Monday 5 August 2024

Story: Great Hero's Descendant


You know, the more Percival thought about it, the more they should've done this thing with the other girls first. Sat down. Talked about what they could all do. Got it all out in the open, so that they could properly plan out the most effective way to use all of their abilities. Formations, how to cover each other's weak spots, the whole lot of it. Really, Harmonie had the right idea in telling all of them what she could do, exactly. They really should have done it earlier, and not when they were already in the middle of the enemy lair.

However! He did have one other, minor objection to this. One minor detail, location aside, which made this rather... awkward.

"Do you have to sit in my lap while you explain what you can do?"

"What? How dare you question my people's traditions!" Harmonie said. Then pushed her butt right into his crotch all the more. It was funny. While she was, as is typical for an elf, rather tall and slim, her butt felt rather... voluminous. And he didn't much care for how the other girls were looking at her. "I shall have to punish you severely later on. When we've resolved this situation. You'd better be ready for it, and do not question it at all, or I shall have to make the punishment so. Much. Worse!"

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Grnk! This was not what he needed right now! He was already keenly aware that the other girls in the party wanted to bear his children and were being all flirtatious with a weakling like him, just because of who his ancestor was, but - But!

As much as he wanted to pretend it wasn't affecting him, Harmonie was kinda getting to him a little bit. Not really his fault! Elves naturally have strong Glamour, which can make it really hard to resist them! If they want something from you, then you have to keep your wits about you, or else they'd talk you right into giving it to them.

"My skills are quite unique, and I am certain you humans have never seen anything like them before," Harmonie bragged. "Rather than simply charging into combat with sword drawn, or casting flames and lightning all around, or hanging back to see which of my friends have need of assistance, my skills rely on stealth and subter-"

"Oh, you're a Rogue," Melisentia nodded knowingly. "You know, that's kind of a relief actually. The party balance was a bit skewed, a Rogue will balance things well."

"I am not a Rogue!" Harmonie protested. "There is nothing roguelike about me!"

"So, no procedural generation...?" Helen asked. Everyone looked at her like she'd grown a second head, and then for good measure a third. "Alright, alright, that might not have been the best time for a joke like that... But sweetie, if you're not a rogue then why not tell us specifically what you can do?"

"I am at one with the shadows!" Harmonie said excitedly. "I can use my glamour to blend into the background! Even in one of your crowded city streets, I can blend in and follow a target undetected! They shall remain oblivious, even as I -"

"Pick their pocket?" Ingrid quipped.

"I'm not a Rogue!" Harmonie protested. "I mean, I could pick their pocket if I really and honestly had to, under the right circumstances, as I am adept with sleight of hand, but! Not a Rogue! A Princess of the Elves would not ever stoop so low as to -"

"Ohhh!" Ariana slammed her fist into her open palm. "Then you're an Assassin!"

Melistentia shook her head wearily. "Really now your highness, a Rogue is one thing, but an Assassin? That's going to leave your soul stained black as tar, no matter what else you do in life. Step away from that path - "

"I'm not an Assassin either!" Harmonie screamed. "Look! I'll scout ahead! Check out the situation for you! I even know this handy glamour trick that will help you all escape battles! Furthermore, my knowledge of terrain - "

"Ah! A Ranger!" Percival offered. That seemed reasonable.

"Do you see any fucking bows?!" Harmonie snapped. Huh. Weird. The other girls were looking at him as if he'd said something rather rude, when she was the one that swore. What? What was wrong with being a Ranger? "I make use of enchanted knives which help to mask my presence, and I'm just now realising that I'm actually a Rogue that uses Glamour instead of Dexterity to facilitate all of her tricks, and my pride is taking something of a dent and I need to go crawl into a dark hole for a bit to reflect upon my life choices."

She slunk off out of Percival's lap, seeming rather dejected, for some reason. How peculiar. Now she was sitting in the corner, hugging her knees and rocking back and forth.

"Wow, are Rogues that badly viewed?" he whispered.

"No, they're actually a fairly well respected adventuring class," Melistentia whispered back. "While many do use it to commit petty theft, quite a few more use it to assist adventuring groups and make a substantial amount of money that way. Some of the most respected adventurers in history either were Rogues, or owed their lives to at least one."

Aha... In which case, they were probably a lot more useful than Percival himself. He scratched his head and turned to the others. "Well, what can we do exactly?" he asked. "I mean, we're about to head into a den of iniquity that's probably set up like a labyrinth."

Note: The dungeon was more or less a straight line with a simple switch puzzle.

"Stealth doesn't seem like it would be too helpful anyway," Helen said, dusting herself off and rising to her feet. "They're all too caught up in each other to pay us much mind. They'll likely attack us one at a time at most, making them easy to pick off."

"As for our brave barbarian babe here..." Ariana said. "A simple temporary 'blindness' status ailment should get her through this upcoming room without causing her to freak out at all the mean, lewd perverts, right?"

"Then I should take up the - "

"Middle!" the girls all interrupted. Except Harmonie, of course. They all coughed nervously afterwards.

"Wouldn't want you getting picked off by the succubus, would we?" was the reason given. Aha, okay then, that was true. He was the least useful member of the party, after all. If he wasn't careful then those nasty succubus could lure him off and do... whatever they wanted with him. It probably wouldn't be a good thing if he let them breed off him, huh? A hero's genes mixing with a succubus? That had to be bad! Probably.

In any event, that meant he was now completely surrounded by five girls. Harmonie being carried underarm by Ingrid at the back, Melisentia up front and both Helen and Ariana to either side of him. Urgh... What was the point of him being here again? Surely these beautiful, powerful women didn't need a loser like him around to save the day. Right?


The Incubus King watched from afar as the fools entered his domain. A writhing orgy of succubus, captured elves and fae lay between him and they. Those fools. They'd never find the way to him, this entire hive was designed to be a deathtrap for the unwary - or perhaps his most preferred outcome, a honey trap!

The likelihood that they'd find their way was slim to none, the chance that they'd find the way forward was -

"I only see one other entrance!" said the pretty Knight lady. "It looks locked."

... Ah, so they'd spotted his chamber entrance had they? No matter! As the Knight had already observed, the door was locked by an insidious puzzle! The possibility they'd be able to find the solution was slim to -

"Oh hey, is that a switch?"

His fist gripped tight, until his knuckles turned white. Surely not. Surely they would not be able to see through his cunning ruse. But then again, they had seen the door immediately. They hadn't even looked at the mound of writhing flesh, nor been enticed by what it had on offer. So what if - 

"I don't know, that feels too obvious, it must be a trap."

Phew! He slunk back into his throne, allowing himself to relax. Kukuku! In which case, why not send a few pets out to play with them? Let's whittle them down while they stay out there, weaken their resolve, shatter their ability to fight... and then he would breed all of them on his enormous magical penis that no woman could resist, while that hero would make fine breeding stock for his succubus.

Of course, if he'd been really smart he'd have put the switch inside the room he was in right now, but hey, the Incubus King thinks with his dick. That can't be news to anyone, can it?

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