissed Setsuna on the lips like she'd wanted to do it for ages but didn't have the courage to just go for it, but she'd imagined it pretty clearly in her mind and also secretly practised it, so it was both really intense and also super cute at the same time.

After fighting against it for so long, there was nothing more for Setsuna to do but fall, and fall she most certainly did, gurgling and rolling her eyes back into her head as she got exactly what she wanted handed to her on a silver platter. Sure, she knew that Konoka was hypnotised right now, but... fuck it, this felt too good to stop, and she was pretty spent by now. She didn't even seem to notice how her own hand magnetically attached itself to Konoka's plump posterior. The same ass that she'd seen wiggled and waggled in front of her face at the beach so many times that if she closed her eyes she could still picture it.


Ah, Haruna loved it when a plan came together. Aw, the two of them were so adorable like that. Look at the way their limbs were already tangled up, it was giving her such inspiration for her next work!

As for Nodoka, she had managed to crawl out of there and was using a bookcase to pull herself to her feet on shaky, shaky legs. Haruna couldn't blame her. Setsuna's spanking packed a wallop and a half!

"Quick thinking, Nodoka!" Haruna purred. Hrm? She peered over Nodoka's shoulder. Looking at her cellphone? Wasn't that Chisame doing one of her shows that they weren't supposed to know was actually her? Well, whatever, it was obvious why Nodoka would be watching a stream like that. Obviously, she was using it as inspiration for the dance the two girls had been doing just now. "Now we can have all sorts of fun with Setsuna, teehee!"

"Yeah," Nodoka mused, rolling on her heels. "Say, why don't you start dancing too, Haruna?"

Huh? Her start dancing too? Oooh, for some reason she felt like.. Like that would be a good idea. Yeah, dance along. It looked like fun, so why not? Just dance along, without a care in the world while watching this stream, which had absolutely nothing hypnotic or corruptive about it at all.

"Hehehe... Four of them..." Nodoka whispered. "Four girls to play with! Mmm, maybe I'll be able to get Negi this way too~!"

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