Monday 26 February 2018

Story: Ero Space

She was investigating suspicious behaviour. That's all it was. The two of them were weird in some way. Beyond what Chrome had already noticed, the boy and the girl had some other quality that was really irritating her.

So she turned invisible. Eavesdropped a little. She couldn't quite get close enough to hear <i>everything</i> without risking them finding out she was there. And sadly the boy did not speak very loud. Almost as though he was trying to conspire with the girl! Ah! And the girl's face was flush. Obviously he was telling her naughty things. The scoundrel! The cad! And other assorted insults last used seriously in the 1950s!

Her imagination was running wild with possibility, especially when she heard some comment about "harem" and "other girls". Oh! Now Chrome was getting really hot under the collar! This boy was an enemy to women, you couldn't get more clear cut than this.

Yet her most feverish imaginations, her wildest delusions could not have prepared them. For you see, to Chrome's utter shock and amazement and bafflement, the two of them walked right up to a girl's dressing room. As nonchalant as can be. The girl held open the door. The boy hesitated a bit, then the girl shoved him inside. All the while the boy didn't have any kind of reaction at all. As though he couldn't see inside the room, as though this was nothing at all!

That tore it. Now Chrome had evidence of their misdeeds! She rushed inside immediately after them with her index finger aloft and a stern 'aha!' on her lips - when a strangely pungent odor hit her nostrils. Then just as she had walked past the girl and boy to say her thing, she was doused in some kind of liquid. It soaked into her hair and dripped down her shirt, leaving her collar especially stained.

It stunk. It really, really stunk. Still though, Chrome licked her lips and felt a strange whine bubbling up inside her chest. Hot. She was hot! So hot! So terribly achingly hot all over. Her heart-rate was going a mile a minute. Desire bubbled up inside of her. A need that she'd never felt before. Hunger. Ravenous. A beastly appetite had been awakened within her, and she didn't know what it was until one of the girls asked a question that she too would like an answer to!

"Senpai, can I lick your nipples?"

Yes, a good old bit of nipple licking certainly sounded like it would hit the spot right about now. Her own nipples were proudly standing at attention, easily visible through her uniform for anyone looking. Chrome's tongue lolled out of her mouth and, unknown to her, Chrome's pupils had taken on a rather peculiar heart shape that throbbed in time with her actual heartbeat.

Now, deep down inside her there was an intellectual part of Chrome that was saying "oh, I get it now. He was trying to instigate an orgy with a potent aphrodisiac!" That part of her was being roundly ignored for the time being. Maybe later its voice would be a bit stronger. Right now there were some rather more important things to do, things involving her tongue and some of the underdressed girls in the room.

"Oh, come on. Can't I have a rest?" the boy sighed wearily, surreptitiously edging his way back towards the door. Oops, no you don't! "I'm still not entirely enamored of this situation, and you're asking me to seduce three -" Chrome turned visible and tore her shirt open. "Four! Four girls at once?! Are you trying to murder me? Is this the fabled death by snoo-snoo the online westerners are always joking about?!"

“Are you saying that the rest isn’t worth seducing?” The girl with him asked while pointing at the rest of the swimming club which had been further away and thus didn’t get hit as much. It didn’t stop them from starting to get distracted with each other though.

"... My interface was only showing four girls, I had to scroll to see the others," the boy grumbled.

While these two were arguing, the four girls had their own little plan, not that they were really thinking ahead all that far. One of them moved closer to Kyon, the ponytail behind her immediately catching his attention. “Hey, I am Akira Okuchi.” His gaze was immediately drawn to her modest bust, which was only covered in a white bra. When she noticed his attention, she pushed her arms on both sides against her breasts to create some very interesting reactions. “My turn ons are you, your tongue, and this hard thing down there.” To punctuate her words, her hands went to the slowly bulging limb in the boy’s pants.

"Well, that's nice but I really have to be going -" the boy said. But oh, Chrome was a bit too fast for him. She made the door vanish - or at least, appear to vanish. Hoho! A little illusion, and he'd completely missed the door handle. She'd made it seem like it was further to the left than it really was, then made the illusion vanish when his hand passed right through it.

“Wait, is this like one of these boss battles in a RPG where the gate vanishes until you have won?” Asked the rather bewildered boy, before an even more panicked look appeared on his face. Slowly he turned back to the girls close by. “Now.. surely we can talk this out, right?”

“Too much talking, not enough nipples in my mouth!” declared Minami Ikoma, or at least that was what the earlier mentioned interface told him.

As the girl from earlier moved after him, a predatory glimmer in her eyes, another of the girls glomped her from the side. Then a mouth hit its target around her right nipple. There were a number of *ooohs* and *aaahhs* in the following moments.

“Uhhh.. so is everyone fine with being naked now?” Asked a green haired girl who was in fact already naked, her face flushed and eyes roaming the room. This one’s name was Ninagawa Amuro, Kyon’s helpful little interface supplied.

