Sunday 11 March 2018

Story: Shampoo and Conditioning

Ryoga Hibiki is in hell. Or at least this is what hell probably felt like.

"Nihao airen!" a purple haired devil excitedly squealed, leaping onto Ranma Saotome and grinding her ass directly into his crotch. "Ooh, is airen's dick hard for Shampoo? That too, too good!"

Ranma grunted, and unconsciously thrust his hips forward. The two of them were fully clothed, but it was plain to see what the boy was after. Even after she stepped away, his eyes lingered on the back of the loose fitting pink trousers the admittedly very pretty girl was wearing.

And nobody else at the dinner table batted an eye. Oh sure, when it was happening there was some dim surprise on their faces, but as soon as Shampoo stopped it vanished like dust in the wind. Like she'd never gone and done that in the first place. Now, that part Ryoga didn't mind so much. His hated rival was being brainwashed into becoming this foreign girl's love slave. That was great. He could deal with that. What he was having trouble with was -

"P-Chan, you stay here," the light of his life admonished, gently putting Ryoga down on a cushion in front of some yummy looking food. Akane Tendo rose to her feet and stretched out her limbs. "Mommy's just going for a jog around the block. Be back soon, okay?"

Then, just as she started jogging off, the devious manipulative witch drew back her hand and gave Akane a resounding smack on her bottom. Ryoga growled menacingly, then went up an octave on noticing the way that Akane leaned back into it, almost as though welcoming and expecting the hand.

"Have fun, pet!" Shampoo - for that was the name of this succubus - cooed.

"I will," Akane sighed. From previous experience Ryoga knew that Akane had just filtered out the part where Shampoo called her a pet. "Make sure you're ready to train me when I get back!"

"Shampoo always ready to train Akane into embracing her inner slutty pet!" Shampoo called back. "In meantime, Shampoo make sure airen keep on staring at Shampoo's tight ass. Then tomorrow breasts. Then rotate around and around until he give in."

"It's encouraging to hear that you have a reliable training regimine set out," Mister Tendo sagely nodded.

“I had my doubts about this Shampoo girl, but I think she’s really helping put the future of the school in capable hands.” Genma added.

"Oh my, yes!" the eldest sister nodded. "She's even shown me a few new recipes."

"She's given me some amazing stress relieving massages," the middle girl added.

"Yeah, she's proving a lot less of a pain to have around than I thought," Ranma said, making a shoddy attempt of hiding his erection.

All four of them sighed in unison. So, you can see Ryoga's dilemma here. He was seeing something evil happening right before his very eyes. Evil and... actually kind of weirdly hot. And the main victim of this evil totally had it coming. But not the rest of them as well! Especially not Akane Tendo, the innocent and pure good hearted person that she was. Radiant and divine, she lit up every room she walked into with her mere presence alone.

Okay, sure. That smacked bottom earlier had a little bit of the forbidden allure behind it. And Shampoo’s constant stealing of Akane’s underwear lead to her chest being more exciting to look at, not to mention being snuggled into. Yet it was these very thoughts that made Ryoga certain that this must be hell! He was being punished for his own vice, for even thinking of succumbing to temptation!

"Oopsie, airen has rice on lip. Shampoo get!"

At which point the girl pounced forward, licked Ranma's lips and scooped the tiny piece of rice right into his mouth. Right in front of everyone! Gah! If only there was someone he could turn to! Someone who cared for Akane just as much as he, someone who would do anything - anything at all - to ensure that she doesn't fall under Shampoo's spell!


You always hear about how it's healthy to have hobbies. Well, Hikaru Gosunkugi had a hobby or two. He didn't have any friends to speak of, but he certainly had hobbies. The first of these hobbies was a collection, a very big collection. Of which, he was the one with the biggest in Furinkan. Which was no small feat given how, aha, popular this hobby happened to be.

"Huh..." Gosunkugi mused aloud from within a bush. "There's something different about Akane Tendo's chest of late..." He looked through the lens. Bounce, bounce, bounce. On consideration, change was a good thing sometimes. It shouldn't be possible to improve upon perfection, and yet here we are.

In case it was not clear dear reader, this young man's obsessive hobby was taking pictures of a certain young athletic lady. On her morning jogs, on her way to school, during gym class, hanging out with her friends, training in her family dojo - though the last he had to buy off that mercenary elder sister like everybody else. It was honestly hard to tell what single quality about her he liked the most. When taking pictures, he allowed his camera to go a wandering because - so long as her body was at least in focus - it didn't matter to him what he was taking a picture of. She could be standing in front of a live broadcast showing a detailed autopsy and he'd still treasure the photo forevermore.

From his hiding spot he snapped a picture of her face. The beads of sweat had started to gather by this point. It's why he'd chosen this place to hide, you see. It made her skin glisten. Her cheeks were a little flush from the minor exertion as well. To his mind this girl had no need of makeup to seem pretty - oh, but his camera was going wandering again. Back to her chest. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Goodness that was quite the enthralling sight. While there were certainly girls with larger chests, there was something to be said for Akane's size and shape. On her frame they were just perfect the way they -

Huh. Something was blocking the lens. Something... pink?

"Nihao! What is weedy boy do?"

Gosunkugi looked up. There was a girl standing over him, smiling down. For some reason he felt like he might die within three years if she kept up that smile. It was thoroughly insincere. Almost threatening.

