Monday 5 August 2024

Story: LU Railgun


Crud, crud, crud, crud, crud! Rule one of evil planning, never use your outer monologue! Inner, all the way! No matter how careful you think you're being, someone might overhear you!

In this case, it was one of Misaka's clones. One of the so called Sisters. A group of identical girls who were all telepathically linked in a sort of gestalt being. They looked like Misaka. They did not act like her. They had this weird way of talking, and their eyes were kinda dead inside, and oh crap one of them had overheard her and now the whole lot of them knew what she was up to and she was so screwed. Come on, come on, activate that 'getting away with it' skill, work your magic and come up with an excuse that could pull you out of this hole you've built for -

"We're in, Misaka conspired, and let loose a sinister laugh. Kukukuku."

Oh dear, Saten's brain must have broken, for a moment there she thought she heard the Sister say that she would help out.


"Wait, really?" Saten asked. "You're going to... Why?"

"It sounds fun, Misaka said with full sincerity, while considering an evil plan to manipulate this gullible girl. However, there is one condition, Misaka suddenly realised her evil, evil plan and initiated it at once."

Okay...? Definitely don't like the sound of that. Nonetheless, when you're backed into a corner you have two options. Take a lifeline offered to you, or fight your way out!

"Although, Misaka would like to understand how you are causing this, Misaka closed the trap around her with relish~"

Ah. Hrm. Oh. Darn. Yes, that probably was something that would require some explaining wouldn't it? Ahahaha... Great, just great. She had a really bad feeling about this...


Misaka continued to have a really bad feeling about this. Oh, sure. She was holding hands with the boy she liked to keep her breasts from getting too big, and the two of them were on their way to whoop some sense into Uiharu , but - But she couldn't help but feel like they were missing something, you know?

"Gorila! Hands offffff~!"

And Kuroko was not helping matters. Yet again! Interrupting right as she was getting some action from the boy she liked! Ohhh! That tore it!

"Kuroko!" Misaka snarled. She pulled herself away from Touma, immediately feeling her bust start to swell up. No matter. She let the electricity sparkle around her, igniting the air, bringing in a long since familiar taste of ozone. Then, she let loose an electric strike - which hit nothing. The perils of fighting a teleporter.

Of course, she was long since used to this. As such, when Kuroko appeared behind her she was already swinging her leg back to kick at right where the girl had appeared, reaching out for Touma to do who knows what to him. A teleporter could do some really nasty things to someone if they were so inclined. Drop them from a height, teleport something inside their body, who knows what?

In this case Kuroko had apparently made the unwise decision to try to teleport Touma somewhere else. Probably to ground level or something. Away from Misaka. Which was not a smart move, as it turned out, because his hot butt stayed right where it - Oh, damn, she hadn't even checked out his butt yet, nice! - Right where it was, which made her easy pickings for an electric kick. Which normally wouldn't have connected, but she couldn't exactly teleport when grabbing Touma's hand like that.

Cue one horny lesbian teleporter getting shot across the rooftop, where she landed scuffed and on all fours, scowling at Touma like a cat staring at another cat who dared cross over into its territory.

"Kuroko, I'm straight," Misaka said. "I'm not into girls. Touma and I are a thing now."

"We are?" Touma asked. "Oh, I mean, I guess we are?"

They'd better be after a kiss like that! She whirled around and embraced him... and while she was at it, pushed her boobs right into his chest. She also made sure to keep his right hand off her, while his left was allowed to touch her butt. Oh... Oh boy, this was so embarrassing, but... She felt so good right now! She could feel herself blushing super hard, but... Oh gosh, she liked Touma so much!

"Five minutes," Kuroko muttered. "Give me five minutes alone with you. I can change your mind."

"I told you, I'm straight!" Misaka yelled, pulling herself tighter into Touma's body. Mmm, her boobs were still getting bigger, too! Hope he likes this... He'd better!

"So are noodles until they're wet!" Kuroko smirked. "Alright, how about this? I'll get you to Uiharu right away, in exchange for those five minutes later? I won't even touch you, I promise!"

Hrm... No contact, huh? That was tempting, but...

"If I endure that five minutes, you won't bother me ever again?"

"I won't!" Kuroko said, which made Misaka even more suspicious. "No contact, five minutes, just the two of us, and if you won't be mine, I'll leave you alone forever!"

"Well, you don't have to completely vanish..." Misaka muttered. "Being just friends is also fine..."

She looked up to Touma to gauge his reaction... then realised that her breasts were now so big that they were covering his face. "Yipe!" She grabbed his right hand, and... there we go. "What's that smile, <i>dear</i>?!"

"Sorry, sorry..." Touma burbled. "Ah... Wait, hold on. How are you going to get us to Uiharu if you can't teleport me?"

"Kekeke~" Kuroko smirked. "Don't you worry about that. I have my ways!"

Misaka continued to not have good feelings about this. No good feelings at all!


So there she was, left behind again, Touma and Misaka rushing off to do their own thing. Leaving poor Misaki alone again, kicking at her heels while they hurried away together to beat the bad guys. Which in this case turned out to be Uiharu, acting out of character, which meant she probably wasn't the real villain behind all of this.


On the plus side, it did mean she was here with Miss Hyouka, who was a very interesting girl whose mind Misaki couldn't read for some reason. Apparently she wanted to talk to Touma about something or other before it all kicked off, and - Well, here we are.

"Hrm~ I wonder what your deal is~" Misaki sang, circling around the glasses wearing girl with an impish expression on her face. "Come on, come on, you can tell me. While it's just the two of us now, why don't you fill me in on what you wanted to tell Touma? I can take the message to him when he's finished with Misaka~"

"He won't remember you telling him," Hyouka said. Oh? Is that so...? She knew about that, did she? "I'm afraid Uiharu's scheme to set the two of you up won't work out, since he will forget you every time you separate."

"A girl can dream, can't she~" Misaki sang. "Oh, fine. Look! I'm one of the strongest Espers in the city, and here I am feeling like expired milk. Technically still safe to drink, but nobody in their right mind wants to touch me! And, on top of that, the former miss flat chest is starting to beat me in terms of boobage the second Touma isn't touching her! And I think he's being charmed by her, too! So? What is a little old me supposed to do about it~"

Hyouka let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, fine," she said. "I am sensing something innately interfering in the AIM field over the city. Something potent, something ridiculous, something completely absurd. But we cannot trace the source. I was going to ask Touma to investigate it more closely before it caused more damage, but he's already on the case."

Right! That was something she could get involved in! So! Someone was causing that sort of mischief, were they? How interesting... Though now, Misaki was starting to wonder how this girl was able to sense something like that to begin with? How very... very... interesting.

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