Sunday 18 March 2018

Story: Curvy Usagi

Alright then, time to pick a target. Blue Wing knew that her magic wasn't nearly as potent as Pervosa - A tingle went down her spine - <i>Mistress Pervosa</i> who was all seeing, all knowing, all wise and most importantly all sexy and also still mentally connected with her.

Anyway! The point was that she couldn't enchant someone to even half the degree that Mistress Pervosa could. It wasn't only the lack of power. Mistress Pervosa also had a keen eye for the details. She knew exactly how to sculpt a nice pair of tits, how to maximise the hourglass figure without dipping into uncanny valley. She understood how to balance things out in a way that none of her minions could do anything but aspire towards. Gosh, even thinking about how great Mistress Pervosa was made Blue Wing feel a bit extra horny.

<i>Alright, now you're overdoing it.</i>

"Sorry..." Blue Wing mumbled to herself.

<I>I didn't say stop.</i>

Back to the point: While Pervosa was capable of turning a person's entire body into a giant walking neon 'fuck me with your eyes' sign, her youma were a touch more specialised. Now, this had nothing to do with the idea that any of them might try to do something so completely insane as, say, try to usurp Mistress Pervosa from her rightful position as their leader and everything to do with tactical thinking. If all the enemy encounters is the weaker youma, they'll assume that their Mistress must be far, far weaker than she really is, hence underestimate her, hence easier prey for her inevitably successful seduction of them.

What was Blue Wing's speciality? Well, she could fly and she could bend light around herself to become invisible. Hardly the most seductive power, right? Seduction should be about drawing attention to oneself, in particular how appealing you were. While that is true if you take it at that value, there was another aspect to Blue Wing that wasn't readily obvious.

It was called the "blue glow". She could only do it to one person at a time, but the effect was a rather profound one. You see, human beings are rather limited in their view of the electromagnetic spectrum. Only one tiny portion of it is detectable by their limited eyes. On the other hand, bees and other insects are fully capable of seeing what humans call "ultraviolet" for the purposes of identifying flowers to feed from. Blue Wing's power let her take full advantage of this for her own ends: By imposing an ultraviolet aura around a particular target that lingers just on the edge of normal human perception, she could draw attention to that target and manipulate it to place greater emphasis on that person's appeal.

The question was: Who to apply it to? Blue Wing looked around and winced. The targets around them were either too young, not attractive enough or - where was the arcade owner? He was kind of cute! He'd do quite nicely -

Then the door opened up and an even better target walked inside. Ohohoho, yes! Absolutely perfect! Now it was time for the fireworks to begin!


Shingo was in hell. That was it. He'd finally come to this conclusion just now while talking with Rei Hino, one of his big sister's friends. It was his punishment, his atonement for tormenting the big dork so much: Winding up with an impossibly erotic big sister, and a similarly transformed mother was the ultimate punishment for a lad his age. Why not push the knife in deeper by making him keenly aware that Rei Hino was a pretty girl, but when compared to either of his own family members barely registered as normal on his radar?

"It's quite alright Shingo," Rei said. "As a shrine maiden I shall keep whatever you say in the strictest confidence. I won't even tell your sister, we both know how much that meatball head would tease you over liking a girl."

T-Tease him? Shingo tried to fight it, but to no avail. His twisted up mind conjured the image too fast to dispel, and once it was there it was already setting in roots too deep to shift. Him. In his sister's room. On her bed. With her taking of her clothes one item at a time. Slowly. Dragging it out. Teasing him with her sexy body. Striptease -

Then it got worse! Their mother joined in on the act, the two of them helping each other to remove each other's clothing as gradually and seductively as possible! The young boy clasped the side of his head and tried in vain to fight against the idea of his own mother running her hands down his sister's thigh, down her leg planting kisses on the way until, with her teeth, she removed her dorky sister's socks and began to suck on the perfectly formed and erotic toes while letting out a seductive sound, a moan that danced along his every nerve while singing a song of ultimate pleasure -

"I don't want to talk about it," he said, his voice so high pitched that he could barely even hear himself.

To his irritation Rei smiled at him. Warmly. There was a time when he'd have thought it was radiant like the sun, but now it seemed pretty plain and boring. Now that he'd been exposed to something as nuclear hot as Usagi, other girls just didn't compare anymore.

"That's fine," she said. "Most don't want to talk about their first crush."

First crush? Hah! That was your friend Ami, and now even she didn't cut up to his new, highly skewed standards! It was so weird to think about how drawn in he was by that shy, quiet, cute girl when it was possible to behold a sight even more delightful to the senses.

"So instead take some advice! The best thing to do is to tell your crush how you feel."

