It was a common sight in the morning around Furinkan. Ranma and Akane, en route to school. Him on the fence, her below, the two of them barely talking to each other, stealing glances like they weren't interested then looking away when they got caught.
But this morning there was something different in the air. It's hard to say what. If one were crass, one might comment that they'd finally knuckled under and admitted how they felt about each other. Or got drunk and did something they probably should not have. Of course, we know the truth. It's far worse for both of them than either would care to admit.
Last night Nabiki had subjected them to a battery of tests, and they'd kind of sort of figured out how this worked. Say something mean? Thicc. Insult the other in terms of intelligence, appearance or ability? Thicc. Say something indicating lack of romantic interest or sexual attraction? Thicc. Not just thicc, but sexy and horny too.
The weird thing was, even when they were wearing something a bit tighter or something that should tear easily... it didn't. It was like clothing sort of warped a little around the body, becoming even tighter but somehow not even breaking a stitch. Even if it seemed to while they were transformed, when they changed back the clothes didn't seem damaged at all.
Still. The whole thing was a horrible experience. Even in the privacy of their own home. Enduring it out in public? Both of them had sworn there and then, no. It wasn't happening.
"Nice weather today," Akane said. "No rain for you to worry about."
"Yeah, it's pretty dry," Ranma added.
And that was all the safe topics covered. Talk about something that matters, and they might trigger their shared curse. It was actually quite amusing, for all that they normally acted like they couldn’t stand spending time together, here they were. Trying to think of a way to interact without accidentally triggering this most dangerous of curses.
Neither of them had even considered the simple option of avoiding the other. It wasn’t like Ranma could get into serious trouble for say, skipping school. What would be the worst that would happen A certain Principal and coin wielding teacher coming for his head. Something he had to deal with every couple days anyway.
Regardless, here they were without a thing to say to one another in case they accidentally 'tsunned'. Even after Nabiki's round of experiments they'd still wound up tsunning no less than four times even in spite of their best efforts to avoid it.
So yeah. Talking was a minefield right about now. Neither one of them wanted to accidentally thiccen up, making themselves irresistibly appealing, to the point that even thinking about what the other looked like when they were transformed was making them heat up, breathe a little heavier and...
"Come on... Say something good... Insult her figure, belittle his intelligence..."
"Nabiki!" Akane yelled. "Will you cut that out! I'm not going to insult this - fiance of mine!"
"That's right!" Ranma added. "I've got this under control! Don't know about the -" Cue one elbow delivered to stomach by way of uncute tomboy. "G-Gentle sweet girl I'm walking with, but I'm not stupid enough to say something cold right now!"
"I don't know," Nabiki sang, while rolling on her heels. "You seem to be giving each other the cold shoulder plenty this morning."
Their faces fell. She was right. If they continued to ignore each other like this, it could potentially trigger the curse. Especially if - as it seemed - what mattered was their perception of being cold to someone they cared about. Which meant that Nabiki had made a truly insidious move against them, a dastardly psychological ploy that would surely torment them for the rest of the day.
“Hey Akane, looking good today.” A sudden voice interrupted them, and all three of them turned to see Yuka and Sayuri moving towards them from a side street. “Oh, going to school with your fianceĆ© again? Finally getting closer?”
The worst case scenario had arrived. Yuka and Sayuri were great people. Tremendous friends. Loyal to a fault. But they were also competitors for chief gossip in school, a distant fourth and fifth behind Nabiki and her two friends. This was a true no win scenario no matter how you slice it. Either they tsun and transform, or it gets spread around the school that they're finally, <i>finally</i> dating. Neither of these sounded like optimal outcomes!
"Oh, you know how it is. The same as usual," Akane said. Uh oh. That had sounded a lot more nervous than she'd hoped for. Ranma, save her! "Isn't that right Ranma?"
"Yeah, nothing new is going on," Ranma said. Funny thing. You'd almost think he was doing his very best impersonation of a ventriloquist's dummy with the tone he was using. Ah. That's right. Ranma couldn't bluff convincingly (outside a fight) to save his life. Sure enough, Yuka and Sayuri gave each other a knowing look and began to circle like sharks.
“Oh my, what a shame. Really, you would think that Ranma would be more serious in trying to woo you.” Sayuri said, a smirk on her face.
“Yeah, I mean every boy in the school is crazy for you, not like you don’t have other options.” Yuka added, quickly joining in on this new line. “Well, most of them are idiots, but you always complain about Ranma so it shouldn’t be much of a difference.”
