Monday 12 February 2018

Story: NGE Ring of Truth

It's very important to note the fundamental problem that Asuka was unknowingly having right now. As the one who had been wearing the ring of truth, she hadn't noticed any changes to reality unless it explicitly altered herself in a quite direct manner. Therefore, she was able to alter the nature of her relationship with Shinji but did not have the retconned memories of the new way of things, where instead of Angels the Earth was under attack by Sexy Maids.

Throw in the fact that she was kind of fuck drunk and it's easy to see why this genius was succumbing so easily to the enticement of the Sexy Maid disguised as Rei. She didn't have the basic 'immune system' that she ought.

This puts Shinji in a very hard position, for more than one reason. Yes, that does seem like a rather obvious commentary but it's no less true for it. He has a bit of a maid fetish himself, and having two pretty girls suddenly sporting maid-like outfits was wearing down his willpower something fierce.

But to focus on Asuka for a bit. To her fuck drunk, oblivious to Sexy Maid threat mind this was all a bit of erotic roleplay. 'Oh, that Rei! Showing up like that out of nowhere!' her prideful and lustful mind thought. 'I will show her which of us can be the sexier maid!

To that end, she elbowed a pencil off the nearby table. "Ooh la la!" she gasped, not especially noticing her French accent. "I am so clumsy! And eet keeps on putting me in zese erotic situations!"

Now, this did lead to Asuka turning around and quite deliberately bending over in a way that caused her pseudo-maid uniform to ride up enough for Shinji to get a very, very good look at her shapely butt. However, it is rather worth paying attention to the fact that she had made those remarks - while wearing the ring of truth. Asuka had just now made herself erotically clumsy without even noticing.

As for Shinji, his situation had become quite a bit harder. Painfully so, one might say. No pun intended. "Guh!" he intelligently burbled. That's not irony, this was actually extremely intelligent considering how much brain power he was working off of. The rest of his cognitive thought was too busy warring between 'sex her, sex her now with penis' and 'wait no, that would end the world and then there would be no more sex.

You can see why this is quite the dilemma. He had to weigh up tapping that versus the end of the human race.

A french accented titter from behind him wasn't exactly helping matters either, nor was the feather duster lovingly 'cleaning' his head. "Ooh, go for eet," Rei whispered into his ear, gently pushing him forward. "Eet would be so very very hot to wath ze two of you banging like ze rabeets."

This was when Asuka slipped and, somehow, managed to get her legs wrapped around Shinji's hips with her own face planted on the floor. They might have been clothed, but the wheelbarrow position implication was heavily imprinted upon Shinji's mind.

"Huh... I did not do zat..." Rei... no, the Sexy Maid disguised as Rei muttered to herself. "'ow did she even manage to get into zat position?"

"Hrm? What's ze matter?" Asuka taunted. She pushed her face off the floor and, quite deliberately, ground her butt into Shinji's tented trousers. The boy could hardly take it and dropped to his knees. "Oh? I see 'ow it eez. You are ze needy, bimbo kind of maid who gets confused so easily, at ze drop of ze 'at!"

Ding! And without even noticing that she had done so, Asuka had taken steps that might well have saved the day if she had been following a strategy. Whatever intelligence the Sexy Maid may have had went poof in a puff of reality altering magic. She had been intending to push Asuka and Shinji into corrupting each other as part of a 'cunning plan' that would have saved her a great deal of time in the long run.

Not so much anymore. Now strategy and planning was as much out of the window for the Sexy Maid as it was for Asuka, albeit for entirely different reasons. Unfortunately, the term 'swings and roundabouts' does apply here, because for the extreme positive of removing the Sexy Maid's ability to plan...

Asuka looked up again to smirk at Rei, but the smile didn't materialise. Not when it saw that blue haired bimbo pressing her much improved upon chest right into the back of Shinji's head!

"Oh! Master Shinji!" Rei breathlessly moaned and giggled. "She eez correct! I am, 'ow you say, in most desperate need of a good hard dicking! Teehee!"

"What in ze world..." Asuka muttered to herself. "Rei has ze most enormous boobies all of ze sudden!"


The temptation to become a Sexy Maid was extremely powerful. She should be using this feather duster to clear up the unending amount of dust accumulating in the room. She should skip and prance around, delicately bend over at the wait - never the knees only ever the waist - and dust and dust and dust and, in so doing, dust her own mind clean. Brainwash herself.

So instead Rei went with the opposite route. She plucked the feather duster clean. She tossed the feathers carelessly about the room without any consideration for where they landed. Then, she unmade her bed. She pulled out her few meager belongings and dumped them in the dust.

And that did it. She had done the opposite of what any maid should be doing. She made a mess rather than cleaning it up. It had felt awful every time she did it, and the compulsion was there to pick things up and put them away again, but that was why she had started with the feather duster. That had been the hardest thing to do, and in doing it she had broken through enough of the compulsion to ensure her own freedom.

The illusion faded. Or at least that was what Rei assumed the wavy effects on the wall was. Her clothes were still of the erotic maid variety, but she felt no compulsion to clean or tidy. To test herself, she bent down at the knees and put the flat of her hands against the floor. Holding the pose for a few seconds, she felt satisfied. No compulsion. No urges associated with Sexy Maids. She was herself again.

Unfortunately the same could also be said for the Sexy Maid that had trapped her here.

