Sunday 11 August 2024

Story: Real World Sailor Moon


By the time that time resumed - and do try to not parse that sentence too closely you might go cross-eyed - the Sailors were all in decent condition again, sitting peacefully on the floor. Usagi, at the very least, jumped to her feet in shock and not-so-mild arousal, looking around in great shock and surprise.

"Uh, what the fuck just happened?" she asked, casually and easily swearing. She shuddered, still full of arousal, but with nothing to slake it on. Except the girls sitting in front of her, that is.

"I think we were a victim of time stop hentai," Ami replied. She reached out for Usagi's hand to help her get back onto her feet. Her legs were pretty shaky (also, they were pretty), so she wound up stumbling into the other girl. Yes, this was a genuine accident. Though to be honest even if it hadn't been Ami would've probably done this anyway. Gotta get her grope on, after all. "Oooh, but things seem to have sorted themselves out...? And without a steamroller, too!"

"You're fucking welcome, by the way," said a voice that none of them recognised. There was a Sailor Scout standing in the corner. Leaning against the wall. Tall, beautiful, tanned skin, emerald hair, pissed off expression. "Man, I thought that youma would've lasted longer. He was all talk and time freeze, no substance to him. Can I sit on your face before I go back to the Gate of Time?"

"The Gate of what now?" Usagi asked, slack jawed and kinda overlooking the part where this absolute babe was asking for permission to sit on her face. "I mean, who are you again?" She hadn't gotten quite this far into the story, it seemed. 

"Sailor Pluto," was the answer. Oh. Oh, right. There were other planets in the Solar System, weren't there? It made sense there would be others... "Sailor Guardian of Time."

"So is there also a Sailor Saturn, Uranus and Neptune?" Ami immediately asked. "I did think it was strange there was just the four of us. Oh! And how about the moons of the various planets? Or the sun itself? How many of the celestial bodies are there involved here?"

"That's not for me to answer," Sailor Pluto said, with the weary tone of one resigned to the fact she isn't getting any action today. "Alright, look. You girls have to go deal with Queen Beryl. If she sends any more time manipulating bullshit your way, then I'll -"

"Hold on!" Usagi interrupted. She looked the girl over. Bit her lip. Maybe it was because she was kinda turned on right now. That is to say. A whole hell of a lot turned on. But... "We're not letting you leave until we've gotten your rocks off."

"We're not?" Makoto asked, while Ami was making excited noises. "I mean... Okay, sure. The legs are really kinda working for me, I guess..."

"Urgh, you perverts! I'd better stay to supervise..." Rei muttered darkly to herself, not at all pleased with this development.

"One moment," Pluto interrupted. "Where is Sailor Venus? She needs to join you before you go fight Beryll. She ought to be part of your team by - Oh for fuck's sa-"

Boom. Huh. That time Usagi sorta felt the time stop before she noticed it. Sailor Pluto had placed a really, really pretty blonde girl right down on the floor in front of them. Not quite the entrance Sailor Venus got in the original series, but do you know what? Usagi wasn't gonna say no to it!

So this was Minako, huh? She seemed a bit panicked. Understandable! Whatever she'd been doing had just been interrupted by Sailor Pluto freezing time, picking her up, carrying her over her shoulder and hauling her hot ass back here.

"Oh no, oh no, have I been kidnapped by the enemy again?" Minako asked, giving a panicked look around. "And it's hot girls this time! You fiends! Although you clearly know my tastes, no matter how much you try, you shall not break me! Not with pain, nor pleasure!"

She then swooned onto Usagi's bed. Then after a moment of awkward silence, she creaked one eye open to look at them all.

"Um, this is normally the part where you ravish me?" she asked. "Come on! Get to it already! Chop chop! Do I have to do all the hard work here?"

"Listen here," Rei snapped, stepping forward. She grabbed Minako by the lapels and hauled her upright. "I'm not one of those perverted youma, so get those lewd thoughts out of your head right - "

Cue one hot kiss from a hot busty blonde bombshell, and Rei went silent. Wow. That kiss actively raised the temperature in the room. It might've done more to melt the ice caps in that moment than global warming would in ten years. 

And then Minako pulled her back onto the bed and had her clothes off in seconds, and Rei's too and goodness! Right there on her bed! They were really into each other, it seemed!

"Transform into Sailor Moon, if you would?" Pluto insisted. "I might break you otherwise. Your civilian guise is not as hardy as your Sailor."

"Go ahead, Sailor Moon!" Ami said, giving her a slight nudge forward.

"Yeah! She clearly needs it, and you're the only one that can give it to her!" Makoto added, giving her a slightly more enthusiastic push forward.

"Is this really what we've come to...?" Luna asked, sounding weary. "You know what, never mind. You humans have your fun. I'll keep watch for any further youma trying an attack."

Alright. Great. So, Usagi held aloft her transformation wand. Became Sailor Moon, and was immediately tackled to the ground by Pluto.

"You have no idea how much I need this, you're the only one that can satisfy me!" Pluto insisted, and then she sat on Sailor Moon's face. You'd think there'd be, I don't know, a bit more pomp and circumstance about it? No, not like the song. Just, you know, more ceremony maybe a bit of foreplay, but no, Pluto just turned around, hitched her skirt up and sat down like she was sitting on a stool rather than a hot girl's face.

There was a part of Usagi that was wondering what had led to this. Licking another girl's pussy. A stranger's pussy. She was dripping wet, that much was true, but even so! It was surprising. It was shocking. Especially since she could hear Ami and Makoto start to do their own lewd stuff and - Woah! Was that their tongues at her thighs? 

"Mmmmf~" Usagi moaned into Pluto's pussy. Her arms wrapped around the taller girl's waist. Ah! She'd needed this, hadn't she? Needed it so, so badly! Ever since this mess with reality had started, she'd been getting thrown into increasingly lewd situations, and only occasionally being allowed to feel relief! 

Oh, and Sailor Pluto was starting to talk some more as well.

"As - ah! Guardian of Time I - Oh! Am forced to spend eternity at the Gates of Ti-Ti-Time! TIme! TIme Time! Waiting and protecting for an eternity to make sure nobody tries to abuse t-time travel! Ohhhh! That stopwatch d-demon broke the one biggest rule: No freezing time! I'm amazed it was even able to survive doing that!"

"Fascinating," Ami asked by Moon's thigh. Was that her kissing away there? "So, who set those rules?"

"That would be the Moon Princess," Pluto said. "Uh, do you know who that is yet?"

"Mmmf!" Moon raised her hand, like she was answering a question in class. She excitedly pointed at herself. Aha! She had read to this point! She was the Moon Princess! Her! 

"Hold up! Moon Princess!" Minako chirped, breaking away from Rei for just long enough to take a good look around... and caught sight of Sailor Pluto sitting on Sailor Moon's face. "You guys aren't youma! You're my future fellow Moon Harem Members! Swoon! I've finally met you! Can we talk for a bit about how weird the world became? All this weird creepy high tech stuff coming in from out of nowhere, and by the way I also visited this really strange place where everything was extremely strange, and -"

Huh?! Had Minako gone to the real world and changed things...? Oh no... All of a sudden Sailor Moon could feel a headache coming on! Maybe if she focused on eating this pussy, she'd start to feel a bit better...?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, wonderful developments.

    Luna is clearly suffering from a lack of Artemis.