"So how about it Ranma?" asked the queen shark herself, Nabiki. "What do you think of my little sis?"
Have you ever heard a train screeching to a halt? Ranma made a noise somewhat like that. His eyes were wide open, like he were a deer looking into the proverbial headlights. Not even from a car, we're talking headlights from an alien spacecraft. The only way out of this that avoided tsunning would be to give Akane a genuine compliment! He'd rather eat hot coals! But he'd also really rather not become sexy thicc out in public again any time soon. He could run away - but that would also probably trigger it, right?
"I think she's... stronger than she looks?" he offered.
That had to count, right? Please have it count, his inner monologue went on and on.
"Oh?" Sayuri asked. "And how does she look?"
Aaaaaaaaaargh! He looked at Akane and tried to think of something to say. She looked... like a tomboy. Her transformed version was way hotter, way prettier, way more appealing but if he so much as hinted at that then it was all over! His brain was bubbling. What should he do? Call her pretty? In front of these eyewitnesses?! It would be the end. Almost as bad as transforming right here and now!
"Sh-She looks... nice..." Ranma mumbled, daring not to elaborate on that. For her part Akane blushed and looked at the ground. Every fibre of Ranma's body wanted to call her uncute. Every little bit of him was desperate to say it. But he bit his tongue. He dared not say anything.
“Oh my god, look they are already blushing! I told you, they are going to end up in bed together in no time. Hey Akane, when is the wedding?” Yuka questioned, nudging her friend with the elbow.
Now it was Akane's turn to suffer. That kind of loaded question assumed they were already getting married. If she denied it, then wouldn't that mean she was saying they weren't ever going to get married? On the other hand, if she said something like "we have no plans to get married in the near future" or something like that, it would mean that she was going to marry him in the later future? Perhaps sometime after they had finished school?
"Yuka, please don't joke," Akane laughed politely. She looked at Ranma. Immediately imagined his thicc male self in a tuxedo, then his thicc female form in a wedding dress. All of a sudden she was feeling quite a bit more moist than she'd usually enjoy. "You're starting to sound like our fathers."
Her smile was stiff enough that you could probably use it as a cloak hook and within her mind she was repeating her words mentally. Trying to think of whether this was the best she could have said.
“Oh come on, it isn’t like Ranma would say no if asked, even if it is traditionally the other way around. Ranma, you would say yes if Akane was before you in a wedding dress, right?” But it looked like Nabiki was taking the chance to make a finishing move, one that left no openings for escape.
Ranma opened his mouth to answer - then collapsed. For it was not actually Ranma Saotome, but actually a Ranma shaped dust cloud created from his hasty, very hasty retreat.
"Oh, that boy! Running away like that and leaving me holding the bag!" Akane yelled, and stormed off after him.
"Oof, I see what you meant," Yuka whispered to Nabiki. "God, I could watch those cheeks all day."
Sayuri, meantime, was too busy drooling to share her thoughts.
"You girls did good," Nabiki said. "Keep this up and they'll be conditioned into being nice to each other. Or they'll go tsun and everyone wins."
Yep, that's right. Nabiki had already spread the news. Pretty much everyone in school knew about the curse already, and the majority of them were totally okay with screwing with these two while simultaneously trying to get them to hook up because it was so. Damned. Tedious.
Hey, you think watching a tsundere couple not hook up by the end is frustrating from our perspective? Try living with those people and see how long it takes you before you start trying to set them up.
Urgh! Stupid tomboy, having such gossipy friends and such a troublemaker for a sister! Needless to say, but Ranma was well and truly in thicc mode, stalking around the rooftop with his hands behind his back, and his thighs making a clapping noise as they walked.
Needless to say, but this whole thing was embarrassing. From top to bottom. Ugh, being forced into pretending that he liked that uncute, violent, unsexy tomboy! It made him sick to his stomach.
"I've never been so humiliated in all my life," Ranma complained, loudly, tsunderishly. "I swear, that tomboy has made a fool of me for the last time!"
The door to the roof flew open and Akane Tendo strode in with eyes like thunder and thighs to match. With each mighty stomp she laid down on the roof it seemed as though a new part of her body started jiggling enticingly. Ass, boobs, thighs, her thiccness was uncontainable. Though somehow her uniform hadn't torn, as per the magic of this weird curse.
“Ranma! How could you leave me behind with these three!?” She shouted, hands on her hips and chest puffed out in annoyance, an act that only underlined her now enormous chest.