Analysis: There was no time to change clothes. The Sexy Maid will have initiated their plan using her appearance already. Therefore it was crucial that she leave posthaste. Rei threw open the door - and all of a sudden her breasts grew to a sudden and ridiculous rate.

"Ah?" Rei said aloud. "This must be a trap that has been set by the Sexy Maid to ensure that I do not escape." This statement was already false, and as such the Ring of Lies did not react to it. "I will not permit this to distract me from rescuing the other Pilots."

This, unfortunately, was a lie. As such, the ring of truth sparked into life and the next thing Rei knew she was looking down at her chest in great interest.

"Then again..." she considered with a shudder. They were rather spectacular, weren't they? Ah, such a shame Rei... She had escaped the Sexy Maid's trap, only to acquire a brand new big breast fetish in the process. "I am sure that the other two can handle the Sexy Maid without my assistance for a little while. It is not as if I shall be examining these for very long..."

Oh, Rei. How little you realised what you had just done to yourself, and to your fellow pilots.


Lesson one when dealing with the new Asuka: Do not underestimate her newfound erotic clumsiness. Doing so would lead to unfortunate, and very very perverted consequences. Unfortunately for Shinji, he wasn’t really in the right state of mind to think things through, consider all possible avenues and chose the best path. Not when his inner fetish sense was jumping up and down for glee and mirth.

"Oopsie doopsie!" Asuka gasped, and somehow she'd managed to trip in such a way that both she and Rei were in each other's tits. Dual motorboating. Such a position should not have been possible, but here he was staring at the two of them squirming and rolling over trying to jockey for position and, in the process, flaunting their remarkably fit butts for his personal viewing.

Yes indeed, this young boy was certain this must be paradise, or since he wasn’t permitted to reach out to these perfect bodies, maybe hell was more correct? This must be how Tantalus felt, always having the best of food and drink out of reach, just a grasp away...

"Guh!" Asuka gasped, still with that French lilt in her accent. "Almost suffocated! Wondergirl's tits, zey taste like strawberry!"


Meanwhile, in her apartment, Rei was sitting on her bed idly examining her own breasts. She absently hefts her left tit up and sticks out her tongue - which extends a slight amount further than a human's ought - and runs it along the outside of her nipples. "Do breasts normally taste like strawberry?" she mused. Then set about tasting as much of her own boobs as she could possibly manage. This, it turned out, was an extremely high percentage of surface flesh.


All of a sudden Shinji was in a mood for strawberry. He licked his lips in anticipation. Yes. It wouldn't be so bad if all he did was lick the Sexy Maid out to destroy humanity through sex appeal. Right? That made sense. After all, Asuka had been licking those tits for a good five minutes now and as far as he could tell humanity was still intact.

Well, he said licking. More like continually stumbling and winding up with the giggling girl's boobs in her mouth. Same difference so far as his libido was concerned.

"Aw, you two are soooo silly!" the Sexy Maid tittered. "If you wanna lick something, give a taste to my pussy! If you like my titties then I bet you'd love that taste!"

He liked her titties. He did. He did like her sexy maid - or rather Sexy Maid titties. He did. He really really did. He hadn't even touched them yet, nor tasted them, nor sniffed them nor done anything but look. But in the looking he could certainly judge that book by its cover and it was, to his mind, a bestseller.

"Hmph, you are wasting your time trying to seduce zat boy!" Asuka turned up her nose. "He will not come to you, he is the sort of spineless coward who will surely run away from ze pretty girl. 'E is a funny one, no? 'E will enjoy it so, so much when you finally pin 'im down, but you've got to work for eet first! No?"

And so we see that the ring of truth was as much an instrument for good as it was an instrument for evil. For that was the comment that got Shinji out through the front door and bolting down the street for reasons that utterly baffled his sex drive. 'That was close' his reason said. 'Yeah,' his sex drive sarcastically shot back, 'we almost got into a super hot threesome with two hot willing maids!

It was all down to Asuka' comment, of course. Not that Shinji realised it. No. What really mattered for the time being was... Thinking clearly again after being thoroughly tempted by the hottest thing that he had ever laid eyes on. Goodness but his balls were aching. So what should he do? Asuka was still back there... Though as far as Shinji was concerned she was probably under the Sexy Maid’s influence already.

Which meant it was up to him to make a decision. Should he head to the base and report this? Or maybe investigate and resolve this himself? Shinji swallowed. In the field of battle he usually went with his instincts. And his instincts were telling him... Investigate Rei's apartment. Yeah, that's the right move. If something happened to Rei it had to happen there. Right? Right!

Little did he know that back inside, Asuka had managed to accidentally trap the giggling bimbo Sexy Maid in between her thighs while simultaneously tying her sleeves together around a table leg. More crucially though, she was talking aloud.

"Ooh la la... Must be more careful. Next time, Rei will manage to seduce 'im with 'er stupidly sexy body! Guh! 'er tongue is ze miracle worker!"

  1. Cue Misato coming home.
  2. Shinji heads to Rei's apartment, and the ring of lies begins getting a real workout.
  3. Shinji runs into Misato en route.
  4. The Sexy Maid is trying to work out what's going on, but is too bubble headed to figure it out.
  5. Something else

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I was hoping for Sexy Butler Shinji.

    I guess #2 should be interesting.
