Sunday 4 March 2018

Story: LS Akane

Ryoga Hibiki should be happy. He was rid of the pig forever. He no longer had to fear being consumed by wild animals when wandering. Also, his girl form was kind of cute. Actually, really cute. Kind of a shame that his clothes didn't quite fit right when he shifted, but this was still a mile better than what he was going through before.

Even so! He couldn't relax. He couldn't, no matter what! It was his nature you see. When someone is so pathetic, so helpless and weak he can't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for them. Even a complete jerk like Ranma Saotome didn't deserve to have all of their strength sapped away from them. Maybe just half? Enough for Ryoga to punish him when needed.

Speak of the devil, there he was now. Bounding off down the street with his usual speed, and - Smiling! Aha! Ryoga felt a great wave of relief. It must have worked! The Hiryu Shoten Ha must have defeated Happosai!

"If you think the hiryu shoten ha will ever defeat me, disciple, you have another thing coming!"

Or not. There went the old man now, giving chase to Ranma with a big smile on his own face and - Not expressing even a hint of battle aura.

"Sorry, I don't speak hideous gnome!" Ranma called back.

"Ohoho, lalala!" Happosai happily chirped. "Oh, Ranma! Watching you toil and suffer for your humiliation and deceit, it brings such a smile to my face! Even your normally sharp insults have the hitting power of a gentle breeze."

Clenching his fists, Ryoga realised the terrible truth. Ranma had failed. The old man had already long since seen through the technique. Which meant... Which meant that it was his duty as a martial artist to assist the weak, in any way that he could! So with that in mind he took a brave step forward -

And was immediately splashed by an old woman tossing water on to the pavement.

Still! This was not as debilitating as it once was! Even though he was now a she, even though her trousers weren't quite fitting properly around her waist, Ryoga Hibiki (girl form) broke out into a full on run, not taking her eyes off of Ranma or Happosai for a moment! She'd think of what to do when she caught up with them.

Maybe... Flash the old man to lower his defenses? No! That was the sort of disgusting tactic Ranma would employ! Ryoga was above that. There must surely be some other way to defeat Happosai that did not involve indulging in such base, disgusting tactics! Why, if he resorted to that sort of distraction then how on earth could she ever, ever look the love of his life in the eye ever again? Akane Tendo would never forgive -

"Tee hee!"

... Was that the melodious ballad of Akane Tendo's innocent laughter? Ryoga stumbled to a halt on noticing that Happosai had done the same and, standing directly behind the old man, she lifted her fist to grab hold of him - then stopped when she saw what was going on inside the Tendo family training hall.

It was Akane Tendo and Ukyo Kuonji (though it took Ryoga a while to recognise that she was there and also to recognise who she was). They were sitting atop a mattress. Both wearing loose fitting and very girly pyjamas. The girls were bouncing up and down and playfully hitting one another with pillows.

If anyone asked then Ryoga couldn't explain it. There was something outright fascinating about this scene. There was a taste of... arousal in the air, and she didn't know why. It wasn't as if the girls were wearing anything scandalous. Sure, every now and then their loose fitting pyjamas would slip a touch. The trousers would come down the hips ever so slightly, the top would rise and show some navel, a button would pop and oops there was some cleavage - but you'd have to be watching already to see it.

Now, once Ryoga noticed this she was normally the sort to look away, blush furiously and that would be the end of it. But that question lingered. What was so arousing about this? It felt like she had to know the answer. She had to study this scene. Commit it to memory, figure out why. Study each strand of their hair, knocked loose by the pillow impacts. Memorize each crease of their pajamas. The subtle nuance in the ways they were bouncing off the mattress.

"Ooops I fell over," Ukyo said. Then fell over. In that order. She landed face down on the mattress with her rear end up in the air, and began to wiggle it around. Dammit! What was so blasted erotic about all of this?

"Banzai!" Akane playfully screamed, and began to whap her pillow down upon the inviting derriere. Nope, no closer to solving this. It would forever remain a mystery. "Now I have you right where I want you!"

"Funny, that's exactly what I was going to say," Ukyo replied, grabbing hold of the waistline of Akane's trousers and toppling her over so that Ukyo wound up on top, straddling Akane's waist. Ukyo triumphantly lifted her pillow high above her head, ready to strike the finishing blow. But Akane wasn't done yet! She grabbed her pillow between her thighs and hit Ukyo square in the back, causing the chef to topple over right on top of Akane. The two girls stared at each other for a long, long moment. Into each other's eyes. Their faces moved closer, closer...

