Two very feminine figures stood atop a treetop, staring down at the Furinkan area with a whistful gaze. How long had it been since they had seen this place? How little had it changed in all that time? Ten years. Ten long, trying years, but now at long last they were free. Free of the man that raised them, free of the man that trained them, free of the man that was a blight to whatever land he lay foot upon. Free to return home and meet their families, after all that time. Neither of them knew what to expect when they got there, which made the entire prospect exciting and terrifying all at once.
They had escaped him in China, their previous port of call. It was easy to tell by the way they were dressed: One wore her hair in a pigtail, standing tall and proud in a red silk sleeveless shirt and jet black trousers held up by rope. These clothes were slightly too big for this girl, but she didn't particularly seem to mind. Her arm had snaked around the waist of the other girl, who was resting her head upon the shoulder of the first. She wore her hair short in a crude bowl cut that managed to illustrate her as an adorable tomboy (even more the first because of the peaceful smile she was currently beaming). Her clothing of choice was a red flower patterned and form fitting cheongasm.
Neither of them remembered their families very well, but neither could forget the day that they had first been taken ten years previously for their training mission. For Ranma it had been another stop on the road, visiting yet another dojo. There was a faint recollection at being surprised to be told "go play with those girls while the adults talk," which Ranma had done reluctantly. There were three girls, but only one lingered in memory now. The short tempered tomboy that grew up into a very beautiful young woman that happened to be snuggling into her shoulder.
For Akane it was a day when a visitor arrived. A strange little boy, hyperactive and so quick she couldn't keep up. Didn't stop her trying. If anything, each dodge and skip just out of reach made her more and more determined to catch up. She grinned at the memory and leaned a little more into her training partner and best friend a little more. She'd caught him. Her. Whichever. If anything now Ranma was chasing after her, but not because of skill or speed.
Ah, but then the old man had arrived. Their fathers had fought against him, but it was in vain. His skill was awe inspiring, and he was pissed off about something or other. But then he declared his intention: He would take two of them, at such a young age, and he would mould them into the greatest martial artists of their generation. In the opinion of both, he had succeeded in that much. An old pervert he may be, but he was a genius martial artist. Sure, his training methods were unorthodox... but they were effective, in their way. At first they had thought the panty theft to be little more than a funny game, but it would be years before either realised the truth. By which point their skills had still skyrocketed. Both had a natural talent for the art, and Happosai certainly knew how to push people into bringing out their best. Even if it involved trying to make him behave to do it. Trying was the key word of that sentence. Until recently, even with their combined efforts they had always met with failure. Let him rot in China, the bastard.
"We should get going," Ranma said with great reluctance.
"Are you sure?" Akane asked, tilting her head to place a feather light kiss on Ranma's neck. The pigtailed girl shuddered in response.
"Ooh, I really do need to adjust to this cursed form!" Ranma said. "Can't have you playing me like a violin with a splash of cold water, can I?"
Akane pouted and disentangled herself from Ranma, and then took a single step as though heading downstairs. She then promptly dropped thirty feet to the ground, landing in much the same manner, and continued walking as though nothing at all had happened. Ranma followed suit and cast her eyes upon Akane's shapely rear end as she rather deliberately sashayed forwards. She knew she was being watched. She just loved being in control. 'Hm... I think I will simply enjoy the view,' Ranma thought, clasping her hands behind her head. Their idea of a scenic route was not quite the same as other people.
"Well well!" a gruff voice said, interrupting their thoughts and bringing both to a dead stop. "What do we have here?"
"Looks like a couple of outta town cuties to me, boss!"
They made their presence known. A group of three thugs with masks over their faces, circling around the two girls like wolves around a pair of lambs. Little did they realise that the metaphor was rather the reverse. The two girls shared a look and, so quickly that none of the boys could even see it, made four rapid motions. The first was to slap a fist into an open palm. The second was to extend their fingers on that fist, making an open hand chop motion into their hand. Then they curled their ring and pinkie fingers on that same hand, struck it a third time... and then their reactions differed. Where Akane repeated the third motion, Ranma repeated the first.
Rock beats scissors. It was Ranma's turn this time, and she hid a vague smirk by taking a deep breath.
"Oh nooo!" Ranma cooed in a voice so girly that anyone with the sense to do so would've called bullshit immediately. "P-please kind sirs! Do not hurt us poor, innocent beautiful girlies! What do you intend to do to us, you meanies?!"
