Friday 2 March 2018

Story: Own Personal Shampoo

Once again, we join our noble hero as he stares out at the picturesque scene of Furinkan's streets. This foreign land was full of wonders and mystery for someone like him. He had rarely travelled far from the village, for it would mean creating distance between himself and his beloved. That said, no matter the physical distance between them Shampoo was never far from Mousse's thoughts!

"Mommy, why is that weird man staring at that tree and laughing to himself?"

“Don’t be mean, some people just have their own problems and it’s rude to call attention to them.”

Today, though? Today, Mousse had someone else on his mind. The fiend who had stolen Shampoo away from the village, and abused an obscure law to turn her into his personal slave! Objectively speaking, Mousse had to admit that the boy was rather handsome and masculine in appearance and demeanour. Though that was no excuse for mistreating any women, never mind one so pure and innocent as Shampoo! Curse that Akane Tendo, curse him!

Elsewhere, Akane Tendo felt the strangest urge to pound something and Shampoo was planning out the next 'session' with her master and mistress. There were diagrams, little dolls made up to look like them and everything.

"But your day has come at last," Mousse cackled to himself. "Even your own father has recognised your evil, and taught me a special one time technique that is guaranteed to defeat you! Now I will set forth to rescue my beloved Shampoo and return to our homeland!"

"Mommy, I want to see the show that guy is rehearsing for! It sounds awesome!"

"No dear, that kind of show will rot your brain."

Mousse wasn't finished monologuing yet. "Still, it is best not to rush into battle with only one scheme. I'd best be certain that cowardly man does not run away when his defeat becomes obvious." His glasses gleamed as he pondered the solution to this interminable problem. A secondary weak spot? In a warrior capable of defeating Shampoo? A thorny problem and no mistake. Perhaps it would be best if he performed as much research as possible before taking the necessary next step? Yes... Yes! That would be the best thing to do, wouldn't it? Mousse turned around, determined to set about spying on that wretch from afar -


That, in case you didn't know, was the sound made when a cute girl bounces off an idiot's head while munching on a sweet bun.

"Mm, not bad!" the girl remarked, hopping to the ground and striding off completely unaware of the robed idiot lying flat on his back behind her. "That shop clerk was really weak against the cute girl act. Maybe I oughta take Akane there next time? Ah! What am I saying! It's not as if I'm dating that cute - I mean, uncute chick or anything like that. I mean, we’re just in some weird thing with - it’s arranged by - damn it who am I even talking to."

Akane? Did that girl say Akane?! Mousse sat up and put his glasses on and studied her. Yes, no question of it. This girl was easily the second hottest babe he'd ever laid eyes on. Do you even need to ask who #1 was? In point of fact... wait a second! He pulled out a picture of a girl stretching her arms out above her head, and looked at it. No, it must have been his imagination - Then the girl in front of him made the same pose and Mousse realised that it was! This was her! This was the girl who had humiliated Shampoo so thoroughly in the village!

Now he understood what was going on. This girl, Ranma, must have been sent to the village as a spy to lure out their strongest warrior so that Akane could turn them into his personal slave. Then, with two beautiful warrior women at his disposal, that absolute pervert Akane Tendo could - He could grab - He could thrust - He could touch - He could do whatever he wanted! With two girls!

Which meant that now he had an excellent opportunity at revenge... twice over! If he could grab hold of Ranma Saotome he could use her to lure out Akane Tendo. Lure her into a trap where he could ensure that the scoundrel had no place to run, no place to hide. Then, when the technique his father taught Mousse was used the trap would swing shut and he would know a hell that was merely a fraction of Mousse had been going through ever since Shampoo left the village!

Kukuku... Mousse slowly rose to his feet while the cute girl munched on that bun. This was the perfect opportunity for him to take the extremely heroic action of kidnapping an unaware girl and using her to force her boyfriend to fight him for the sake of the girl who had been rejecting his advances since they were both old enough to talk.

How very brave of him.

Mousse drew back the chains and threw them, aiming to wrap her up in a single go - but then the girl casually leaped up to the rooftop above. Had she noticed his attack? But how? He'd been quiet, and suppressed his killing instinct almost completely! This girl, she really was extremely skilled, definitely worthy of one able to beat Sh-

"Mm, I hear an ice cream van nearby!" Ranma said to herself. "There it is!"