"And that's all you get."

Ryoga Hibiki had never hated anyone so much in her entire life. Not when compared to the feelings brought about when Ranma Saotome tossed a blanket over the two girls. They squirmed and made funny noises under the blanket while Ranma stood next to them cooly inspecting his fingernails.

"R-Ranma... You cocktease!" Happosai sputtered.

"Oh, no need to get so upset," Ranma chuckled. "After all... I took pictures earlier on, old man! And they're all yours in exchange for the chart!"

For a moment there Happosai's aura flared up with lust and frustration while staring at Ranma. Then, just when it seemed he had taken the bait he cooled down and only then leaped in.

"Hotcha!" Happosai yelled. Ranma deftly sidestepped the incoming old freak, while the two girls made giggly noises under the blanket. "Hotcha!" Happosai repeated, but Ranma kept just barely out of reach. The boy made a beeline for the door. His brow was furrowed in confusion. "Kukuku! Did you really think that would be enough?" Happosai cackled. "Nice try, disciple! Attempting to use my own blatant lust as fuel for the hiryu shoten ha! Not quite good enough though. Maybe if you'd had your girl form in lingerie, that would have done it."

"Yes please!" Akane's muffled voice called from under the blanket.

"But this cutesy play?" Happosai tutted. "No, no. Not quite. Almost, but not quite. Though I will be taking those pictures, boy!"

Happosai lunged after him again, cackling like a maniac. In the meantime Ryoga snapped out of his irritation. Akane... And Uyko... Had put on that embarrassing display for the sake of arousing the old man all so that Ranma could get his strength back?! How - How dare he! How dare he!

"Ranma Saotome, you enemy of women!" Ryoga yelled, totally ignoring the far more obvious enemy to women who was, you know, right there. She jumped in as well, attacking Ranma from the back and missing. "How dare you sully those sweet and innocent girls for your sake! Taking advantage of their kindness - I bet you did it as much for your own twisted lust as it was for the old man's!"

"Oh my word! Is that true?" Happosai gloated. "There I was wondering if you had a libido to speak of, and now we find you have a pillow fight fetish. My, my! How encouraging."

"Pillow... fight... Fetish..." Ukyo said, scribbling in a notepad retrieved from... God only knows where. Akane's trembling hand reached out from under the blanket and hauled Ukyo back under.

"What's the matter Ryoga?" Ranma asked, obviously setting up for a quip. "Jealous that I asked Ukyo instead of you? Betcha would've loved to have that new girl's body playing around with Akane."

"Sh-Shut up!"

"Oh my word, that is a rather cute girl form you have! Did you visit Jusenkyo, Ryoga? Eeeh! I shall have to compare the two of you later on, how nice. How charming!"

"Gaaaaaah! Die Saotome! Die!"

Ranma screeched to a halt and flicked his nose, allowing himself a moment of cocky triumph. "Thanks Ryoga. Your hot new body was just what the doctor ordered."

Too late, Happosai realised his mistake. He'd been so focused on keeping his own lust and anger in check, keeping himself from putting out a battle aura that he hadn't even noticed what Ryoga Hibiki was putting out there right next to him. Alas, it was too late for him to escape now. Ranma lifted his fist into the air and let loose the name of his strongest attack:

"Hiryu shoten ha!"

Cue one whirlwind right in the middle of the Tendo garden. On the upper floor Nabiki threw open her window and yelled out into the garden: "Will you cut that out, I'm trying to - What the shit is this now?!"

At this point Akane ran out into the garden just in time for a certain piece of paper to strike her right in the face. She fell over onto her butt, not exactly the most dignified of poses to land in but there you go.

"Want me to rub it until it feels better?" Ukyo whispered.

"Oooh... Something tells me you won't stop rubbing even then," Akane answered. "Hold on... This is it! Ranma, I've got the chart!"

"Excellent work, son in law!"

From one old and powerful martial arts nuisance to another. Cologne hopped on in on her staff and whipped the chart right out of Akane's hand, holding it triumphantly aloft before setting about her analysis of it. "Let's see here..." she muttered to herself. "Ah, yes. I see. Quite obvious in retrospect..."

