Monday 19 August 2024

Story: Asuka the Lab Rat


The door to Shinji's section opened up, much to his surprise. Huh? He thought they were doing more tests. He expected to see Doctor Akagi at the door. What he saw instead was a distinctive red jacket with a snug black dress underneath. A most distinctive set of clothes. In fact, it was the same set of clothes typically worn by none other than Misato Katsuragi.

Except... It wasn't her. Certainly the figure moved like Misato as well as happening to be dressed like her. Also, they were wearing a dark wig that kinda looked like Misato's hair. You know, that long kinda dark purplish colour? 

It was definitely a wig though, because that wasn't Misato. At all. In fact, that sorta looked like - 

"Well, what do you think?" Rei asked, giving a very Misato like whirl around in place. "This is the sort of woman you like, is it not?"

To be completely fair, Misato's the kind of woman that is every man's sort of woman. Not that she'd put out for them all or anything, but she had the sort of body and charisma that could lure a lot of people in. And then if they got a bit too fresh she'd either threaten them with a firearm or judo toss their butts across the room.

Before Shinji could make any sort of comment though, his nostrils flared, and his body felt really weird. He was suddenly, keenly aware of Rei's body. The dress was pretty tight, and her curves were... Yeah, she definitely didn't have curves like that before, did she? He felt giddy. Lightheaded. Found it hard to focus, difficult to concentrate.

Concentrate on anything other than Rei's creamy thighs~

"Oh, so this is what you settled on?" Rei asked. "By the way, should I dye my hair this colour, or...?"

"I prefer it blue mistress," Shinji replied meekly, subservient. Rei sat down on the nearest piece of furniture, crossed her legs and slipped off her shoes, letting her foot tangle in the air. Ah! Shinji dropped to his knees and kissed it, almost feeling pulled in by its presence. Rei whipped off her wig and whipped it around, smiling broadly about her situation. 

"Wonderful," Rei chuckled. "I can practically see the hearts in your eyes. You shall make a good husband, once I'm finished breaking you in." Mmm, husband~ That sounded nice! "And Asuka shall make a fine pet by the time that I'm done with her!"

A fine... pet? Shinji frowned. Hold on a second, wasn't that going a bit too far? Turning a guy like him into a house husband was fine. Actually it was better than he personally believed he deserved. But Asuka? That girl was brilliant. A true genius. She didn't deserve anything like - 

Now, if you've read my stories, you know that I like me a bit of ironic reversal where the character ostensibly in charge gets the tables turned on them in some manner or other. This feels like the point where Shinji would turn it around, right? Maybe he rises to full height, unleashes a penis larger than she is and uses it to Dick Her Down?

Not this time! This time, Rei pulled her foot away and Shinji's head followed it, which put him in prime position for Rei to use her other foot to press down on the middle of his back.

"You like it when I step on you, don't you?" Rei asked, pressing down hard with her heel. "Go on. Say it."

"Yes, dear!" Shinji replied automatically. "Wait, something's not right here. Shouldn't I be -"

"Dicking me down?" Rei asked sarcastically, adding a little extra pressure just because she could. "My dear boy, my sweet Shinji, have you not yet realised who is in control here? It's not our dear author, for he too is under my thumb?"

Wait, I am? Hold on that can't be -

"Oh no I'm bending over and thrusting my ass in the air~" Rei moaned erotically while doing exactly that.


Sorry lost my train of thought there what were we talking about? Ah, hold on that's right, I can simply look up a couple lines and... Hey! I'm the one in control of... Ooh, thats a nice round pair of cheeks you got there. It's a full moon tonight!

"You see? I bet he even wound up getting caught in a loop there where he went back to check his line of thinking, and got distracted by my magnificent hot ass poking out from under this cute dress!" Rei giggled sinisterly (but also sexily and irresistibly) to herself. "My pheromones are so potent they've breached the fourth wall, and now I can do anything I want! I have the power of narrative convenience on my side, and absolutely nothing can stop me!"