Alright then, maybe she didn't notice? Regardless! Mousse ran after her while she sprinted across the rooftops. It didn't take long for him to find her shamelessly flirting with the man operating the ice cream van to get a quick discount for some ice cream. Another perfect chance! Mousse pulled out his ultimate weapon from within his sleeves. The true final attack of the hidden weapon style! A large steel duck!

"Oh, twenty five percent off because of my smile?" Ranma asked while blatantly using her upper arms to press her breasts together. "You're far too kind, you silly. My smile isn't that cute. Ohohoho!"

Mousse walked up behind her with duck in hand. He lifted it above his head while this silly girl licked on that ice cream, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Now that she was distracted by the ice cream her guard was completely down -

She caught it with her index finger. He couldn't move it down an inch.

"You should be careful while carrying heavy things," Ranma said, not even taking the time to look at him. She took another lick from her ice cream and made an extremely girly yelp of delight. "If you slip, you might do yourself or others an injury."

"Th-Thank you?" Mousse squeaked out in disbelief.

"Hey, no trouble. It's a martial artist's duty to - Oh wow, this ice cream is great!"

Alright then. Maybe kidnapping Ranma wasn't going to work after all? That girl was stupid strong. Or maybe just stupid and strong? Whatever the case may be she was well out of his league, and worst yet he didn't even know any special techniques or weaknesses that could take her down.

"I swear, food just tastes so much better as a girl."

Have you ever watched a game show, where there's a timer running down? They usually play a little melody to pass the time, and keep the viewer aware of how much there is left. Imagine that sort of jingle playing now, as Mousse stares after Ranma while she walks down the street happily licking her ice cream cone. Then, just at the very moment the girl rounds a corner and gets out of sight, the jingle stops and Mousse pounds his fist into his palm in realisation.

"Oh! Food!" Mousse gasped. "That girl really likes her food!"


A martial artist's life is made up of training in some way or another. Anything can be training with the right mind to it. The point is to hone the body as well as the mind. Understand how to make your body move automatically, minimising the time you're thinking about what you're going to do. Heightening your reactions, your strength, your durability. Learn the counters. Learn how to block. Learn how to hit and where and practise, practise, practise until these things become as second nature as breathing. That is what it means to be a martial artist.

"Mm... Lady Akane, you've improved a lot with your tongue, but your fingers still need a little work," Shampoo said. "How to put it, they still seem a little <i>too</i> eager to please. Yes?"

Akane lifted her head out from in between Shampoo's thighs. It was funny. If you'd told her a couple of months back that her favourite new hobby would be 'training her tongue' then she would have called you a pervert and slapped you into the next ward.

Yet here she was. In her room, naked, oiled up and enjoying the company of her beautiful Shampoo. How quickly things change. She'd even had sex with Ranma. Well, it was a threesome involving Shampoo but the point was still the same. She'd taken that wild boy's dick and ridden it for all it was worth.

No doubt about it. Shampoo was a bad influence on her. A <i>naughty</i> influence.

"And what's wrong with being eager to please?" Akane asked, making a point of circling Shampoo's pussy with her index finger while she spoke. "As if you aren't the most eager to please out of the three of us?"

"Ooh!" Shampoo gasped, gripping the sheets of Akane's bed. "Like Shampoo - Like I said, Lady Akane's tongue has improved a lot! Too too much! It's a vicious attack weapon as well as a pussy pleaser!"

Akane's eyes narrowed a bit at Shampoo's comments. There was only one reasonable reaction to hearing her 'slave' say that sort of thing. Akane crawled up Shampoo's body and stuck her tongue in the writhing girl's navel. She gave that belly button a big sloppy kiss while Shampoo tried desperately to stifle a simultaneous involuntary laugh and an even more involuntary orgasm.

Yeah, there was pretty much no denying that she was a pervert by this point. This was a hugely eye opening experience for her. About herself, about her physical and psychological needs. She realized she really needed both her fiance and her, well, she didn’t really know how to classify Shampoo by this point. But the point was that she really liked them both, and was enjoying their relationship.