"And where were you during all of this?" Ukyo asked.

"Brewing up a nice and relaxing warm cup of 'respect your elders'," Cologne answered, tipping her staff so its head cracked off Ukyo's. The chef stuck out her leg, spun around in place and ultimately fell right into Akane's arms. Somehow Akane caught her bridal style, Ukyo looking like she was swooning in the shorter girls arms. Very romantic looking.

"Is that the chart?" Ranma asked excitedly.

"Yes, yes it is," Cologne answered. "I wonder where that Hibiki... girl will land?"

"Who cares? She's fine! Gimme the cure!"

Men were often accused of having one track minds. For many men this is true. The trouble is that the track is sometimes very different to what the saying implies.

"Fine, fine," Cologne shrugged. She jumped around him and used a hot moxa to poke him hard in the back so hard that he nearly toppled over himself. "There. Your strength has now been returned to you. What's more, using this pressure point should render you immune to similar techniques in future."

On hearing this news Ranma reached down, picked up a heavy rock - and found that he could lift it without issue in a single hand! "Hehehe..." he cackled. With his other hand he bopped the rock, and smashed it in his grip. "Hehehehehe!" he continued to cackle, starting to delve into saturday cartoon villain laughter at this point. Ranma suddenly leaned down and punched the dirt at his feet, leaving a considerable hole where he struck. "Mwahahahahahaha!" And there it is, fully descending into cliche evil laughter. There was even thunder and lightning and everything. "My strength has fully returned to me at last! Bow, mortals before your new -"

"Gee Ranma, that's really great!" Ukyo interrupted. "You've got your strength back!"

"And it's all thanks to us," Akane added. Both girls were staring at him with their hands behind their backs, giving him cute smiles that would be well accompanied by the phrase 'come play with us, forever and ever' being said in eerie unison. "If we hadn't done that pillow fight, you'd never have won!"

"Now gee Akane! Maybe my memory is a little fuzzy, but didn't Ranma promise he'd do something when he got his strength back? If only we would help him with his cunning master plan?"

"Haha?" Ranma laughed. It sounded pretty forced and unnatural at this point. “Really? I thought you guys were just helping me out of the goodness of your hearts!”

All of a sudden it was as if the sky had been blotted out. The sun had been swallowed whole, and all that remained of the universe outside this world's fragile atmosphere were a pair of smiling girl's faces, leering down expectantly at a certain crude boy. There was no escape. There was no amount of strength that could save him. Nowhere to run, no way to fight back. Ranma Saotome had met his doom at last!


"Tee hee, welcome to Uchan's!" a cute red haired girl winked. She was standing by the store entrance wearing a cute pink maid uniform, replete with a heart motif apron. This outfit was not remotely shy in showing off her legs, nor the fact that her figure was the sort most girls would look upon with tremendous envy. This mystery, unknown girl gave a little twirl in place and bowed deeply earning an enthusiastic cheer from the male (and a handful of female) visitors. "Where I'll be your waitress for the next week!"

The maid glanced across at Ukyo, who shook her head.

"Two weeks?" Nope. Try again. "A month?" There we go! "Yay, I'll be working here part time after school for... For a whole month! Yay! It's so wonderful I could cry!"

"Staring at those legs makes me want to cry," Akane whispered to Ukyo. "Oof! Not having those wrapped around my head while I give her a thorough tongue lashing, that's a crime against... Something or other. My libido at the very least."

"Kind of regretting not giving her the uniform with the lower neckline," Ukyo whispered. "I 'accidentally' walked in on her while she was changing. I could die happily suffocated in that marshmallow hell."

"Tell me about it," Akane whispered. Both girls grew flush. "On second thoughts, don't. I might jump her in the middle of your restaurant."

"Yay!" Ranma skipped and frolicked across the restaurant. One could almost see the hearts and flowers sparkling around her. "This was totally worth getting my strength back! Hahahaha! Soul of ice! Soul of ice! Soul of ice!"
  1. Akane and Ukyo conspire to use this chance to seduce Ranma.
  2. Shampoo returns, gifts Ranma a mysterious bell.
  3. Ryoga's feeling pretty sore about being caught in that attack again. Maybe Akane, Ukyo or both can make her feel better.
  4. Happosai decides to investigate the perverted presence he felt.
  5. Something else

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