Monday 9 September 2024

Story: Federal Breast Inspector


It was a miserably wet day in Furinkan. The streets had a thin layer of water, and there was a constant moisture in the air. The drizzle seemed relentless, as if the sky had decided to weep continuously, leaving everything under its blanket of dampness. Soun Tendo stood by the large window in the living room, watching the rain drip down the glass. His thoughts, however, were not on the weather, but on the news he had just received. Exciting news. News that would change everything.

With a deep breath, Soun turned away from the window. His heart was light with anticipation as he walked toward the staircase. "Girls!" he called, his voice echoing through the quiet house. "Come down here, I have something important to tell you!"

There was a clatter from the kitchen, and Soun paused. Kasumi? It sounded like Kasumi, but something was… different. He shook his head, dismissing the fleeting thought. Perhaps she had simply dropped something. No need to worry. But even as he tried to convince himself, a small knot of unease nestled in the back of his mind.

He continued down the hall, his footsteps quiet on the wooden floor. "Nabiki! Akane!" he called again. He could hear muffled voices upstairs—Nabiki, most likely. Her tone carried that usual hint of sarcasm, but there was something off in her cadence, a subtle shift that he couldn’t quite place. And Akane… she had been quieter lately, hadn’t she? Or was it just his imagination?

Soun reached the bottom of the stairs and looked up. The house felt different today, almost as if it were holding its breath. He couldn't put his finger on it. Perhaps it was the weather, this constant drizzle that made everything seem muted, the edges of reality blurred by the rain. But no, it was more than that. The way his daughters moved, the way they spoke—it was as if a subtle, unspoken tension had woven itself into the fabric of their lives without him noticing.

He frowned, but then forced a smile. This news would change all of that. It had to. "Girls!" he called again, his voice a touch louder now, with a note of urgency that hadn’t been there before.

Kasumi appeared first, wiping her hands on a towel, her usual serene smile in place. Soun smiled back, but his gaze lingered on her a moment too long, trying to pinpoint what felt different. Her pale pink blouse seemed to hug her form a little more than usual, the neckline just a bit more open, though still modest. Was her posture more pronounced? He couldn't tell. Nabiki came next, descending the stairs with a casual grace that seemed more practiced than usual. Her snug sweater, dark and sleek, accentuated her figure in a way that felt new, but familiar at the same time. His mind almost registered the change, but it slipped away as she smirked at him, typical Nabiki. And yet…

"What's this about, Dad?" Akane's voice came from the top of the stairs, a bit more clipped than usual. When she finally stepped into view, Soun felt a pang of that unnamed discomfort again. She was dressed in her usual workout gear—a simple t-shirt and shorts—but somehow the shirt seemed more fitted, the fabric stretched taut across her chest in a way that he didn’t remember noticing before. Was it new? Or had she just grown? He couldn't quite place it. She looked the same, yet…

"Come sit down," Soun said, shaking off the feeling. He couldn’t let his strange musings spoil this moment. "I have some wonderful news!"

The three girls gathered around the table, each taking their usual spots. Soun noticed, for the briefest moment, that they didn’t sit quite the same way they usually did. Kasumi’s gentle grace seemed just a touch more deliberate, Nabiki’s nonchalance almost performative, and Akane… Well, Akane didn’t slouch as much as she used to, did she? He almost frowned but stopped himself. Maybe he was just nervous. Yes, that had to be it.

He cleared his throat, his smile widening. "I've just received a letter from an old friend…"


Akane really hoped that this wouldn't take long. She had to get to the training hall and play with her boobs, just like the ticket commanded. Every day, before her usual martial arts workout, she absolutely had to go topless and play with them until she came. It was the only way to clear the roadblock on her mind, the absolute best way for her to advance as a martial artist.

She didn't know how it worked, but she knew full well that it did. Ever since she'd received that ticket, it was like something had opened up for her. The sky was the limit. Granted, she did have to wear rather more revealing clothing than she'd like, but...Actually, she rather liked wearing them now. If only society wasn't so prudish, she (and her sisters) could wear clothes that showed off the girls more obviously!

For now though, she listened patiently to what her father had to say. Some boy called Ranma? Son of a friend of his? Engagement? Oh dear. Really? There was only one thing Akane could say to that!

"Is he hot?" Nabiki beat her to it. Kasumi nudged her with her elbow.

"What Nabiki means is, what's he like?" Kasumi asked. 

To which their father laughed, and said "Never met him."

Cue the three of them falling over in disbelief. Akane recovered first and got right in his face.

"Let me get this clear," she said slowly. "You've agreed to marry us off to a boy you know nothing about except his name and his father, without considering our needs?"

Her boobs began to tingle. Oh no. The inspectors warned her this would happen if she got horny. Her nipples were starting to ache, her breasts were getting needy. Oh! She'd give anything to feel a nice hard dick right slap bang in the middle of her creamy valley!

"It's not going to be a problem for long, you'll get to meet him soon!" Soun said. "Genma says he's coming today!"

"He'd bloody better be..." Nabiki grumbled and shuddered. She tugged at her sweater, trying to lift it up to show off some underboob, then looked at the two new rivals she had for the maybe hot dick coming their way. "I need to go change."

Much though Akane hated to admit it, so did she. Not nearly enough cleavage on display here. She had to show it off. Absolutely had to. First impressions matter for a lot. If he's hot she can make a play for him. If not? Let her sisters have the guy for all she cared!

Thus, the three of them tried to rush off, but... They heard the front gate open shortly after. The three of them looked to each other with a gleam in their eye: Which of them would get to make the good first impression first?


The last month or so had been absolutely amazing. Imagine it. The power they wielded. Kukuku! Hiroshi had the bright idea of using this Breast Inspector power to modify the uniforms at school, while also making anyone not in on it completely oblivious to anything weird going on.

It was amazing. Reality warping. Literal magic that was tailor made to get them laid. Now granted, they hadn't gone any further with the Tendo sisters then big sloppy titjobs, but that was purely out of practical need. They needed to test this stuff, you see? Gotta experiment a bit before getting their end away.


"I think it's time to officially punch our V card," Daisuke said.

"Dude, we're in public" Hiroshi whispered. "You say stuff like that it's gonna start rumours!"

Actually, everyone's attention seemed to be taken up by... A panda chasing a girl down the street and performing martial arts. Which, to be fair is a very significant distraction. Though if Daisuke was honest? The panda only had his attention until -

Jiggle jiggle~

"Hey, buddy?" Daisuke smirked to himself. "Actually, I think we've got some inspecting to do first."

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