"Um... Bird watching?" he offered.

"Ah!" Shampoo nodded. "Is nice hobby. But Shampoo have request?"

She then used her forefinger and thumb to pluck the camera out of his hands and crushed it with said fingers. His expensive camera. The one he'd spent half a year's allowance on.

"That bird Shampoo's to play with. Find other bird, or Shampoo..." She stopped to look him over for a moment. "No... Shampoo not got <i>enough</i> to justify on likes of you. Need preserve in case of emergency."

Okay? Whatever that meant? The girl's japanese was passable at best, so her meaning was totally lost on him anyway. Still he had been threatened enough to know what it felt like. So he nodded and watched from afar as Shampoo bounded off after Akane and pulled her into a nice tight embrace. Cheeky girl! Showing him what he couldn't have right in front of his very eyes!

He turned around and spun off - in the process missing Shampoo putting one hand up Akane's shirt and the other down her shorts - with his mind full of vengeance. Hikaru Gosunkugi had two hobbies, you must understand. This girl, this foreign girl with a stupid amount of strength had interfered in his favourite hobby but he had another. Finding the nearest tree, Gosunkugi reached into his pockets and pulled out both a hammer, a little straw doll and a big nasty looking nail.

"I'll show you!" he yelled, holding the nail and the doll up against the tree. "I'll show you what happens to people who mess with things they don't understand!" Thus proving he had no sense of irony.

Fortunately the universe did have a sense of irony and decided it would be funny to dump one idiot headfirst atop another idiot. Tatewaki Kuno tumbled right on out of that tree when Gosunkugi began to hammer into it. One might almost call this a meeting of the minds. Almost because what the two of them had between them only really qualified as a mind if you were liberal with the definition.

"Have a care, foolish boy!" Kuno yelled. "Thy arcane nonsense dislodged me from yonder -"

"You're talking like your own stereotype," Gosunkugi mumbled. Kuno slapped the side of his head before continuing to speak.

"Thank you," Kuno said. "As I was saying! Be more careful. I was meditating in that tree until your hammering shook me loose."

"Oh, you were spying on Akane as well?" Gosunkugi asked.

"Spying? Me?" Kuno harrumphed. "Hardly! I was merely concerned for her wellbeing, having to room with that uncouth wretch, Ranma Saotome."

"So you were spying on Ranma Saotome?"

"Spying is beneath me! This was reconnaissance!"

Gosunkugi gave him a look so flat that it was basically two dimensional. Especially when a pair of binoculars fell out of his pocket. And then a sketch fell out of the tree, showing Akane on her morning jog.

"In any event! That scoundrel is doubtless up to something truly sinister," Kuno decided, apparently without any input from a sensible source. "Who knows what he might be up to at this very moment? Living under the same roof as Akane Tendo and the pigtailed girl! Any manner of vile sinister deeds could be set upon them even as we speak!"

Even as they spoke, Akane had already returned from her jog and was in the training hall alongside Ranma Saotome (girl form). It was like martial arts practice. Except instead of punches and kicks when Shampoo got past her sparring partner’s guard she groped them.

"Shampoo should be careful," the girl mused to herself. "If Shampoo keep this up, neither of you will be able to fight too good." While not that big a loss for her pet Ranma’s strength was part of why she loved him. “Been having too much fun, tone it down for now.”

"I wonder if Ranma has any weakness..." Gosunkugi pondered aloud, momentarily forgetting the hatred he had been feeling towards that purple haired menace.

"What's that?" Kuno asked. "You volunteer to find a weakness in Ranma Saotome?"

"That's not what I - "

"I refuse!" Kuno indignantly interrupted. "To ask another to discover your foe's vulnerabilities so that you can exploit them is not the way of a martial artist. It is dishonourable. It is craven and it is cowardly. I will thank you not to suggest it again."

Gosunkugi opened his mouth to speak up, but then shut it again. For some reason he didn't think he'd get a word in edgeways. He was entirely correct.

"But since I am such a generous and good person, I will pay for a new camera," Kuno remarked. "I saw that new house guest destroy yours as casually as swatting at a fly. It looked rather expensive, and it must have pained you so to see it destroyed."

He kept quiet again. No, not yet.

"Ah! If I enact this random act of kindness it might encourage others to think that I will do the same for them," Kuno continued. "Charity is all well and good, until more come to drink at the trough than there is water to drink. Therefore, I cannot merely give you the camera."

Here it comes.

"Therefore, I shall purchase you a new camera in exchange for services rendered," Kuno decided. "If you can discover the weakness of Ranma Saotome, I shall purchase you a new camera. There! I shall, of course, not make use of the weakness in my future duels with Saotome, but this should satisfy both honour and capitalism."

"Sure thing," Gosunkugi shrugged. "I'll get right on that. It's not like I get laid in these kind of threads anyway..."

"Respect the fourth wall, you fool!" Kuno yelled, glancing suspiciously at his surroundings. "You never know what might come through if you're not careful."

  1. Gosunkugi uncovers Shampoo's ploy. Probably by talking with Ryoga.
  2. Or... He only uncovers the part where she's brainwashing Ranma
  3. Or... The part where she's brainwashing Akane.
  4. Ryoga tries to find a new ally, and completely misses the ongoing plot.
  5. Shampoo finds out about Ryoga's curse and decides to do something about it.
  6. Something else

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