As if in answer to her question, swimsuits and underwear was tossed to the side and assets put fully on display. Chrome liked what she saw, but her main meal was right in front of her. This boy, this naughty perverted boy would satisfy this hunger. She felt it in her bones and every part of her body, even in the illusionary ones.

"... Ugh... If I'm not getting out of this boss battle then I need a strategy," the boy wearily said. "Problem is that I don't have nearly enough experience in the game to develop one yet... At the very least I have one party member to help me out."

"Kyoooon! I need a good hard diiiiick inside of meeeee!" Kanae moaned while hanging off his side. The boy twitched.

"You weren't even hit by that stuff!"

"Still need a dick!"

"Ooh, that sounds really nice!" said the girl which had introduced herself earlier as Akira.

"Yes, I'll have one too!" Minami added, blushing furiously.

"Leave some for me!" Ninagawa licked her lips and fondled her breasts.

Chrome didn't say anything. She was too busy trying to work out a way to illusion her way to some big hard meat pounding her quivering and famished pussy. If only there was a convenient technique to multiply the only male in the room. Ah! Better still, if she knew how it felt then she could distract the other girls by way of tactile illusions. In which case it would be for the best if she got down to business so she could do that effectively at a future date.

Down came the trousers and the underwear. None of those present were sure who exactly tugged them down as there was a bit of a scramble. What they did know was that every girl in the room, including Kanae and the as yet unnamed swim club members off in the background stared at the erect phallus with a resounding "ooooh!" noise. Like they'd just seen a masterwork of art for the very first time.

"Mine!" Minami insisted. "Mine! I want that!"

"No way, it's mine!" Akira insisted.

"Mmm... You girls should wait and watch how it's done!" Kanae said.

"Hey, hang on a second! Don't I get a say in any of this?" Kyon asked. Though deep in his heart he already knew the answer. So much for strategy! When one is the target of several extremely horny girls, it's rather difficult to maintain any semblance of control no matter how slight. It's like herding cats. No, actually herding cats would be easier than managing this! There wasn't much else for it but to prepare himself to ride out the wave, quite literally most likely. He braced himself, preparing for the physical rush of an orgy even though he had virtually no basis for comparison -

Then the door opened up and, to Kyon's horror, a teacher popped their head in. This was the swim team's coach! A busty beauty with long turquoise hair flowing down her back freely. Kyon's interface identified her as Tamao Ichinose.

"Alright, girls! That was a great workout today," the coach said, walking right by Kyon and the five girls mewling all over him. She strode out into the middle of the room before Kyon's unbelieving eyes, as if she was - no, because she was totally oblivious to the orgy about to erupt right behind her. "Tomorrow we'll step up our warmups a little to see if we can push our times up even more!"

Speaking of stepping up, Chrome was the ultimate winner of the "first to get her ride." She pushed Kyon up against the locker while the other four whined. But Chrome was smirking to herself. Not to worry girls. You won't be left out for long. First thing though, she had to ease this big thing inside of herself and - Ah! Oh yes, that hit the spot. More satisfying than a steak dinner and just about as filling!

Looking around, her illusions of the other girls was holding up fine. They were all completely invisible right now as well. That should keep her from interrupting while they got this orgy going!

"Oh, I get it!" Kyon said. "Boss fights in RPGs can't be interrupted by random NPCs passing by!" he nodded sagely to himself. "Nnngh, that's tight! Okay. I'd better start taking this seriously, then!"

Take it seriously? What did he mean by that? Well, whatever it was probably didn't matter. So long as Chrome enjoyed herself, that was all that she cared about right now.

"Let's see... It looks like I have a list of techniques now... Um...I wonder what Pneumatic Piledriver does?"

It turned out that 'pneumatic piledriver' involved grabbing hold of her ass, hoisting her off her feet, and then repeatedly jumping in place. In the process driving his dick into her deeper, deeper, oh so much deeper! Chrome was caught totally unprepared at being used like this. Every time Kyon hammer into her, another spike of pleasure almost made her blank out. “Ahhh! That is…!” She was moaning and screaming as he continued on.

“W.. wa.. wait, I ooohhh... I .. di.. didn't mean to activate that.” Kyon said, barely managing to remain intelligible throughout these activities.

“I just wanted to see a tooltip or something!” Said the boy. "I didn't mean to use that!"

"Use it!" Chrome begged. "Please keep using it!"

The other girls were watching them, totally green with envy. Ah! That's right! Chrome grinned. It was selfish of her to keep this to herself, and so... She gave them each a Kyon to enjoy.

"It's very important that we consider how we're limbering up before we enter the pool," Tamao sagely advised, back turned to the orgy, totally oblivious to the erotic scene unfolding behind her. "It's all too easy to assume that we are already prepared for an hour's swim, then muscles start to cramp up."

"Woah!" Kanae gasped. "T-talk about a workout!"

