Sunday 4 March 2018

Story: Konatsu's New Technique

Sitting in class, separated from all the weirdness, Nabiki was starting to wonder if she was perhaps being a touch paranoid. The idea of it. Konatsu. The meek, humble and kind of stupid practically indentured servant of Ukyo Kuonji was secretly turning people into slaves, and had managed to successfully pull both Ranma and Akane under his thrall.

Yeah right. Pull the other one. She'd seen enough misunderstandings surrounding those two to get the vague feeling she was in a 'wrong end of the stick' situation. She'd overheard something out of context, and the fates were aligning to convince her of something that was so far out of character that Nabiki was amazed there wasn't some scale system for rating such things.

She would later discover that there was a scale for such a thing. It was called the "Flanders".

Part of the problem she was having came down to the fact that there <i>were</i> weird magic spells that could have that kind of effect. It was entirely possible, for example, that Konatsu had been so enspelled, and/or was using whatever this method was to create himself a harem without even noticing. Either of those would be well in line with his personality: To whit, either his personality had changed or he was doing it on accident, or both at once. Or she was imagining things.

Whatever the case may be the rational course of action was as follows: Stay away from Konatsu until she had more information. Investigate using whatever means and methods she had at her disposal.

Tragically, Nabiki fell into the same trap most people tended to about Konatsu. Thanks to his completely submissive and unassuming personality. She forgot that he was one of the most, if not the most, skilled kunoichi of his generation. As such, he could literally be anywhere and she’d never realize it.

"Hey, who is that babe over there?" a boy asked. "Never seen that chick in the ponytail before."

"Whew! Didn't know that girl attended here! Must be new."

Nabiki glanced over at the new girl and performed the very living example of the vaunted comedic 'double take'. That was no girl! That was a boy! The very same boy that Nabiki had been thinking about until now! Wearing the Furinkan High uniform and skipping gaily over towards her without a care in the world.

It was Nabiki's full intention to give him a few cares.

"Hi hi!" Konatsu cheerily said to Nabiki. Completely oblivious to the two boys standing behind him, checking out his butt. "My name is -"

"Konatsu," Nabiki interrupted. She looked around. It wasn't likely he'd do anything if others were around. Then again she didn't really have any idea what this brainwashing technique entailed. In which case... "Why are you dressed up in the girl's uniform? You are a boy, after all."

Silence. Dead silence. It was pretty obvious that the boys didn't believe her. Or were choosing to not believe her. Half of them were still checking him out and giving favourable nods or suggestive winks to each other. One of them was even holding up their hand as though framing his chest. Another of them looked like he was even more interested.

Ugh, boys. Don't underestimate how stupid they can be when there's a pretty face in front of them.

"Teehee, that's so silly Nabiki! I'm no boy!" Konatsu tittered, sounding more feminine than Nabiki felt she could manage, if forced. "An-y-way! Akane sent me to fetch you! Please come with me right away."

Yeah, how about no thanks. If Akane wanted her, she'd come herself.

"Can't it wait until lunchtime?" Nabiki asked. "I am in the middle of class right now. Also, you're standing on top of Tatewaki Kuno's head."

"If this is where she's comfortable, I don't mind one bit!" Kuno said. Oh boy. He truly was the worst of the bunch. It didn't have anything to do with the fact he was wearing a skirt, now did it? Konatsu had better be careful, at that angle some of the more adventurous boys may wind up getting proof that what she was saying was true.

"In any event, can't it wait for lunch?"

Konatsu narrowed his eyes and gently hopped off to kneel on Nabiki's desk. "What's wrong Nabiki?" he asked. "Don't you want to see your sister? That sounds very suspicious if you ask me."

"Being dragged off in the middle of class by a guy in drag is even more suspicious," Nabiki deadpan answered. "Why don't you tell me what my sister wants me for right here? Then I'll decide if it can wait for lunch or not."

"Oh dear, I couldn't possibly say that," Konatsu firmly stated. His hands flew up to his cheeks, and Nabiki caught sight of him discreetly pinching them to make their blood flow through them a touch quicker. Cheap and nasty way to make it seem like he was blushing. Much though she hated to admit it, Konatsu was <i>good</i>. "With all these people around! The shame of it!"

"Ahem! Nabiki, if it will get rid of this girl then you have permission to accompany her to your sister's class," the teacher said. Which earned him a potent deathglare. Let me tell you, when the daughter of a martial artist gives you a death glare, then whether or not she's currently actively training you bloody well feel the touch of death at your shoulder. "Th-this will surely minimise the disruption to class."

Stuff the disruption to class, this was disruption to her free will we were talking about here! There wasn't much else for it. As noted before she was the daughter of a martial artist. She'd not trained in years, but that didn't mean the mentality of it was gone. Even she had a last resort up her sleeve. A cunning and desperate attack that would crush this enemy beneath her heels!

"Oops my purse!" she yelled, flinging her open purse right into the air and letting the precious, precious mix of one and five yen coins tumble out to the floor. As expected, Konatsu's reaction was to immediately scramble for the coins, providing Nabiki her opportunity to scarper from the room.

"Oh gosh! What a fortune!" Konatsu gasped. "Why, with this much money you could buy a mansion!"

No, you couldn't. Not even a toy mansion with this little change.

Anyway! Her goal was simple, her plan sublime: Make it to Ranma and Akane's classroom before Konatsu caught up with her. This would do one of two things: Expose the lie, or ensure that the truth was known. Once either was the case she could appeal for assistance, and work to ensure she was never left alone. Not the perfect plan, but hey not too bad for thinking on her feet!

"You dropped this," a chilling voice said from behind her. Nabiki knew she shouldn't turn around. She knew it for a fact. The choice was rather academic anyway, as she was soon swinging upside down from the ceiling in a rather uncomfortable position that left her skirt drooping in front of her face. She struggled to push it out of the way, but sound found her hand being occupied by - her purse? Full of coins again? "I had a feeling you might run, so I set up a little trap in advance. Far better that than having a ninja duel in the middle of school."

There was a needle prick on her finger - and then Nabiki found herself feeling really drowsy. She opened her mouth to call for help, and what came out was "Pffffeeeeeee..." which really didn't sound nearly as articulate as she had intended. Maybe if she closed her eyes for a second and tried again it would come out properly this time?


This was the point where Konatsu took hold of the girl he'd trapped and knocked out cold into a supply closet so he could interrogate her. Find out about what her evil plan was, and keep her from behaving like a villain. Which might involve doing such terrible things as trapping innocent girls, knocking them out cold and then tormenting them until they talked. Ahem!

He bundled Nabiki up in his arms. Ah, what a convincing disguise. Even in sleep she looked so convincing. Konatsu licked his lips. He ought to... Use the technique. Use it now. While she was asleep. Th-that way he could work out what it did.

On the other hand maybe he ought to wait until she was awake again? Either way he was thinking it through made his heart race in his chest. Every time he'd used it, he'd been left flummoxed by what it actually did, and yet... And yet he felt like he was so close every time. Just a little more practise and he could understand. What was its purpose? What was it for? How should he implement it within his repertoire?

Oh, how he ached to find out!

Konatsu uses it on the sleeping Nabiki. This has odd side effects on both of them.

He waits until Nabiki is awake.

He decides to interrogate her first.

Someone happens upon Konatsu in transit.

While carrying her to a supply closet, he looks out a window - and spots Ukyo trip up and her wig fall off. That's the real ninja girl!

Something else

1 comment:

  1. Did you have any idea for what the odd side effect would be?

    Great chapter as usual.
