Sunday 18 February 2018

Story: Love Hina WP

The concept of the robot is a fairly recent invention, primarily popularised in the realm of science fiction by Isaac Asimov. His tales would typically set about a series of simple rules that the robots would have to follow, as surely as a dropped pen must fall to the ground. Then, once the rules were established, the setting and characters and situation fully understood, he would set about breaking those rules. He would illustrate conflicts within the system. Irregularities of behaviours. Unintended consequences.

What's the point of that first paragraph, you may well ask? Well, Cutebot was in a bind much like that at this moment in time. She was, after all, a stripperbot. Programmed for lewdness. Designed to entice with her cuteness and innocence, lulling her prey into a false sense of security before lulling them into a strong sense of arousal.

"Eeeeeh! The pink catsuit with the anal plug tail looks so cute on you!"

This was the crux of the matter. It did. It looked super adorable on her. She made a little "nyar!" roar into the mirror in front of her, baring her claws and waving helplessly. Yet here came the conflict. She loved the suit. Adored it. But she didn't really appreciate being forced into it.

"Do I have to wear this?" Cutebot asked, then dropped to her knees when Shinobu turned on the vibrator function of the plug.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Shinobu wagged her finger. "Toys don't complain about how they're played with."

Ooh! That felt good! Really, really good! But it went against her programming. She was supposed to be the one bringing pleasure to others! Yet it felt so good! What was a cute little Cutebot to do?!

Aside from adorable moaning. That was obvious, though.

"Pictures," Shinobu said, wielding a camera as though it were a dangerous weapon. Steam shot out of her nose, and a lewd grin had completely taken over her face. "I must take pictures! Lie on my bed and pose!"

"Um, how should I -" Cutebot began to ask, right before the anal vibrator was put on its maximum setting. "Nyaaaaaaaaa!" she mewled. Her body moved automatically, hands raised slightly and her fingers bent like a kitty. Her ass rose into the air and swung like a pendulum, the tail following the movement.

"Yay!" Shinobu squealed, her camera's flash blinding in time with the not so gentle buzzing in Cutebot's butt. Each time it flashed, Cutebot reflexively jerked her body into a new cute pose, as dictated by her programming. And wasn’t this the crux of the matter? Shinobu had quickly identified Cutebot’s skills and modus operandi, then begun to shamelessly abuse her own artificial instincts against the stripperbot.

"That's right my cute little stripperbot pet," Shinobu wiped some drool off her mouth. "Pose for me. Pose! Like the toy that you are!"

"Nya!" There. That was it. Her way out had opened wide! "Yes mistress. I am a cute little stripperbot. Nya! I love to strip cutely!"

Kukuku... It was the perfect plan. Remind her of the fact that she was a stripperbot. She pulled out her extendable stripper pole and began to rub up against it like a cat. Oho! Oh yes! She'd retake control over this situation in no time at all this way! Cutebot smiled like the Cheshire cat as she allowed her soon to be former Mistress to think she still had the upper hand. To begin with, she used the pole as a scratching post, making sure to arch out her back in a way that really accentuated her lower half.

"Oh yeah!" Shinobu continued snapping pictures. "That's the stuff! You go catgirl Cutebot!"

If that was what her mistress wanted, so shall it be. Cutebot stuck out her tongue and ran it down her arm. Once, twice, and then on the third pass she hooked the sleeve with her tongue and drew it into her mouth, allowing her to pull it off without issue. But she did it slowly, carefully peeling the outfit off her arm with her tongue. In this moment, she looked more like a cat grooming herself than a stripper. When her arm was finally free, she stretched and bent her back again before once again declaring, “Nyaahh!” hands again rising in a position to imitate cat-paws.

Then her stripstease continued with the other arm.

"Oh! That's right! Work it!" Shinobu excitedly squealed. "You're going to be the pride of my collection without a doubt!"

Cutebot rolled over now that her shoulders were bare and grabbed hold of a pillow, trapping it between her four limbs. Then, she got on her back and pushed it up into the air like a cat playing with a ball of wool. She squirmed around while watching Shinobu out of the corner of her eye. The girl was flushed, breathing shallow, eyes glazed over and gleaming beads of sweat trailing down the side of her pretty little head.

Kukuku. Almost there. She pushed the pillow up and caught it, quickly turning it around while wiggling on the bed. Using her precision muscles in her butt, Cutebot wiggled the tail as well to draw further attention to her pleasant and perfect posterior. Shinobu twitched, the finger on the camera’s button twitching but not actually triggering it. Her eyes followed the motions of Cutebots sweet posterior almost on their own and she slowly licked her lips at the hypnotic jiggling.

Satisfied that she was on the cusp of victory, Cutebot rolled over onto her hands and knees again. She kept her knees and her hands planted on the bed and tried to use her tongue to reach the zipper on her back. To no avail. What cruelty, to watch such an adorable creature trying and failing to achieve her goal. Shinobu watched Cutebot try, pushing her tongue as far as possible and cutely pouting at her failure. Yet, somehow this only made everything even more erotic, a glorious perversion of cuteness and false innocence.

"Meeooooow!" Cutebot hopelessly wailed. Utterly helpless, completely adorable. She had deliberately hit the same pitch that newborns use, a pitch that wakes up any sleeping human in earshot due to a long since ingrained human instinct.