"What, you want another demonstration?" Ranma asked. The two of them got right up close to each other, chests puffed out, until they were pushed right up against each other. "Only too happy to oblige."
“Hah, as if your tits could ever compare to my jugs!” Akane took a step forward and now their boobs were pressing against each other. Rubbing together, clothes sliding with every movement and steadily slipping down so more of their naked skin could touch. The rest of their ultra thicc bodies were similarly aligned, squeezing together as if they tried to fuse into one being.
"We'd need some cold water to check," Akane sniffed. "Then again, with your attitude all we'd need to do is pour some hot water on you, and it should just about freeze solid."
"You're one to talk, miss ice cold!"
"Oh, getting more creative with your insults? How novel!" Akane quipped. "And here I was thinking we'd devolve into the old favourites. I call you a pervert, you call me uncute."
Ranma shrugged. "Yeah, that was kind of getting old. Time for some new material. I bet you beat up all those guys after you 'cause you knew a clumsy chick like you would probably hurt them if you tried to have some fun."
"Rich coming from you!" Akane said. She held up three fingers. "Three girls! Throwing themselves at you night and day! And you don't try anything with any of them! You may be able to turn into a girl, but I bet you don't know the first thing about satisfying one."
Ranma moved quickly, because even in this form he was ridiculously fast. In no time at all, he had grabbed Akane by the waist and dipped her down, and in spite of the typically romantic association of this pose the two of them were - shall we say - glowering at one another intensely.
"Was that a challenge, tomboy?"
Akane's heart pounded in her chest. Intellectually, she should push him away. But her body wasn't paying much attention to her mind right now. Other parts of her were in control. So she asked a simple question that sealed what was about to happen.
"So what if it was?"
Ranma sniffed and whirled her up, spinning her around and before Akane knew what was happening he was holding onto her skirt, leaving her standing there in her underwear that was strained beyond belief. They were a perfectly ordinary pair of panties, but right now they might as well be a g-string on that gloriously thicc butt.
"Still feeling brave?" he asked, mocking her. "Not as if I wanted to see your uncute body -"
As a response to this Akane tossed the rest of her uniform at him a moment later, leaving her standing there in her underwear. "Not as if I want you to see me like this either, dummy! I'm only going along with this to show you up."
Ranma rolled his eyes. "A body like that would never get me excited, so you're wasting your time trying to fluster me."
Akane's rebuttal was merciless and swift: She grabbed the rope tying up his trousers and stared quite pointedly at the rather obvious tentpole sticking up within Ranma's boxers.
“Oh really? Well your little friend here is saying something else. What, you like being shown up by my superior sexyness?” The dark haired girl asked with a smirk.
The stakes were being raised. Long repressed sexual desire between the two of them was rapidly bubbling up to the surface. But still, it was all being framed as yet another argument between the two tsuns. Perhaps now that they were aware of the rules to a degree, they were exploiting them to mutual benefit. Stripping each other down, pretending that they didn't want to do what they so very obviously wanted to do, enticing each other, luring each other in.
Ranma tossed his shirt aside and flexed, which made Akane shudder in blatant, naked desire.
But the youngest Tendo sister wasn’t one to give up easily. Turning around and bending forward so her ass was pointing right at Ranma, she slowly and seductively slipped off her panties -
And then the first bell rang, a warning that students had ten minutes to get to class before they'd be marked as late.
"Oh darn, you were saved by the bell," Ranma said, though he had left his dick in the cleft of Akane's thicc butt while saying it. "I mean, you're far from my first choice for my first time, but I would've rocked your world if we'd gone any further."
"Sure, whatever you say to make yourself feel better," Akane pouted. The two of them got dressed, barely managing to dress themselves up again. "Ugh... All that work to get you in the mood..." Akane grumbled - and then popped right back to normal, now that the charade was broken.
A brand new shade of red was discovered that day, appropriately enough by a girl whose first name meant 'red'. She took one look at thicc Ranma, felt her libido go 'yes please' and proceeded to do the only natural thing. Slap the taste out of his mouth and immediately set about pretending that didn't happen.
But, well... That was the trouble they were both about to have. This very much did happen, and if they weren't careful their thicc tsun selves might learn how to get what they're pretending not to want...
- The entire school sets about trying to trip Ranma and Akane into transforming again. Yes, everyone.
- Shampoo arrives to get her some of Akane's thicc booty.
- Meanwhile, Kasumi is struggling with her new lust for Ranma.
- The Principal has a new rule in place to prevent improper relationships between students.
- Something else
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