It didn't hurt that having a cumming, writhing and wriggling sexy foreigner under you was the best feeling. In the world. Ever. Actually, maybe the second best. A pigtail sprung unbidden to mind. Ranma... If only Ranma was here this would all be so perfect!

Actually, come to think of it where was that handsome/cute idiot? Akane pulled away a bit from worry as a thought struck her. "Hey, Shampoo?" she asked. "How... strong is that Mousse guy anyway?"

"Lady Akane, that is the most cold blooded murder I have ever imagined," Shampoo sighed. "You killed that mood viciously."

"Well, I'm just a little worried. That's all!" Akane sniffed. "Ranma's really running late. What if he got into a fight with Mousse?"

"Yes, that is a concern..." Shampoo mused. "I'd hoped to take pictures of whatever Master does to him. Tie him up in his own chains? Bop him on the head with that big stupid metal duck he likes to pretend is a big surprise?" The slavegirl shook her head and sighed. "What a terrible thing to miss out on. I truly hope that Master isn't having too much fun."

"Shampoo! I'm serious!" Akane insisted. "What if Mousse does something clever to trick Ranma?"

Okay. The sudden laughing fit was both weirdly arousing and also a bit concerning. Wow, her lung capacity was something else, Akane hadn't even seen her inhale one time since she began five minutes ago! Occasionally she would sneak out the words "Mousse, clever!" and that would be enough to set her off all over again, somehow laughing even harder than she had before.

Eventually she did calm down, but there was a big bright smile on her face. "It's okay," she sniffed. "I - I doubt Mousse would do anything like that anyway. Knowing Master he's probably using his super cute girl form to scam free food. There's no way she'll get into trouble that easily. Lady Akane should relax, focus on training. Would you like Shampoo to show you her finger technique again?"

Akane was all set to say no, that she wanted to get dressed and head out to find Ranma - Right up until Shampoo's pinky pressed up against Akane's nipple. It wasn't fair. Shampoo loved using pressure points to make Akane feel really good, but was refusing to teach them! Oh, fine. Ranma could take care of himself anyway. Shampoo was right! He wasn't the sort to get into trouble that easily, and certainly nothing he couldn't get his way out of.

Though there was a part of her mind that wondered. What sort of evil scheme might Mousse concoct to take his revenge?


He'd made a cake! Hooray! It wasn't a very big cake, per se. It was a little squint as well. But he'd done it. Mousse had made a cake. All that was left now was sprinkling the paralysis powder on top of it, which he did just then and left the cake sitting atop a table with a sign next to it that, cunningly, read "Free cake."

"Kukuku... That fool will hardly be able to resist!" Mousse said. "One bite of this cake, and she'll freeze in place! Easy pickings for a quick kidnapping! Mwahahahaha!"

He held the pose that naturally came with a wickedly malevolent laugh for only a moment before adjusting back to his more natural stance. The half blind martial artist adjusted his glasses and slumped his shoulders in defeat.

"What was I thinking?!" Mousse yelled. "This was a terrible plan! Awful, simply awful! There's no way that anyone is stupid enough to fall for this!" Throwing back his head in dismay, grasping onto the sides of his temple, he screamed to the heavens "What kind of total idiot sees a free cake offered and eats it whole without asking any questions?! This plan was a complete waste of time and money, no fool would ever fall for -"

"Hey, free cake!"

That was, naturally, Ranma Saotome popping the cake into her mouth in a single big bite.She smiled and nodded at Mousse, then began to strut off down the street, managing a whole ten paces before totally freezing in place.

"I mean... Mwahahaha! Now, Ranma Saotome! You have fallen into my trap! Next is Akane Tendo, and you shall be the bait!"

"Mommy, mommy! I want a Ranma Saotome toy! She's so pretty and cool..."

"For pity's sake, why do we keep running into this weirdo..."

  1. Mousse swoops down and delivers the challenge right away!
  2. Nabiki’s getting real tired of these sexy antics and decides to try and do something about them, bit difficult when Ranma’s missing
  3. Before Mousse can even do anything with regards to challenging Akane - the occult club get involved.
  4. Something else

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