"Aw, don't be like that!" the leader of the thus said, flicking open a knife as he stepped forward. "It'll feel real good in a minute. Trust me."
Ranma lay on the ground, trembling slightly as she placed the back of her hand against her forehead. "Be gentle," she whispered.
The leader of the thugs reached forwards, and then there was a blur followed very quickly by the most intense pain he had ever felt. Somehow, between reaching down for the cute redhead his hand had been redirected rather forcefully into a very different angle, leaving him punching himself square in the balls. The knife clattered out of his other hand as he dropped to his knees, and he was barely aware that the girl had made him do that by clutching his wrist. Oh, but Ranma wasn't done with him quite yet...
"B-boss!" one of the other thugs cried out, lunging forward in an act of suicidal madness. Or maybe his testicles had wronged him in some manner. Ranma honestly wasn't sure. Nor did he give any fucks for the fucks store was fresh out and wouldn't be restocked until she got a hot bath. She placed her foot on the back of the boss' head and gave a very slight, very precise push that rocketed him forward, landing him clear into the genital area of the second thug. The third had slightly more sense, though not quite enough to get the hell out of there. Instead he lunged towards Akane, who was very deliberately standing wide open with tremendous amusement written all over her face.
"Watch it or I'll hurt your friend!" were the words the thug would have said, if not for Ranma materialising behind him, used his pinky to flip him onto the ground. Instead it came out more like "Watch it or- what the fu-oof!"
"Timber!" Akane yelled, while Ranma framed the scene - looking at the square place between his hands formed by his thumbs touching while perpindicular to the rest of the hand - and hawked a loogie right at the head of the second thug. He fell over, landing with the back of his head right between the legs of the third.
"And the crowd goes wild!" Ranma applauded. "But what do the judges say?"
"I give it an eight. That girly voice was terrible!"
"Hmph! You're just jealous that I got to stomp some pervs and you didn't!" One of the thugs chose just then to whimper. "And you can shut your trap! Honestly, I hate perverts! Can't stand the bastards! Come on, let's burn their clothes. I'm not done with them yet."
"I appreciate how you feel, but we really should be getting a move on. Our families are expecting us, remember."
".... Fine. So where were we again?"
"You were staring at my butt in rapt attention. Not that anyone could possibly blame you."
With that, the two of them resumed their journey home, neither of them remotely aware that they were both quite thoroughly the very thing they hated. Happosai had trained them both rather better than either realised...
- Whatever did happen to Happosai, anyway?
- They head straight to the dojo, eager to meet their families.
- Ah, maybe they ought to stop off somewhere else and get Ranma some hot water.
- What other effects has Happosai's training had on them?
- Something else

It is a cute story, though curious where you might take it :)
ReplyDeletePlenty of different potential directions for this one. I'm not entirely sure quite yet which one I'll go with.
ReplyDeleteIf you were to twist my arm right back at the moment to get me talking, I'd probably have the two of them attempt to adjust back to a normal life. Going to school, making friends, etc. Except, it's not quite that easy, given that they can barely keep their hands off one another and some find their behaviour a little weird.
Hum. With Happosai involved, the best I could see for Shampoo being there is chasing them as enemies of the village. It'd be totally reasonable for her not to be there.
ReplyDeleteUkyou as well, though there could easily be another meeting that happened instead, but nominally it's easy to say without Genma, no Ukyou shows up.
Kodachi would be there. The school as a whole wouldn't know either of them.
Ryouga would probably be artificial to show up as can you see happosai sending the two of them to a boy's school? Or a school at all? He could be the victim of training by them though?
Oh. Wouldn't Genma/Nodoka be present early? With them trying to connect to their family and no known reason not to, it'd make sense really for both families to be there in the early scenes?
I can sort of see what could happen, but not where you could go with it. I suppose you have Cologne and Happosai as potential villians, Nabiki risking it all taking advantage of the hotties...and getting taken advantage of in turn. Kasumi would be running around trying to integrate them into normal society ("Why did you two seduce Dr. Tofu?") and Nodoka might as well? *quirks head back and forth*
Perhaps the primary downside is it cuts down sharply on the normal cast without scribing new reasons to be there from whole cloth. Though its not like Ranma has any lack of new characters that show up without backstory reasons either. Poor Princess Herb :P