Eh?! He jumped off the swings to his feet at that suggestion. "I can't tell her that!" he protested, feeling genuinely mortified (and weirdly more aroused) by the prospect.

"Ah, ah! That way lies regret for what could have been," Rei admonished. "There are three paths open to your future right now. Either you do nothing, and feel regret for the rest of your days, or you move forward to confess your feelings. From there, she will either reject you or accept you. If she accepts you, then you can both move forward. If not, you can move on and deal with your feelings in a healthier way."

Gosh, that sounded really adult coming from the girl who picked fights all the time with his big sister. Actually, reflecting on Usagi's personality that made quite a bit of sense.

"So, do you know where you'll be able to meet with her?" Rei asked.

"Probably at the arcade..." Shingo mumbled. Wait, no! He hadn't meant that!

"Then that's where we'll start!" Rei grabbed hold of him by the shoulder and gently steered him off towards the arcade his dopy sister liked to hang out in. Oh no. Oh no! "This is for your own good, Shingo. It's not healthy to mope about someone you like when you could be taking action."

Healthy? There wasn't anything healthy about any of this! Dread took hold of Shingo's soul at the very idea of it. What if his sister was at that dumb arcade? Part of him wanted to go. To ogle. To stare. The rest of him was saying 'hell no'! Going there with Rei was a really bad idea. He'd seen that Makoto chick go stupid over Usagi, he wasn't sure his hormones could take seeing another chick go gaga like that!

Then again... hot! So hot. His heart was racing at the idea. Would they try something in public? Maybe drag her off somewhere else for a bit of fun. So hot. So wrong, and that made it so right! This struggle against this unnatural lust wasn't making things better for him either. For whatever reason the forbidden aspect of it was wrapping him up even tighter in this web, struggling in it was like struggling in quicksand making him sink faster and deeper with each passing moment.

But somehow he was able to manage it. He found the resolve to resist. Yes, he would not go to the arcade! He would not ogle over his dopey big sister! He would not drool over the idea of her getting into an orgy with her friends! He would not -

"We're here."


With a weary sigh Shingo pushed open the door and strode on inside, followed by Rei. This was a bad idea. He already knew that. The young boy turned back to ask Rei if he could maybe not go through with this -

Then his eyes were drawn irresistibly to her legs. Huh. Weird. It was like he was only really aware of the black knee length skirt she was wearing right as of that moment, even though he'd looked her over earlier on. Goodness, but those were a fine pair of legs. He turned to look away - but his eyes were on them again before he even knew what was happening. It was so strange. They weren't nearly as hot or perfect as Usagi's legs, but they were just nice enough that he couldn't stop staring for the life of him. He almost imagined a kind of purplish aura around them on occasion - but then it disappeared again. Without warning. Without trace.

The young boy could only hope that Rei didn't notice him staring. He was embarrassed enough already without this making things somehow worse for him.


One of the greatest joys in life is helping others, especially when it involves helping them overcome their own weakness. It was perhaps Rei's favourite part of being a shrine maiden, and right now she was helping Usagi's younger brother develop and blossom in his romantic relationships.

It was kind of cute the way that he was staring at the ground and blushing like a maniac. No doubt about it, he must have caught sight of that girl he liked, and was finding it difficult to look at them. Rei scoured the arcade in search of them: Who could it be? That girl with the long blue hair who had this odd smile on her face? Very possible. She was quite pretty, even if her mannerisms and body language felt a little off...

Then she caught sight of a flash of yellow hair, golden like the sun. At first she thought that meatball head was here - but no, it was her other friend, and realisation set in on Rei. Oh, that was too cute. Shingo had a crush on <i>her</i>? Well, it wasn't hard to see how that could happen. She was very pretty and very pleasant, but somehow Rei doubted that she'd accept his confession.

"Minako!" Rei called out, waving across the arcade. The shrine maiden took a step forward - then stopped. Her legs felt funny for some reason. There was definitely a strong tingling sensation, akin to magical interference - or not. Possibly her imagination. "Fancy meeting you here! Come on Shingo, let's say hi."

"S-sure," Shingo mumbled. Ah, bless! He still couldn't lift his eyes to save himself. Well, one way or the other Rei was determined to cure this boy's shyness. It was her duty as a shrine maiden, after all!

  1. Back to Ami performing her analysis of Sailor Moon. Somehow managing to resist the urges it makes.
  2. Who wants to resist? Ami, Makoto and Usagi orgy time!
  3. Ami's mother unexpectedly comes home earlier than normal.
  4. Actually Ami isn't able to continue as a completely unconnected to Pervosa youma attack happens.
  5. Let's keep on the action in the arcade for now.
  6. Something else

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