Okay, Usagi. Get a hold of yourself. You're going to a boy's home. A handsome boy. A really, really handsome boy. The most handsome boy you've ever met. So much so, in fact, that you're pretty sure that a glimpse at his bare chest would make you faint.
She glimpsed over at him. He looked so... Smart. Refined. Intelligent. It might be just the porn influence talking, but Usagi knew what she liked and she definitely liked that. Just looking at him made her feel hungry down in the pit of her stomach in a way she'd never felt hungry before.
"Here it is," Mamoru said, pushing open the front door to his apartment building with a simple sweeping gesture. "Casa de Chiba."
"Bless you," Usagi said with her most charming smile. Little did she realise that her most charming smile was an even more lethal weapon of mass arousal than... Well, pick any other part of her body. As spectacular as her breasts were, as perfect as her legs were, and so forth none of them held a candle to that smile. Behind her, Mamoru's entire body wilted save for the one part that became a great deal more sturdy.
Now that she was inside, Usagi took a look around. Clean. Very clean. It felt like she could rub her finger on any surface and not find a trace of dust. More importantly it was making her suspicions regarding Mamoru's role in the story a little more, shall we say, certain. She looked at him over her shoulder. He whimpered a little, but tried his best to stay dignified.
"Please take a seat," Mamoru said while adjusting his collar. "Pardon me. I have not really asked any girls up here before. In spite of what you were saying earlier, I'm not remotely the casanova you were joking about."
"But I'm sure you've had other girls interested before."
"A few," Mamoru admitted. "But... You're different. There is something about you that is different from anyone else I've met."
"Oh, you have no idea."
The two of them stared at each other for a single, long minute. Usagi could feel it. Her heart pounding in her chest. Was she really doing this? Every other erotic or sexual situation she'd been in since this all started had been something she had been pulled into. This felt different. This felt like something she could walk away from at any time, but she wasn't. She was sitting here staring at him, unable to tear her eyes away while he stared at her with equal something or other, she didn't know the word.
"If you keep staring at me like that," she heard herself say, "I might think you were only interested in my physical appearance."
Whoops. That was a little harsher than she'd meant. And it showed on his face.
"Well, I'm not quite that shallow," Mamoru replied. "I was thinking there might be something more to you than a pretty face. It was rather daring of you to interrupt that mugging the way you did. Then again, do you just flaunt your assets in public on a passing whim?"
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Not smart enough to read between the lines?" Mamoru asked. Oooh! That cocky smile! It was really starting to annoy her now. "I brought you here because I thought you were deep, but maybe your looks are the only good thing you have going for you after all. In fact, I bet even after your protestations earlier, the only thing you really wanted was some casual sex."
Right. That was it, then. Usagi huffed and she hopped back up to her feet and she held her head up high while storming right on out of the room. The cheek of him, insulting her like that! She needed a comeback. Something snappy, witty, a definitive last word she could throw at him before she slammed the door behind her and - Ohgod!
See, even though she was more erotically charged than usual, Usagi Tsukino was still Usagi Tsukino. Which meant that aside from being a dreamer, aside from being a perpetual romantic she was also really, really clumsy. Which might be how she managed to trip over absolutely nothing, catch herself while falling but still hit her head against the wall. This, in turn, made her stumble backwards, prompting Mamoru to roll his eyes and chuckle a little to himself while she rubbed her forehead, leaned her hand on a desk, accidentally caught the end of a ruler and made an inkpot fly up and hit Mamoru on the head. He stumbled back onto his bed, Usagi planted her foot onto a loose sheet of paper that fell from the desk, and the next thing either of them knew she was straddling his waist and their faces were so close they could taste the other's breath.
The magnetism between them was stronger now. Moving away seemed impossible. Moving closer felt inevitable.
"So you're clumsy as well," Mamoru said. "Or you're the most amazingly coordinated woman I've ever met, and this is a last-ditch effort to seduce me."
"If I was going to seduce you," Usagi said, licking her lips. "I think even an insensitive jerk like you would notice."
"Oh, yeah?" Mamoru said. "And why might that be?"
