Monday 5 August 2024

Story: Britannian Breeding


And so, Lelouch Lamperouge returned home in a manner not entirely unlike a drunkard. Except he was a teetotaler. Never took drugs. Never imbibed. He was clean as a sheet... Except in his case the sheet would actually be stained with various bodily fluids. For today, he was rather certain that he had managed to have more sex in one evening than many have in their entire lives.

Those girls were ravenous. Piranhas had nothing on them. They couldn't get enough of him, and he was surprised he had that much in him to give. It felt like they were getting more lustful towards him the more that they went on.

Needless to say, not quite how he'd intended the day to go. On the other hand? If the worst thing to go awry in his scheming is 'my harem gets bigger and I get to tap more ass', then he was hardly in a position to complain.

The surprising part was, he wasn't stumbling because of exhaustion or dehydration. Rather, it was because he'd had so, so much sex that it was still making endorphins swim around his brain. It was messing with his internal chemistry and hormones something fierce. It was quite the relief to be returning home. Alas, Nunnally had already gone to bed. His dear, sweet, innocent sister... better that she knew none of this.

Which is funny because she figured it would be better if he didn't know how many dicks she'd sucked today for much the same reason. Ah, sibling love... Let's be thankful this is the form it takes, shall we?

He pushed the door open to his room and stumbled inside, ready to plant himself face down on the bed. No need to change clothes, no need to find the pillow, he needed some time to relax so that his brain chemistry could reset to normal, and - 

And... He'd landed face first right in between a pair of tits. No other way to describe it. These were definitely boobs. Breasts. Bosoms. In fact, it was most likely -

"C.C., is that you?" he asked, his hand reaching up to grope her. Indeed, by the moan she made it was surely her. Lying naked on his bed. Waiting for him.

"Damn, she won," Kallen grumbled.

"Urgh, I thought he'd turn the lights on first for sure!" Shirley huffed. "Lelou, you can't just fall into bed like that, don't leap before you look! It's bound to get you in trouble!"

"Especially if you're sincerely planning to take on an entire Empire~" C.C. sang. "I doubt you'll be able to fuck your way to the top, so..."

"That was never my plan to begin with!" Lelouch said directly into C.C.'s cleavage, which he had absolutely no intention to leave until he had to take a breath. Which he should probably do right about now. "Did you girls bet on what I would do when I entered the room?"

"I bet you'd faceplant right into my tits," C.C. said. "Kallen bet on her butt, and Shirley figured you'd turn the lights on before doing anything else."

"Which leads me to my next question," Lelouch said. "How did you three beat me home?" In answer to that, C.C. slowly wrapped her hand around his aching dick. "Ah, I see. Rather than answer you would rather copulate. Won't Inoue get jealous?"

"It'll be a bit tricky to smuggle a Japanese woman into school," Shirley said. "I mean, Kallen's fine, she's a student, but... Y'know how it is."

"Yeah, stupid racist society built on collectively keeping people in their place through routine propaganda and superior violence..." Kallen grumbled, snuggling into Lelouch's chest.

There really wasn't much else for it, was there? Oh well. C.C. had won the bet so he started with her, while the other two snuggled into him and began kissing his body. Of course, he wasn't going to ignore them. His hands reached out to grab them as well even as he pushed himself inside C.C.

"We must discuss our next move," Lelouch said. "Now that I have met with your brother's resistance cell, there is much work to do."

"Yeah, like seducing Milly," Shirley whispered. "Or maybe Sayoko?"

"Ooh, that maid with the suspiciously silent footsteps?" Kallen asked. "Yeah, she's really pretty."

"No, that's not what I meant!" Lelouch insisted. Really now! These girls were far too horny! Was it him? Was he to blame for this? He really hoped not, it would be a major complication if he had this effect on every cute girl he ran into. He was trying to overthrow an Empire here, not start a dynasty! "We shall need to make a public proclamation! Announce our presence to the whole world!"

"Gee I dunno if that's a good idea," Kallen said. "I mean, if we tell everyone about our relationship, then -"

"I think he meant the whole 'rebelling against the Empire' thing," Shirley interrupted. "What do you think C.C.?"

"Cumming cumming cumming cumming cumming cumming cumming~"

And so, as Lelouch casually and trivially drove C.C. into a multiple orgasm that would last for hours, he sighed wearily and shook his head. Was there anyone else on the planet that was in such a terrible position having acquired a harem? What did it say about him, a healthy and straight young man who did not want a harem, but wound up getting one anyway.


So it has been a while since we checked in on Suzaku. Last we had, he was being actively seduced by Euphemia. Lucky sod. Let's check in on him and see what's going -

"Oh by the Emperor, how is Eleven dick so good~" cried out a dark skinned woman with silver hair, who was currently being bent over a table by a rugged Japanese boy. "Your highness, I'll never doubt you again!"

"I mean, based on how our society functions, you probably shouldn't anyway," said the pretty pink haired girl, whose hair was matted down by so, so much sweat, and you'd better believe she had the biggest smile on her pretty face right now. "What do you think Miss Cecile?"

"Cumming cumming cumming cumming~"

"Oh, I love that song!" Euphemia giggled, and then began to pump her fingers <i>even faster</i> into the sexy assistant's pussy, causing her to arch her back and become absolutely incoherent rather than merely mostly.. "Suzaku, once you've finished knocking her up, I think Miss Cecile here needs a top-up!"

"Uh, are you sure this is okay?" Suzaku asked. Not that he stopped thrusting. I mean. Hard to blame him. Villetta has a very nice body. Slim, tall, very fit, very healthy, any man that passed up a chance to tap that was a fool. "I mean, until you put your tongue in her ear she didn't seem to think very much of -"

During the time he'd been talking Euphemia had stood up, guiding Cecile into crawling next to her while her fingers fucked her pussy from behind, approached Suzaku, put her tongue in his ear, and that put paid to any rational argument, or for that matter rational thought that Suzaku was going to have for a while.

"Trust me, she needs this," Euphemia said. "Really badly. As does poor Miss Cecile here, the dear's been working herself down to the bone for someone that doesn't even give a rat's ass about her. Now. You set about filling her womb with your seed, and let me worry about everything else, okay?"

"Yes, your highness!" Suzaku said, though deep down, he really didn't want a harem. Nor did he feel that he deserved one. Which is a shame 'cuz he's absolutely getting one anyway.


Naoto Kozuki was deep in thought. That Zero guy. Super suspicious. Inoue said he slipped into a building not too far away, and by the time he was inside he'd vanished outside. She thought she'd spotted him... but then it turned out to be a false lead. Obviously meant to throw her off the trail.

A fact they'd only ascertained after she and Kallen wound up bumping into one another, each of them having followed different 'Zeroes', which meant they were working with someone else, and it also meant they were organised. It was strange. So strange. He was racking his brain trying to figure it out. Who the hell does this kind of thing? If it was Japanese, they'd just join the cell the way anyone did. If it was Britannian - why? A sympathiser? Again, they'd try to join the way any sympathiser did, by showing their face and letting them look into their past. Or at least done something more discreet than showing up like a masked vigilante! And the things he was saying about their methods...

On the other hand? The more he was thinking about it, the more he could sort of see the logic. They did need to change their approach. For seven years they'd been trying now and getting nothing out of it. The real question was, how much trust could they put into someone who insisted on wearing a mask...?

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