"Alright, that's the spirit!" Tamao gave a warm smile and a thumbs up. "The best place to start is with your legs. Find a nice place to rest, then stretch them, it is good to spread them wide so as to become more flexible. That'll help you develop your kicking power underwater, letting you swim longer and swim deeper!”

"So long! So deep!" Akira moaned.

"This enthusiasm is so encouraging." Tamao wiped a tear from her eye. "Now, the other thing to worry about is your lung capacity. How much air can you keep inside your lungs?"

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!" Ninagawa moaned, cumming around her illusory Kyon's dick so hard that her naked body started to thrash around in its grip.

"Very good Ninagawa! Though that's to be expected! Do you girls think you can live up to her example?"

"Yes! Yes! Oh gods above, yes!" Screamed Chrome out into the world, feeling like the boy’s dick was trying to turn her brain to mush with pleasure.

"It does my heart proud to be your coach," Tamao said. "Oh, you're such an enthusiastic group of girls. Most girls your age care more about dating boys, so it's reassuring to see you all so devoted to swimming. With this level of enthusiasm North High will become the Mount Olympus of international swim-meets! Mark my words!"

And so she left, never noticing the illusion that had been cast over the locker room. Honestly, Chrome was amazed that she was able to keep it together when her brain felt like it had been turned into an illusion itself. Her legs felt like jelly. If someone offered her a hundred million yen if she could only say a single coherent word, she'd never quite manage it.

Then she heard something odd. Sort of a.. Ding, ding, ding ding noise. There were these little red lights flashing up over the girls. Except that girl that he'd come into the locker room with, the other three and Chrome all had them above their heads.

"Huh... That was easier than I was expecting," Kyon sighed. "Uh... welcome to the harem, girls. I guess?"


<b>Kyon's Harem!</b>

<b>Name:</b> Kokoa Shuzen

<b>Notes:</b> A vampire who possesses impressive physical power and excellent combat skills. The first member of Kyon’s Harem whom he gained by accident. Red haired and green eyed. Very Tsundere. A member of the flower arranging club.

<b>Primary Fetishes:</b> Sister Complex, Loves being praised, Bi Curious.

<b>Secondary Fetishes:</b> Voyeurism and Oral Fixation (Racial)

<b>Granted Traits:</b>

Yoki Detection, level 7

Charm, level 1

Enhanced Strength, level 7

<b>Granted Equipment:</b>

Transforming Bat!

<b>Name:</b> Kanae Yura

<b>Notes:</b> A minor character from Kyon’s class. Possesses no special abilities or stats aside from an awareness of the game. A member of the wind instrument club.

<b>Primary Fetishes:</b> Voyeurism, Submission,

<b>Secondary Fetishes:</b> Competitiveness, Non-Euclidian Sex

<b>Granted Traits:</b>

Charisma +2 when dealing with Submissives.

<b>Name:</b> Chrome Dokuro (Birth name Nagi Osaki)

<b>Notes:</b> An illusionist with the ability to create near perfect illusions that can interact with the physical world with enough effort. Has lost many organs in an accident and replaced them with illusions. A member of the cooking club.

<b>Primary Fetishes:</b> Not Scanned

<b>Secondary Fetishes:</b> Not Scanned

<b>Granted Traits:</b>

Illusion Creation, Level 7

<b>Granted Equipment:</b>

Devil Glasses: A magical floating monocle, can see through illusions up to Level 10.

<b>Name:</b> Akira Okuchi

<b>Notes:</b> A girl who has a magical contract with her classes kid teacher. She has a strong liking for little animals and naturally wants to help others. A member of the swimming club.

<b>Primary Fetishes:</b> Not Scanned

<b>Secondary Fetishes:</b> Not Scanned

<b>Granted Traits:</b>

Acrobatics, Level 4

Swimming, Level 6

Teleportation Through Water, Level 7

<b>Name:</b> Amuro Ninagawa

<b>Notes:</b> This green haired girl from the countryside has a distinct lack of common sense. Cheerful and friendly, she loves to swim and prefers to do so with as little clothing as possible. Has no problems with being naked in front of others as long as they are friends. A member of the swimming club.

<b>Primary Fetishes:</b> Not Scanned

<b>Secondary Fetishes:</b> Not Scanned

<b>Granted Traits:</b>

Swimming, Level 6

Nudism Inducement, Level 5

<b>Name:</b> Minami Ikoma

<b>Notes:</b> A normal girl, possesses no special skill but is naturally adorable. A member of the swimming club.

<b>Primary Fetishes:</b> Not Scanned

<b>Secondary Fetishes:</b> Not Scanned

<b>Granted Traits:</b>

Moe, Level 6

Swimming, Level 4

  1. Kyon explains the situation to his harem.
  2. Meanwhile, Kokoa is up to something
  3. Chrome passes out, and the club captain comes back in the room.
  4. Kuuko meets Haruhi, falls in love with someone other than Nyarko and Mahiro.
  5. Something else

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