Monday 16 September 2024

Story: Akane's Quest


Akane Tendo was not in a good mood. For a lot of people that thought will probably be accompanied with "oh, that's new!" but... Oh, fine, the sarcasm is kinda warranted, but can you honestly blame her? She's been in one shitty situation after another for a long time now. First, thanks to Kuno. Then thanks to her fiance Ranma, and more crucially, thanks to all the girls wanting a piece of him.

And now, her own sister was stabbing her in the back. Blackmailing them both to get a shot on his dick. Not even because she liked him. It's because she'd been possessed by a succubus. A stupid sexy succubus that had been trying to seduce them both.

Thing was, Akane was kinda feeling the itch too. Though she might pretend otherwise, she did feel a spark between her and Ranma. She wouldn't get so cross with him about the other girls otherwise right? But she couldn't just tell him! He'd lord it over her forever and a day! No, he had to be the one to tell her! Then she'd lord it over him! And spend the rest of the day trying very hard to get knocked up by him in an attempt to, you know, fast track their relationship to the next stage.

That last detail might be her new boobs talking. Stupid sexy cafe with their stupid sexy boob enhancing magic. Why was all the magic she encountered like this? Why did it have to be so horny?!

"Okay, this should be safe!" Nabiki said, having inspected a suspiciously clean couch. "No hidden wards, no magic circles, and it's surprisingly comfortable. We should be safe to bang on this."

"Must you?" Ranma grumbled. "You know I'm only doing this because you twisted my arm, right?"

"And I'm only doing this because I might literally go insane without getting fucked," Nabiki shot back. "You're not my type, Saotome. Don't go thinking it's because I'm into you. Though. Given the male company around regularly, you are definitely second from the top."

"Before you ask, Doctor Tofu is top of the list," Akane muttered darkly to herself. Weirdly, Ranma nodded, as if agreeing with that. Huh. There were limits to his pride after all. "What, not gonna argue?"

"He's liked in the community, a talented martial artist, has a steady paying job, and I've seen the way girls look at him," Ranma said. "For a while there I was gonna use him as a role model, but I've seen him around Kasumi too many times to wanna emulate him anymore."

Huh. That kinda introspection kinda... made her wanna do stuff with him right now, actually. Oooh~ Why was it that Ranma could be like that? Such a jerk in one moment, and the next he melts your heart without even trying? Honestly, it's when he tries to be flirtatious that he's a complete disaster.

Speaking of complete disasters, she got to watch as Nabiki took off her clothes and presented herself. Sticking her newly enchanted enormous rump right up in the air while peering back at Ranma with a 'come get some if you think you can handle it' smirk.

One small problem though. Ranma was paying more attention to Akane than Nabiki.

"It's fine!" Akane huffed. "It's not your fault this time, buster. You're being compelled into it, and - "

And he was already erect. Not his fault, this is the home of a succubus, they've been getting hit with all sorts of sex magic, it's probably why you're horny too, and - And Nabiki's ass sure was big and round huh?

"Alright, let's get this over with," Ranma grumbled. He strolled over to where Nabiki was laying down, tugged his trousers a little, and Akane reflexively craned her neck to take a look at it. She'd seen it before. The day they'd met, actually. In the bath. Oh, stop it! What are you even doing?! "But I'm not gonna enjoy it."

Based on the sound he was making a moment later that was a huge fucking lie. He'd already put it in. Then put it in again, and again, and again. Did he have to make those noises? It was like listening to him wolf down an okonomiyaki right after running away from something she'd made! Ooh! Honestly, there was not one thing about this situation that she liked, but - 

"Ohhhhh god!" Nabiki pulled a pillow to her face. "S-sorry sis, I'm gonna have to borrow him once in a while! Ahhhh, holy shit! It's because of your curse, isn't it? You know a girl's body far too well!"

"Hey, what sense does that even make?!" Akane snapped back. "I mean, that would lead to the idea that two lesbians can turn any woman into a pile of mush and -" Huh! All of a sudden she realised that must be a porn genre, right? Watching a lesbian seduce a straight woman would probably really work for a lot of guys.

Anyway, that had brought her attention back to the two of them, and - they weren't on the couch any more. Actually, Ranma was holding Nabiki up by the thighs and piledriving her onto his cock. She'd never seen him like this before. Normally, around girls, he had this kinda shy defenseless aura, or a put up where he was overly confident and cocky. Like this, he'd transformed before her very eyes into a total beast, a monster in the sack whose singular purpose was making sure that pussy was pleased!

And... Akane's thighs clenched together on sheer reflex. Oh! Ohhhh~ 

Dammit! This was the problem, actually. Her boobs were really sensitive now that they were so much bigger, and... Ohhh~ She'd kinda maybe sorta had sex with Ranma's girl form already. And liked it. They were both trying to pretend it hadn't happened, but here they were and nnnnngrh~ There wasn't any point in denying it. After Nabiki had her turn, it was Akane's.

Look at her. That smug face of her big sister. Always stealing her stuff, and now trying to lay claim to Ranma via her big hot ass! As if Akane would let that happen. Nope. Ranma was hers. Not Nabiki's! This was a one time thing no matter what she tried to claim, and if she tried it after this then - 


Akane grabbed the succubus in a headlock right before it jumped into her body. Gave it a nice big torque around the arteries as well to make clear she was in total control here.

"Gah!" the succubus yelped. "You... You saw me?!"

"Not exactly a challenge," Akane said. "I mean, this is such an obvious trick. My sister didn't work, so you split off from her after giving her a really good idea to get her end away."

"Oh! I get it now! I get it! This is why those girls are crawling all over you making fools of themselves! Oh yes!"

Ignoring that for the time being to focus on the succubus.

"Then you'd use me to... do whatever you were gonna do to them. Sorry! Not gonna work this time!"

With one arm, she reached into her cleavage and pulled out an ofuda. The other was still keeping the succubus in place. She slapped the paper tag right on its head, and watched it burn up right there and then... And when she did that, everything else in the building seemed a little bit less special than it had a moment ago.

Just in time as well. It seemed as though Ranma had reached his limit. As had Nabiki, actually. They were hanging onto each other for dear sweet life, and then Ranma emptied his load right inside her.

"Yipee, you came inside~" Nabiki gurgled, then slipped off happily to the floor. Cross eyed, tongue hanging out, the rest of her body twitching happily.

"Oops, didn't mean to do that..." Ranma muttered to himself. "Ah! Akane! It didn't mean anything, I promise!"

"No, but I bet it felt good, right?" Akane asked. She looked down at him. Still hard. Tsk. Alright! Fine! There was no way she was getting home in this state of mind without, so... She got on her knees, let her enormous tits out, and used them to clean Ranma's dick while he watched, gasping to himself in total surprise. "Here, let me clean you up before we get out of here."

And who knows? Maybe she'd give him something a bit more than her boobs before they left?

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