Monday 19 August 2024

Story: Creeping Perversion


This was the life. Ranma normally hated school, or at best had a disinterest in it. He'd engage in his studies if for no other reason than societal expectations, but his true passion was always within the realm of martial arts. He knew what he was good at. He knew what he was bad at. He knew what he was good at. Maths? English? History? Pft! He wasn't any good at that sorta thing, put him in a fight or somewhere he could show off how fit he was and he'd reign supreme.

Until recently the idea of being in a relationship or getting distracted by girls would've seemed stupid. He didn't want anything to do with that, at least until his training was complete. But now? A switch had been flipped. He was a young man with loads of hot babes throwing themselves at him. What kind of idiot was he to turn that down?

Take Akane and Ukyo. Both cute girls with a different vibe about them. Akane was a hotheaded goof with a cute face and athletic body, while Ukyo was a pretty face that could pass for either boy or girl. They were easily both perfect tens in their own way, even if Ranma's girl form had a generally better body they each had their own charm that elevated them to that level.

And then there was Miss Hinako, who was on a whole other scale. At least, in her adult form. Where Akane, Ukyo, and even Ranma's girl form all gave off super cute auras, Miss Hinako was a mature woman through and through. Watching her strut around like this in her snug yellow minidress? Mmmph! Magic. Those legs especially. Works of art through and through. Watching her strut her stuff around the classroom, bending over whenever she 'dropped' something, feeding on the perversions of the class and then unleashing that energy to create a perpetual cycle of perversion...

Magic. It was absolutely magic.

By now, the girls were all sitting in the lap of a boy. Grinding their butts into his crotch, letting him grab their breasts, and they were doing it with a smile on their faces. As for Ranma himself, he was getting both sides of his dick licked by Akane and Ukyo. Licked and kissed and sucked while he sat back and let them have at it.

"You girls know that Shampoo is joining us tonight, right?" Ranma asked, and both of them let out a full throated moan around his shaft. "No more arguing over who gets me. You all tie, you all win the prize."

"Said the boy getting a harem of horny girls," Ukyo pouted. Aw, look at the way she was puffing out her cheeks.

"Yeah, don't go pretending we're the only ones getting something out of this," Akane said. Then the two girls turned to each other and started to french, while their hands grabbed his shaft and balls, and reminded Ranma of exactly how dangerous these girls could be. Oh yeah, holy shit, he really shouldn't forget that sort of thing should he?

"M-Miss Hinako!" Yuka raised her hand into the air. "My body... Oooh! I'm bursting out of my uniform! What will I say when I get home~?"

Indeed, that was a secondary effect from Miss Hinako's blasts of energy. Those hit by them gained a temporarily even sexier body than they already had. In Ranma's case, he didn't think you could improve upon perfection, but these rippling biceps and toned abs showed you really could with a little thought.

Of course, his real focus was on the other two. Akane and Ukyo were plenty cute already, but now with bigger boobs and rounder butts, he could see their true potential shine! Brighter than the sun!

Mmm~ How might Shampoo look if she got blasted by the sexy teacher? That was a thought worth having! Definitely need to try that out later on as well, no doubt!

"My, my, Miss Yuka," Hinako said, leaning over the girl, who was very blatantly trying to pull away from Hiroshi. The teacher stuck her foot on the desk right in front of them, then smoothed her hands up those thighs. "That is a very good point, and I sense that you are also trying to fight against your newfound desires. Have no fear. I shall be conducting a round of home visits, and shall help them understand your new body, as well as your new unrelenting thirst for dick."

Yuka made a cute little whimper and then started to kiss Hinako's thighs. Good girl. Before long the entire school would basically be an enormous orgy. Hell, they'd bring this glory to the entire district before long. He could see it now. The uniforms for the girls wouldn't hide any damn thing. Heh. He might show up in girl form just to wear it. Show off that cute shortstack body, really get her rocks off on boys checking out her tits and ass while knowing full well they didn't stand a chance of getting it. Maybe do a sloppy makeout with his girls to really blue ball them.

"Oy, Miss Hinako?" Ranma called across the rapidly pervifying classroom. "You want in on this action too?"

"Sorry, Mister Saotome, but my eyes are on another prize," Hinako said. Ah yes. Akane's father. Lucky swine. Although... A thought did occur to him.

"Actually, how about you swing by this place in the woods first?" Ranma asked. "It's this creepy old manor with a magic mirror. I've had a crazy idea for something really fun we could do later on... Have our cake and eat it too!"


Listen to that dummy, thinking he was the one in charge here when Akane quite literally had him by the balls. That was so typical for Ranma, trying to take charge and act cool, then getting himself in over his head and needing her to bail him out. She used to find it kinda annoying, but now? It was yet another thing about him that made her absolutely soaking wet.

Still though. Akane pulled away from Ranma to give him The Look. It wasn't a Look she'd ever intended to practise, but Ranma had given her so, so many opportunities over the time they'd known each other, and it wasn't even that long really. Something like a year and a bit, maybe two years tops? Even though they were perverts now, some things simply didn't change.

"Ranma, sweetie, did you just ask for Miss Hinako to go duplicate herself so you could add her mirror duplicate to our harem?" Akane asked.

"I'm sorry what was that about mirror duplicates?" Ukyo asked.

"What? Oh, come on, she came to school and everything!" Akane said.

"Eh... I run a business," Ukyo said. "Maybe I wasn't here that week?"

"You pick the weirdest things to miss out on," Ranma said, and to that point, Akane had to agree. "You see, I found this magic mirror in a mansion, and - "

"We'll explain later," Akane said. "Ranma, you don't see the problem with setting up Miss Hinako with daddy, and also railing her mirror duplicate every single night?"

Ranma looked over towards their teacher. Tilted his head a bit. Akane followed his gaze and - hot damn.

"Nah, I don't see a problem with that," Ranma said. Honestly, looking at her right now, Akane was kinda having trouble seeing it either, but - 

"Oh, I get it!" Ukyo said. "Uh, you could always maybe have the mirror copy cut her hair?"

Hinako with short hair...? Akane filled it in. Hinako Ninomiya with the hairstyle of Akane Tendo. Oof. Hrm. Not sure if that works? It kinda did for her, but Hinako might not be able to pull it off.

"Hinako with a bowl cut..." Ranma muttered, staring quite obviously at Akane. His dick twitched. "Works for me."

"Yeah! Well! If we're doing the mirror copy thing, then what about you?" Akane asked. "I wanna do a threesome between two Rarnmas. Or maybe three of you." Coincidentally, Ukyo's nose started to bleed. She was also muttering 'three Ranmas' over and over again.

"Huh, well, I mean, sure that would be kinda hot, but... It's also kinda weird?" Ranma said. "I mean, it is still copies of myself, so -"

"In exchange for that, you can have a threesome with two of me," Akane said. Then punctuated her point by sucking on his dick. Mmm~ She could never, ever ever let him know how much she loved the taste of his shaft. If he learned that she'd crawl over broken glass for the slightest lick, she'd risk losing control over their relationship, and she couldn't have that!

"Then again you make a compelling argument," Ranma said. "Two copies of myself, coming up! Hotcha!"

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