How appropriate that she had been put in this catsuit. After all, did humans not joke that they were the pet of their cats rather than the other way around? What a delicious metaphor for this relationship. Shinobu's trembling hand was reaching out, towards Cutebot. Taking off the catsuit, peeling it off her sexy body inch by inch. Cutebot helped out along the way, shaking it off and using her tongue to make sure the clothing was peeled away, and now she would be able to take full control over -

Or as an alternative, Shinobu could strap a pair of vibrators right onto Cutebot's nipples and make all trace of rational thought flee for the hills.

"Next I'll have you wear... Ooh! This erotic nun cosplay! With a built in dildo and nipple teasers sewn on the inside!"

Cutebot’s thoughts were a bit of a mess, but could be summarized along the lines of: <i>“Th.. th… this may.. ta.. take a bit… longer than expected….”</i>


Haruka did not get upset very easily, but considering her situation it was hard to feel almost any other emotion. To recap: She was tied to this chair, wearing a bunnygirl outfit. In front of her was an exact duplicate of herself performing what could only be called an extremely suggestive dance while the two of them were surrounded by billowing smoke coming from this so called Smokebot.

This copycat was apparently some sort of 'stripperbot' whose stated intention was to get her laid. Yeah, sure. Fat chance of that happening any time soon. Well... That's what she'd thought at first. Trouble was, as much as Haruka hated to admit it...

"You might as well admit it," Smokebot said while gyrating her hips in a way that should not be possible on a human being. "You are in desperate need of a good Seta dicking."

"I'll be the judge of that," Haruka said, trying to resist the instinct to squirm in her seat. She was wet. It didn't help that Smokebot was somehow using her arms to sculpt sexy images of Seta in the smoke. Couple all of that with the nicotine in the air giving her a buzz, and she had to at least admit that Smokebot's strategy was an effective one. "What do you even get out of it anyway?"

"I don't know," Smokebot answered, moving to sit in Haruka's lap."What do you get by denying yourself what you so obviously want?"

It's not exactly easy to formulate a cohesive counter-argument when the person you're arguing with is thrusting their quite impressive bust in your face, running their hands down your curves and grinding their hips into your body as though it was part of the process for the elixir of eternal life. Or a ten pack of cigarettes.

"You... Think... I want Seta?" Haruka asked in between bouts of having herself enter what she'd heard Keitaro jokingly refer to as 'marshmallow hell.' Now she had a better idea of where he was coming from. The warm smothering softness did make Haruka think of heated marshmallows. It took far greater effort to resist opening her mouth and trying to lick and suck away than she would ever have been willing to admit.

"Oh, no. You don't want Seta," Smokebot sighed wearily, which was a total contrast to that thing she was doing with her right foot. Namely, holding onto a cigarette and putting it in Haruka's mouth. "You need Seta. What you want is a good enough excuse to go to him."

"Whoever programmed you -" Haruka said, then stopped mid-sentence to start over. "Koalla Su didn't program you with a great awareness of people, did she? I'm not playing along. I'm not going to admit to something that I don't even feel. You're wasting both of our time."

“Why, then I will have no chance.” Smokebot said, the bored shrug once again belying the eroticism of her actions as she lightly nibbled on Haruka’s ear. “I will have to make you go so crazy with lust that you cannot think of anything but Seto’s dick.””

Again, she was making little sculptures - well, maybe not so little - in the smoke using her hands and nimble fingers. This time, Haruka looked around and saw dick everywhere. Dick. Seta's dick. Seta's big dick. Great big erect dick, all around her, excited because of her and more than willing to give her a good rough -

"No!" Haruka firmly said. "That's my final answer!"

"Alright! Suit yourself."

Huh? That wasn't... What? Smokebot crawled off her body, took a long drag and then began to stalk off. Not even a sexy walk or anything like that. She was just... Leaving.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Haruka yelled. "Untie me at least!"

"Hrm... No, don't think I'll be doing that," Smokebot said. "Not until after I visit Seta and give him my <i>advanced</i> erotic dance."

G-give Seta an advanced erotic dance?! "You really think Seta will fall for this kind of erotic dance?!" Haruka asked, a little more desperation creeping into her voice than she had intended. "You don't know him very well if you think that."

"Maybe not yet," Smokebot cooly replied. "But I will know him in the biblical sense very soon."

Why that... Using Western religious references in her taunting? That... Actually, Haruka had never really encountered that before. She didn't quite know how to feel about it. Outrage? Yes, outrage seemed to be the right emotion. She began to wobble the chair while Smokebot continued walking out. Blast it! That stripperbot had to be stopped! Now, Haruka couldn't exactly internally explain <i>why</i> she had to be stopped, but there you go.

Blast, but these knots were tight. The chair was too steady to topple over as well. The rope was sturdy, there was no leverage to exploit... Smokebot had really thought of everything! In which case there was only one choice left to her.

"Your lame seduction skills will fall flat on him," Haruka said, throwing in a mocking laugh for effect. "You couldn't even get me to seriously blush!"

That got her to stop. It turned out that a stripperbot could have pride too. "Very well then," smokebot said. "Then I'll show you firsthand what happens when I turn up the heat."

Haruka is able to get herself free.

The two of them are interrupted by... Seta, of all people.

Cutebot has fled from Shinobu in a desperate bid to escape, and tries to get Smokebot to hide her.

Trapbot happens upon the scene, and sets an insidious trap for Haruka.

Something else

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