Monday 26 August 2024

Story: Hamefura C+S


So, Katarina had a brand new mission: Use this wonderful spell to get laid. Which might sound familiar! Indeed, she was somewhat cribbing off Mary's notes. If the idea had occurred to her that she could have spent the day sitting on Mary's face instead of going after Maria, why, who knows what Katarina might have done.

Then again, this girl somehow completely missed that she'd utterly seduced the characters in that otome game she'd thought she'd known quite well. Despite, you know, growing up with them. And them being about as obvious about their feelings as one can possibly get without, you know, hoisting a neon sign over their heads broadcasting their interest.

Which some of them probably hadn't done only because neon hadn't been discovered in this world yet.

Then again, since magic existed... No, no, that would be too dangerous. Or at least that's what a certain Prince might warn them, in an effort to keep the game from going in anyone but his favour...

She'd zipped off with a carrot and stick in hand the moment the council had convened. Of course, she should leave Mary and Alan alone to enjoy some time together, ehehehe~ As much as she'd like to see those two crazy kids hooking up, best to give them some privacy, right? Alan could be kinda shy like that sometimes!

Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria! Where was that main character?! Katarina snorted steam out of her nose in sheer anticipation. Oh yes! She could hardly wait to find that girl! Though, really, a question should have come to her before she'd even run off.

If the spell only works when the target is unconscious... how the hell was she going to cast it on Maria in the middle of the day?


Maria was no closer to figuring out what was going on earlier. For no apparent reason, Katarina had showed them all her breasts during their tea party. Now, this wasn't something she had a problem with, per se. They were very nice breasts. If anything, her main complaint was that Katarina hadn't shown them to her in privacy, without the other girls around.

At least the boys weren't there. That was a definite good thing as far as she was concerned.

Anyway! Maria was rather certain now. There was dark magic afoot. She could sense it plainly in the air, something affecting the mind of that poor girl. Compelling her to behave peculiarly. Or rather, even more peculiarly than normal. Katarina was known for her rather erratic seeming behaviour, I mean, a Duke's daughter taking up gardening? Making realistic snake toys and tossing them at random by her fiance? Climbing trees? Muttering to herself about 'death flags'? 

By comparison, flashing her breasts in the middle of a tea party was actually somehow more inexplicable than that. Maria had to think about this. Should she take the matter to the Prince? Honestly, he might seek to take advantage of the situation somehow, but... Then again, he was the smartest of the lot of them, within this steady ceasefire he might be the best suited to - 

"There you are~"

Eh? It seemed as though she was being tackled to the floor by an overly passionate Katarina. Oh dear! She wasn't sleeping, was she? This dream was a fairly common one, these days!

Oof! Ah, it was indeed reality. After all, normally when she landed after the flying tackle it would have been onto a bed rather than the floor. Maria turned to look directly at the girl, and saw bright shining eyes staring back at her.

"Um, hello there!" Maria nervously said. "Was there something you wanted?"

"You're really pretty!" Katarina said, taking Maria on a one way trip to blush central. Then she held up a carrot and a stick. "Kukuku! I learned something fun! Can I show you? Huh? Can I? Can I?!"

Oh dear. Katarina's aura was definitely clouded in darkness. Something was influencing her reasoning quite deeply, it was really concerning and - Before Maria could try to do anything about it, like, say, dispelling it or maybe try stalking to Katarina about what was going on, the girl made yet another completely unexpected move that, in turn, knocked all logic and reason out of Maria's head.

Her head darted forward, and then - 


This was not what Mary wanted to be doing after finally getting Katarina into bed. She should have seen it coming. The girl had joked sometimes that her nickname was 'monkey', and it certainly showed in this behaviour! Rushing off! Leaving her alone with Alan! Who was freshly under the fucking spell now and starting to feel a compulsion to do dirty fucking things! Honestly! Urgh! If only she had some other girl around to lock the two of them in a room together, both of them under the spell, that would -

"Oh yeah, duh!" she slapped her forehead. "Maria would be perfect for that wouldn't she...?" Actually, thinking about it, pretty much any of the guys would work with Maria. Urgh! Had she been sleeping on the identity of the true main rival? She'd thought it would be Geordo, but instead it might be the super cute Maria!

No, no, no! Calm down, think this through. Breathe. Relax. Think about it like this. If you're turning them into perverts anyway... Then what does it really matter what couples you set up? Let them just. You know. Hook up with each other all willy nilly! The only thing that matters in the end is that you're the only one to hook up with Katarina and -

And that's Katarina sticking her tongue down Maria's throat. Buh!


Okay, so hear her out on this. She knew that something was affecting Katarina's thought process. Okay? She knew full well that she had a crush on Katarina and wanted to kiss her. She knew full well that Katarina wasn't likely doing this under her own power, but Maria wasn't taking advantage of her or anything like that.

No, no, this was entirely an opportunity to, uh, test the waters, so to speak. What was the nature of the spell that had been cast upon this poor innocent girl? Was it a simple set of commands? An alteration to her usual way of thinking? Flipping her moral centre? Compulsions of some sort? What sort of dark insidious magic had been cast upon her?

It would be gross negligence to try to fix the problem without as much information as possible. Thus, Maria would have to engage in the sloppiest of public makeouts with this girl. Return her passion, for passion. Smooch those lips until they couldn't be smooched anymore. It was only logical. It was only rational, and not at all a justification for taking action that she knew in her heart was immoral and -

Ooh, she was really good at this~ A shame that Mary was about to interrupt them...

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