Sunday 18 March 2018

Story: Rei Swarm

Now that she was free Rei had to come up with a plan of action, but kept finding herself stymied by one simple fact: She had no idea how bad things were. That 'training' had made her lose track of time, so there was no easy way for her to tell how bad things might have gotten without her knowing about it. What sort of mayhem could they have caused? Who was under their power and influence already? Who could she warn?

That was quite the thorny problem. Do the wrong thing, warn the wrong person and she might make things worse rather than better. On the other side of the coin if she didn't do anything in time then it might also leave things worse off. What to do, what to do?

"Hey, Aoba! Just the man I've been looking for."

That voice belonged to Kaji. Rei considered him with great care. Her general opinion of this man was rather simple: She intellectually recognised that he was 'handsome' and generally physically appealing to the human female. He was also possessed of charisma of the sort that tended to enhance that attraction further. It certainly seemed to be effective on both Misato and Asuka, though Rei's own feelings towards him were extremely neutral. Rationally this made a good deal of sense to her: She was not biologically primed the same way those two were. She was not in search of an appealing mate. Therefore her pla~aying interests were a touch more intellectual than based on lustful pursuits.

"Is there something wrong?" Rei-in-Aoba asked. It might be best not to give the game away quite yet. It would be smart to see what he wanted first, and then take action based on that.

Kaji nodded behind himself, and Rei's line of sight followed that direction. To her dismay she beheld the sight of her fellow pilots. Asuka and Shinji. Behaving in quite the unusual manner. For whatever reason, Asuka was leaning against a wall and gradually thrusting out her butt as if for Shinji to inspect. Which he did, with his hungry eyes and set about reaching to squeeze them with his even hungrier hands. Right before he could grab hold of those cheeks to give them a nice feeling up Asuka adjusted her posture and shot Shinji a look that was either smouldering lust, righteous indignation or a steady mix of both.

Then the process repeated right before her eyes. Like they were trapped in a time loop.

"There's something up with those two," Kaji said. "Something more than youthful hormones. I've tried talking with them, but it's as if they're totally oblivious to how strangely they're acting."

The Dummy Plugs. They must have done something to them.

"Would you mind keeping an eye on them while I look for Doctor Akagi?" Kaji continued.

"Not at all," Rei-in-Aoba said. "However... It might be wise to seek Misato instead." She thought this over a bit more carefully. "And stay away from Pilot Ayanami too. She's been behaving strangely as well. It might be contagious."

Normally she would not lie. However in this circumstance the lie was more believable than the truth. Besides which. He would almost certainly not believe her if she suddenly emerged from Aoba's body claiming to be on their side. The smart thing to do for now was to stay hidden, use this opportunity to check on the other two pilots and then use what she had learned to set things right.

"I'll keep that in mind," Kaji said. "Try to keep these two from fooling around while I'm gone."

There wasn't much else for it, really. Kaji left, but there were other people in the corridor passing by who were looking at the two of them weirdly without making comments. They didn't need to though, their eyes were saying everything.

Huh. Strange. She usually had trouble reading the emotions of others. Maybe Aoba's experience in this area was helping her out? If so that could prove troublesome. She didn't want to merge their minds as well as their bodies. It would make leaving quite a bit... stickier.

"Come on, you two!" Rei-in-Aoba clapped. "There are some locker rooms over here."

"Hmph! I'd rather have stayed with Kaji," Asuka said. Her voice had this odd purr to it as though she'd thought of something extremely arousing. "He's more reliable. Right Shinji?"

"Huh?" Shinji grunted. He made grabby motions with his hands. "Uh... Yeah sure. Whatever you say."

Unfortunately for him Asuka seemed to notice and slapped his wrists. "Cut that out you pervert," she said. Then immediately tucked her shoulders back to make her breasts pop out a bit. Ah. Now that Rei was looking, they seemed a bit bigger than normal. "You boys, always thinking with your - ah - with your big hard dicks. Oooh! One track minds that mmmake us girls feel so bad, so naughty, so dirty!"

What would Aoba do in a situation like this? The answer after a bit of soul searching: Twist both of their ears to pull them apart. Yes. That seemed entirely in character, and Rei had to admit that she enjoyed it quite a lot as well.

"Into the locker room, the pair of you!" she insisted. Yes, definitely under Dummy Plug influence. Which of them - if either - was possessed by one of them? Or had they done something a touch more sinister? It was up to her to find out, and to do that she needed a spot of privacy. "Maybe a cold shower will sort you out?"

