Monday 9 September 2024

Story: UY Splitter


Benten had always been super competitive. She couldn't help herself. Someone challenges her to something she thinks she's good at, and she'll wanna throw down just to test herself. She's not stupid. She won't do something she can't do, or doesn't want to do. But she was a tough girl. A rough chick. She could throw down with the best of 'em and come out the other side swinging! Pick a fight with her and she'll make you regret it! No amount of pain would make her cry uncle!

Pleasure on the other hand? Her body rewarding her for doing something great fun? That was a whole other kettle of fish.

Her hips rose and her hips fell. Pulling and drawing the length of penis beneath her into her sopping wet sloppy pussy, her inner walls clinging to the shaft like a drowning man would to the only piece of floating wood around. The word 'wood' here had a double meaning. Until recently, Benten had never actually had sex before. Never really wanted to. She knew she was hot enough to have any guy she wanted, but she'd never met someone that made her wanna go through with it.

Ataru Moroboshi. Or rather, a duplicate of him that was, somehow, tailor made to appeal to her every sensibility. He was giving it to her good and hard. The funny thing was that she was putting in all the work, but it sure as shit didn't feel like it.

'Come on, come on, cum already, cum already!' Benten whipped her head around, biting on a knuckle to stop herself from letting loose a deep, throaty moan. She had it in her head that if she made him cum, then his dick would go soft and she could stop, recuperate, rethink what she was doing, and - 

"Hey babe! After this, why don'tcha do some dusting?" her Ataru whispered.

"Yes dear!" she chirped happily right away. Gah! That was the other thing! She kept on catching herself acting like a housewife, doting on her husband, rather than the tough chick she knew she - "Ohhhhhh~"

That time she couldn't stop herself. The moan burst out of her before she could stop it. This wasn't fair it wasn't fair it wasn't fair! How was he doing this to her?! If she could at least understand the mechanics of how he was able to drive her wild while barely touching her, letting her touch him instead all she wanted, then - Then maybe she could do something about this situation!

But as bad as the situation was, it was about to get worse.

Two figures appeared, one on either side of her. Naked. Covered in sweat. Oyuki and Ryuunosuke. They crouched down net to Benten, giving her a quick once over.

"Yo!" Ryuunosuke said. "Remember when we did that contest over which of us was girlier?" Benten nodded. Not trusting herself to open her mouth. "Guess you win, huh! You're gonna make an awesome housewife, while I've accepted being a tomboy!"

Housewife...? No, no, no! Don't smile at that, don't feel good about that, don't you dare nearly cum because of the mere suggestion of it! This situation was ridiculous! It felt like she was being dragged to the edge of release and pulled away moments before she could get there! 

"I think you'll look adorable," Oyuki said in that cold, clinical way that she did... while Ryuunosuke started making out with Ataru. Her Ataru! Her Darling! But before she could say anything, Oyuki suddenly grabbed her chest. "We need a housewife in this harem, and you're the best fit."

"W-wait! What about Ran!" Benten moaned helplessly. "What about Shinobu!" Surely those two would make a better housewife than her - Wait, hold on, that was skipping a step! "And who says I'm joining this harem in the first -"

"I'm absolutely joining this harem!" she said in a chirpy, ditzy tone followed by a long high pitched giggle. "Why would I ever want to give this up! I'll be my Darling's happy housewife all day long~"

That was weird. It was eerie. During that, Ataru had actually started touching her body very precisely with his fingertips. Using different pressures on them, moving his hand like he was playing a piece on a piano. Playing her body like a musical instrument.

Benten wiped drool from the corners of her mouth... and forced herself to rise to her feet! Success! She managed it! She looked around the room. The other girls were all lost in the throes of passion, rutting atop an Ataru copy without seeming to care. Down below, Oyuki had gobbled up the dick that had been inside her up until now, while Ryuunosuke was frenching that same Ataru, her own personal Darling.

In other words... he was distracted. She could escape. Find help. Find someone not already under their spell, and somehow free all of the girls here from this insidious control.

Her legs felt shaky, and the erotic sounds weren't helping. She still hadn't cum yet, and her body was insisting on it. Even so, Benten knew that if she gave in, even a little bit, and touched herself down there, she'd lose. She'd lose! That propelled her onwards. Made her fight against it, this insidious control, this sneaky bastard controlling people through their lust!

Each step felt like sweet agony. Taking her further and further away from the source of mind melting pleasure. Yet she didn't look back. She didn't even glance. The temptation would be too much. Soon enough, she reached the doorhandle, threw it open, and was out in the hallway -

"I win!" she fistpumped the air. "Hahaha! I beat your stupid addictive cock!" Benten stuck her hands on her hips and nodded to herself, smirking triumphantly. "You ain't brainwashed me, you son of a bitch! Hahaha! Alright! Now I gotta work out a plan to -"

Groooooowl! Her stomach made a sound like a roaring lion. Wiping the sweat from her brow, Benten realised... oh yeah, she sure was parched huh? Kinda famished too! Alright, fine, before she did anything to free them she really oughta make herself something to eat.

She wandered off to the kitchen. Already pretty well stocked. Ah, let's see here... don't wanna risk getting hot food splattered over herself, so she picked up an apron hanging from a hook. Kinda flowery and girly, but whatever. Then she draped it over her head, and started to cut up vegetables while humming to herself.

"Doesn't even realise that she already lost," Benten hummed. Here we go. Carrots sliced up nice and evenly. "Body's been programmed already long ago~" Got the water nice and boiled. Let's see! Aha! Oh yes, there was some chicken here she could heat up too! "Benten's now a housewife for life, singing while wearing a naked apron, singing a song that doesn't even rhyme, totally oblivious all of the time! Oh, hey never mind there's a rhyme~"

Shortly, she dusted off her hands - and realised she'd made far too much food! Oh dear. She was quite hungry, but not this hungry! Oh dear, oh dear! Whatever should she do...?

"Oh, of course!" Benten said. She looked around and found a series of trays, then some plates and bowls, piled the food onto them and performed a delicate balancing act, carrying the tray full of goodies all the way back to the room. "They must be famished by now with all that intercourse." She stopped for a moment and a beautific smile crossed her face. "I wonder if any of them are pregnant already. Oh gosh, so many little ones to take care of!"

A minute later, the food was all laid out around the room, while Benten herself was bouncing enthusiastically on her Darling's cock once again, with Oyuki feeding Benten herself, and Ryuunosuke feeding Darling. Without even noticing it, while barely putting up half the fight she thought she was, Benten had completely and totally lost - 

"Ahhhhh~" Benten sighed, her Darling suddenly poofing out of existence right out from under her. "Oh. Oh my." She stopped. Looked around the room. "Goodness, there are still so many girls here who haven't joined Darling's harem yet."

"Not to worry," Oyuki said, guiding Benten to her feet.

"Yeah!" Ryuunosuke smirked, then jabbed her thumb right at herself. "The three of us will teach 'em their rightful place in no time flat!"

Indeed. And Benten could hardly wait! After all, they were making such a mess. Someone would need to clean it all up after them, wouldn't they?

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