"Oh!" Shinji muttered. "I mean, that's kinda boring then isn't it? I mean, you can make anything you want happen and - "

Suddenly, quite without warning, their clothes exploded off their bodies and a heart shaped bed appeared in the corner of the laboratory.

"Um!" Shinji nervously said. "Doctor Akagi said we might be falling under the influence of Angels, which are seeking to -"

"That was a lie," Rei interrupted. "She was fucking with us."

"Fucking with us?" Shinji asked. Rei nodded. "Well, I mean, that's pretty, uh... Evil of her, isn't it?"

"Oh, it's absolutely wretched," Rei said, gently guiding Shinji to the bed. Then remembering she was supposed to be domming him, she suplexed him onto the bed instead. "I mean, if you think about it the entire premise for this story is really fucked up. Even by this writer's standards. Ritsuko got bored so she decided to mess with Asuka? Not only is that kind of out of character -"

"I mean, less than you'd think..." Shinji muttered to himself. He was by now laying back on the bed, his enormous erection aimed squarely at the ceiling. Which, by now, was feeling pretty familiar. "But you know, he's also done a whole bunch of stories where you're basically too hot to fight against. Doesn't that make this twist a bit derivative?"

"You know, he has a good point for a change!" Asuka spat venomously. She was leaning in the doorway staring in, naked, exhausted, insatiably horny. "I mean, come on. Tsunderes are supposed to be his type, not kuudere! When's it my turn? When do I get the chance to be the one responsible for a lewd apocalypse?"

Rei tilted her head and considered that angle. Instead of a floating sea of Reis, how about angry part German part Japanese redheads turning up their noses? Hrm? There might be something to that. The lot of them going out of their way to seduce everyone they came across, using their genius to get under people's skin... And turn them into pets!

Oh yes, that actually did sound rather nice. Alas, that was not this world.

"Will you join us, pet?" Rei asked, slapping her ass as she gobbled up Shinji's dick with her pussy. "That wasn't a question, nor a request. It was a command."

"Eh, nah, I think I'm good back here," Asuka said. "Your pheromones don't work at long range. Besides, I think you subconsciously agreed with Shinji back then didn't you?"

Agreed with Shinji? On what exactly? Rei frowned, wracking her brains, wondering what Asuka might mean. Though she had to admit it was difficult to formulate a thought while riding some nice juicy cock. Especially when you're playing it up for the crowd, so to speak.

"I mean, he thought it would be kinda boring, right?" Asuka said. "Classic Monkey's Paw solution. Like something out of a Twilight Zone episode. You have direct narrative control, and it always favours you, so it gets boring. Fast."

"Yes but I'm not anywhere near there yet," Rei corrected. She bit her lower lip. Oh! Right there! "For example, I am having sex and you are not."

"True, true!" Asuka growled. "But you know you'll get there. It's not going to be any fun at all in about ten minutes. What, are you going to manifest a harem of Shinji clones to dick all your horny holes? I mean, think about it. I'm over here, making these observations to you in the first place, despite the fact the writer keeps on stopping to check this one picture of you he found where you're all ludicrously curved and bent over while wearing bloomers."

"That is a very sexy picture," Shinjji said. Both girls looked at him. "Well, it is!"

"My point is!" Asuka grit her teet, resolving to stay on topic, refusing to get distracted by either Rei's alluring butt or the surprising size of Shinji's shaft. "This thread started about me, and by god, it will end about me! And you're unconsciously making it happen, doll, whether you mean to or not!"

Ah. Now Rei was starting to get a little bit concerned. 

1 comment:

  1. A few comments:

    - "Well, what do you think?" Rei asked, giving a very Misato like whirl around in place. "This is the sort of woman you like, is it not?"

    Should be "a very Misato-like whirl".

    - It's not our dear author, for he too is under my thumb?"

    Should be ", for he too is under my thumb."

    Nothing else to comment.