"Ew, you want me to shower at the same time as him?!" Asuka yelled, while clenching her thighs together so hard they could turn coal into diamond. "Ooh.. No - No thanks! Who knows what kind of perverted dirty things he might do to me!"

Rei was about to tell her to be quiet, that she'd be making sure Shinji stayed out of the shower area while she cleaned up. That is, until she noticed something. Something of a lump within Shinji's trousers. It was a rather, shall we say, big lump. It felt like it might break through his clothes in no time at all and go on a rampage. A very... pla~ayful rampage.

Feeling flush for reasons she didn't understand, Rei forced Aoba's body to look away at something else. Unfortunately her gaze settled on Asuka's pretty little butt. It was nicely shaped. Very fit. Yet also very soft looking. A lump began to rise up within Aoba's trousers too, as Rei felt a peculiar swelling from this body that was not her own. Ah! Until now she'd been able to hide her additional mass by spreading it out evenly through Aoba's body, making him perhaps seem a little bigger than normal without drawing too much attention to it. But now she could feel her mass going into this weird place that she was not used to at all. It felt nice. It felt really good. But it also felt really bad as well. She had to actively fight against letting any more of herself swell up Aoba's hardening cock and swelling balls.

<i>Get rid of some of that extra mass</i> a part of her insisted. <i>It's going to cause you problems if you don't.</i> Yes. That was true. She wasn't quite ready to reveal herself yet. Not until she knew a bit more about what was going on. And lucky her - she had two targets to diffuse that troublesome extra mass into.

Anyone watching closely as they entered the locker room might have caught sight of something strange. Aoba seeming to shrink ever so slightly, while his eyes rolled up in obvious pleasure. Then, the two pilots had their breaths hitch as something strange hit them both at once. And in the next instant, Shinji's torso grew a touch more muscular while Asuka's bust swelled up another cup size.

"Woooah," Shinji drooled on his shirt. "What wazat?"

"Dunno, do it again," Asuka also drooled.

"Oooh, you two behave yourselves now," Rei-in-Aoba forced out. "No pla~aying around while I'm on watch. Got it?"


With everything that was going on with the pilots, we had lost track of the core three women who were under Rei control. Misato, Maya and Ritsuko. Where were they while the pilots were, ahem, pla~aying around?

They had split up, as a point of fact. Each of them heading for very different targets under the assumption that Aoba was going to the Reiquarium to let their people go.

For Ritsuko, she was accompanying Commander Ikari and a group of other top NERV scientists while they prepared for a new pilot. Though really what she was after was a little alone time and skinship with the Commander, which might prove difficult under these conditions.

For Misato, she was on the search for Kaji. Not strictly speaking a high priority objective, but try telling her that. Misato had been deliberately ignoring and suppressing her own lustful desires towards him for quite some time now. Her newly improved sex drive and hot body did not help in the matter. Not even a little bit.

"Excuse me Misato, could you please help us out with some paperwork?"

Ah, but here is where it was helping out. A new weapon against her dread enemy, the nemesis and the bane of Misato Katsuragi's life: Reams and mountains of paperwork! Really now, it was amazing how many new couples she'd been able to set up on a simple search of the base. If only she knew her way around she could be a touch more, aha, methodical in her approach.

Then there was Maya, who had gone straight for the command centre. Her normal place of (ugh) work. A totally normal place for her to go. The cute and innocent woman walked in with a sexy and not-so-innocent swagger to her steps, looking around at the bridge bunnies, sitting at their consoles seeming bored, bored, bored.

"Hi Maya," Satsuki said around a yawn - then immediately did a double take once she had finished. "M-Maya? Woah! What happened to you?!"

Kukuku... Time to pla~ay! "I'm trying out an experimental push up bra," she explained. "What do you think?"

"I think the experiment is a complete success, that's what I think! Can you hook me up with one of those?"

Three of them on duty right now. Kaede Agano, Aoi Mogami and Satsuki Ooi. Busy little bees sitting at work. Ooh! How little they knew how much fun the four of them were going to have together. She was going to take over the command centre. If Ritsuko wasn't able to cut off the snake's head, then Maya would throttle its throat. All in the sake of pla~aying the ga~ame.

  1. Rei reveals herself to the pilots and tries to explain the situation.
  2. Rei keeps things hidden a little longer until she can speak to both of them alone.
  3. Misato and Kaji find each other.
  4. Maya sets about Operation: Horny Bridge Bun-Buns
  5. Ritsuko is kept too busy to play and is getting annoyed.
  6. Something else

1 comment:

  1. #3, because Kaji's suaveness adds some great spice.