In response, Usagi's jacket was tossed to the side, and she smiled down at him while he sputtered and stared, and in spite of herself she felt so impossibly aroused. "Because I'm not very subtle," she said. "And... I get the feeling there won't be anything casual about the sex we're about to have."
What did Rei Hino believe in? That was a very good question. She'd been raised as a Shinto priestess at a temple and attended a Catholic girls' school. One would expect her to subscribe to one or the other, yes? No. While she was certainly a spiritual young woman she had always had a lingering feeling that the world was a great deal more complicated than either so-called truth claimed. And now she had her proof. A proof that led her to sitting in front of the fire, meditating on what she had learned, and -
"Hey," Makoto asked. "How long do we have to sit here like this?"
"Until our perverted desires are expunged," Rei said through gritted teeth. "I can see no reason that we cannot overcome these urges." She pressed her hands firmer together. "We shall banish giant penises from our thoughts. We shall control the urge to wear tight and revealing clothing. We shall not dwell upon our enhanced sexual characteristics. We control our own bodies; these base needs shall submit to our will and not the other way around."
There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Rei's eye opened up a crack. Makoto was not the kind of girl that she usually spent her time with. A regular tough girl with enough good looks about her to entrance any boy she wasn't trying to beat up. For the purpose of this meditation, Rei had even lent her a robe. Which didn't fit all that well. Her new... Friend was a very tall girl, and very big in certain places.
Her gaze travelled down that tall, fit body. Sitting there with crossed legs, eyes closed and brow furrowed. Bosom heaving beneath those robes. Legs not quite as covered as they should be. Oh yes, there was no question in Rei's mind that this babe must have to beat off all the boys, and maybe even a few girls. However! With Rei's assistance, Makoto would have nothing to fear in that sense ever again.
"With clarity of mind we can overcome these erotic tropes that Ami was warning us about," Rei said. "Now that we are aware of them, if we meditate and clear our minds we can focus ourselves towards avoiding them completely. Stay strong. Stay firm. Stay hard and rhythmic, pulsing, pounding, powerful and thrusting. Grasp hold of your thoughts with both hands and squeeze them into shape. Keep them tightly in your grip so that you may ward away those filthy, filthy thoughts. Do not let yourself imagine things like the missionary position, or the reverse cowgirl, or motorboating your beautiful, black-haired priestess friend's sensitive tits -"
Oh no, she was too late! The hentai tropes had seized hold of poor Makoto's mind, and compelled her into: First, growling from deep within her chest like a caged animal. Second, dive tackling Rei and pinning her back against the floor. Third, throwing both of their robes to the side so quickly that it must have been supernaturally assisted, for the only other possibility was that Rei had assisted her, and then finally had sex with her for the next four hours without seeming to pause for breath.
But that last part was skipping ahead a little bit. Let's take the scenic route for at least some of this.
"Ah, Makoto!" Rei cried, throwing her hands across her new friend's amazing, jiggling chest in an effort to rescue at least a portion of her dignity. The squeeze was reflexive, and not in any way indicative of perverted intent. Honest! "Get some control over yourself! You are giving these tropes exactly what they want!"
"Yeah, I don't really care about that," Makoto said. She reached down and let a finger trail up along Rei's inner thigh. In an attempt to gain some leverage, so that she might escape from her powerful friend, Rei's other leg quickly snared up around her waist. "And given how sopping wet you are, I don't think you do either."
Rei tsked and tutted while Makoto pumped her fingers in and out of Rei's hoooooo, that felt gooood, but the priestess in training refused to succumb to such base temptations. It was up to her to bring Makoto back to the ah! Ah! Oooh yes! Which meant that the best course of action was, of course, to make her climax as quickly as possible so that the various hormones were flushed out of her sexy, big-titted, long-legged system. Which meant that it was time for Rei to give her a taste of her own medicine!
"Why are you still trying to fight this? I can tell you're secretly enjoying it," Makoto said, leaning down and planting a kiss on Rei's lips. The fiery woman felt like her breath was being sucked out of her lungs from the intensity of Makoto's kiss, but she refused to back down from her attempts at countering. She bit down as hard as she could to get the woman's lips off of her, succeeding in nibbling the brunette's lower kisser in just the right way. Rei then tried to scratch at Makoto's sides to get the perverted lesbian away, but it did nothing but excite the tough-as-nails amazon even further. "Oh maybe I'm just not being rough enough for you then?" Makoto replied, purring like a wildcat. Rough? Yes, that's right, Rei remembered her original plan before Makoto sucked it out of her head with that kiss.
"Makoto," Rei sternly said while pushing her fingers into the unresisting, moist and surprisingly comfortable pussy of one of her new friends. "I do not blame you for this transgression. Therefore, I shall try to heal your body and mind as thoroughly as I can! Brace yourself."
Everything had gone well so far. Ami had been extremely careful about everything they'd done tonight. No chance to trigger any erotic tropes. None at all. Kotori had asked to shower first, and so Ami had given her that opportunity. She had even waited in her own room and directed Kotori to dress in Mother's room, thereby eliminating any possible chance of erotic contact that might accidentally occur. No temptation, risk of erotic contact.
Now it was Ami's turn. The clothes fell from her body, and it disturbed her just how much more natural it felt being au naturel. She used to be so shy. She used to be so reserved. Now? Now she looked down at herself and imagined this body lying in bed next to Usagi and it made her shiver in anticipation.
"Stop that," Ami said. "That's how something erotic happens. If you dwell on that sort of thing, then - Forget it. Just shower and figure out the sleeping arrangements."
That was easier said than done. There was something intrinsically erotic about a shower scene, especially with a sexy young beauty like herself. The nudity was one thing. The way the water cascades down the body, each and every warm drop leaving a wet trail along the skin that would play with the light, reflecting or refracting it in a way that would heighten attention to the skin and making already alluring flesh even more so. Matting down the hair. Freshening the body and making the skin glow from warmth and cleanliness and -
About a minute into the shower, Ami was hit by... Something. Powerful. She was wet in a way that a shower didn't usually cause by itself. She took a deep breath and was hit by it again, this time powerful enough to make her double over with what she was sure was a rather inane grin.
"Wh-What is this?" Ami whispered in a slightly cooing voice. "H-Horny... So horny all of a sudden, but why - Calm down! Take a deep breath and relaaaaah! Ah! Ah!"
Her hand clapped over her mouth with sudden realisation. The steam surrounding her felt... Off. Tasted wrong. Ami turned the shower off and took great care not to breathe any more in. Her attention turned towards the showerhead, and even though a rather perverted use for it did suddenly hit her mind out of nowhere what really drew the attention of the genius was the thin residue left on the head that should not have been there at all.
Still holding her breath - which was rather difficult to manage when her body was enthusiastically demanding sex - Ami got out of the shower and hurried towards the door. Only to find the handle jammed.
"Kotori!" Ami yelled, banging on the door and then gasping in delight. Oh, that was a bad one! "Help! The door is stuck and I - Oooh! Help me, please!"
Have to clear the room. The window! Open the window - Jammed as well? Oh no, this was bad! The air was full of that steam, and even when she wasn't breathing it in it was settling on her skin. The properties absorbing in. Making her feel good. Really good. So good that it wasn't fair! Had Kotori planned this all along? Had she wanted to lure Ami into bed from the very beginning?
If so, then spraying that aphrodisiac lubricant on the shower head and then jamming the door and window to trap Ami inside was definitely a good way to go about it. Because even a genius can't concentrate too much if they're this horny, doing everything that they can not to masturbate themselves into a coma.
However, Ami was still a genius. An incredibly horny genius, but still a genius all the same. And she wouldn't take this lying down! Not when she could still theoretically escape getting laid by an enthusiastic fangirl tonight.
- Ami unjams the door, discovers Kotori and a General waiting outside for her.
- Ami manages to contact the others, as she'd taken her communicator into the bathroom with her.
- Ami transforms into Sailor Mercury.
- Before she does anything, Kotori opens the door and enacts stage two of her seduction plan.
- Something else
A Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter moment? OH HELL YEAH!!!!!!! hooray for Hentai tropes!!! that should be a story all on itself!