Monday 9 September 2024

Story: LS Mariko

There was definitely something strange going on here. Yuka could feel it in her bones. She was, after all, the daughter of a local priest - she had a slightly higher awareness of the supernatural than others around her. Slightly. In a place which seemed pretty bloody oblivious to blatant supernatural stuff that had apparently been there for years. Did anyone actually check out the weird magical items that showed up in shops now and again, or was there some kinda spell over the place keeping people stupid and compliant?

Whatever. This time around, the issue was too big. It was time for her to put on her priestess robes and a deerstalker hat, and then - 

"Oh, hey there Shinto Sherlock!" Sayuri said. "Did you forget your magnifying glass and your prayer beads? Oh! Let me guess! The game is ofuda!"

Yuka immediately did the only rational thing she could do under the circumstances, and slammed an ofuda into Sayuri's forehead. A small prayer later and she was surely repenting for her wicked behaviour. Though would likely sin again in the not too far off future.

"This is a bit much, isn't it?" she asked, taking off the deerstalker, and plopping it on her friend's head instead. "Here. You be the detective while I am the priestess."

"You're really set on this, huh?" Sayuri asked. "Come on, it's just a phase. Akane's trying out something new and cool to try and get Ranma's attention."

"Meanwhile, Ranma's also going for it?" Yuka asked. "When was the last time you saw male form Ranma?"

"Uh...?" Right, that's the point. It had been, what, a week now? "Look, you're reading way much into this. Those two goofballs are always getting into weird situations, and they get themselves back out again without our help. Beyond emotional support in Akane's case. I'm sure if something's really up, the two of them can handle - "

"Two, four, six, eight! Wanna learn to kick real great? Come on down, don’t be late, Tendo Dojo, it’s your fate!"

There, in the middle of the street, Akane stood with pom-poms in hand, her face a mixture of fierce determination and deep, burning embarrassment. Next to her, Ranma was executing high kicks with an enthusiasm that seemed suspiciously out of character, pigtail whipping through the air. Nabiki look ed like she was having the time of her life, grinning as she led the chant with gusto. Not smirking. An actual honest to goodness smile!

"Tendo Dojo, where girls train too! Come on in, we’re waiting for you!" they shouted in unison.

Yuka and Sayuri froze, their jaws dropping in unison. The sight of Ranma and Akane—usually too cool for school—cheerleading in front of the dojo was so surreal, it took a moment for their brains to catch up.

"Uh... Yuka?" Sayuri whispered, eyes wide.

"Yeah?" Yuka replied, equally stunned.

"You were right. Something is definitely up."

As if on cue, Ranma executed a particularly high kick that gave a scintillating flash under her skirt. But before that could be digested, Nabiki was already leading them into another round of cheers, her voice loud and clear.

"Two, four, six, eight! Wanna learn to kick real great?"

Akane was giving it her all, trying to ignore the burning blush creeping up her neck as she went through the motions. Ranma, ever the martial artist, couldn’t help but add an extra flourish to her kicks. The two of them giving each other the most intense, steamy looks that Yuka or Sayuri had ever seen before, especially from the two of them!

Sayuri leaned over to Yuka, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Think they’ve been brainwashed?"

Yuka, still staring at the spectacle, slowly nodded. "Only explanation. We have to investigate further."

Before Sayuri could reply, the routine came to a triumphant end with all three of the cheerleaders striking a pose. Akane's grin was strained, Nabiki’s smile turned into a smirk that was as smug as ever, and Ranma... Well, Ranma looked like she was having the time of her life!

Just then, Nabiki’s sharp eyes caught sight of the two newcomers. She raised an eyebrow, her smirk growing even wider as she sauntered over.

"Well, well," Nabiki drawled. "What do we have here? New recruits for the dojo? Or just here to watch the show?"

Yuka, recovering quickly, puffed out her chest and struck another dramatic pose. "We’re here to uncover the truth! Something strange is going on, and we—"

But before she could finish her declaration, Sayuri pulled her back, giving Nabiki an awkward smile. "We, uh, just wanted to ask about martial arts training... for girls. You know, after school and stuff."

Nabiki’s smirk didn’t falter. "Of course you did. Feel free to stick around—there’s plenty more where that came from."

As Nabiki turned back to her cheerleading companions, Sayuri whispered urgently to Yuka, "Let’s just observe for now. Whatever’s going on, we’ll figure it out... from a safe distance."

Yuka nodded, eyes still locked on Ranma and Akane as they got ready for another round of cheers. "Right. A safe distance."

As the cheerleading routine continued in front of the Tendo Dojo, Yuka and Sayuri couldn't tear their eyes away from the bizarre spectacle unfolding before them. Akane, Ranma, and Nabiki were in full swing—literally—with pom-poms shaking and chants echoing through the neighbourhood.

"Come on, girls, don’t be shy! Join the dojo, give it a try!"

Ranma, face flushed with a mix of exertion and embarrassment, executed another flawless kick, while Akane’s cheer was filled with a bit too much determination. Nabiki, as usual, was perfectly composed, leading the routine with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Yuka leaned over to Sayuri, whispering urgently. "Is it just me, or is Nabiki enjoying this way too much?"

Sayuri, still adjusting the deerstalker hat that seemed more ridiculous by the minute, nodded. "Definitely. But I think the real mystery is how she convinced Ranma and Akane to do this."

Before Yuka could reply, the front door of the dojo slid open, and Kasumi stepped out with a tray of drinks balanced delicately in her hands. At first, it seemed like a perfectly normal entrance for the eldest Tendo sister—until Yuka and Sayuri noticed her outfit.

Kasumi’s usual demure dress had been swapped out for a much shorter skirt, one that fluttered with every step she took. Her usual calm and collected demeanour seemed slightly off too; there was a hint of flustered energy to her, and the smile she wore seemed a little too... bubbly. Even by her standards.

"Oh, hello!" Kasumi called out, her voice a bit higher-pitched than normal. "I brought some drinks for our cheerleaders!"

Ranma and Akane paused mid-routine, grateful for the brief respite as Kasumi handed out the drinks, which they took with enthusiasm. Yuka and Sayuri, still standing off to the side, watched with growing bewilderment as Kasumi turned to them, her smile broadening.

"Oh, are you two here to join the dojo too?" Kasumi asked, her voice filled with a strange cheeriness that seemed out of place for her. She cocked her hip, putting her now free hand on it, standing in a way they'd never seen from her before. "It's such a fun way to stay fit, and look at all the energy you can have!"

Yuka blinked. "Uh, Kasumi... are you okay? You seem... different today."

Kasumi giggled—a sound so uncharacteristic that it sent shivers down Sayuri's spine. Not the refined and polite laugh that she normally used, an outright giggle. "Oh, I'm just fine! Better than fine, actually!" She twirled on the spot, her skirt flaring out in a way that made Yuka and Sayuri’s eyes widen in shock. "You know, cheering is so much fun! I was just thinking, maybe I should join them! I could lead the next chant! Oh, wouldn’t that be lovely?"

Sayuri stared, slack-jawed. "Kasumi, you... you want to cheer too?"

Kasumi clasped her hands together, her eyes practically sparkling with enthusiasm. "Why not? Everyone’s doing it! It’s such a great way to stay positive and spread joy!"

Yuka exchanged a glance with Sayuri, both of them clearly rattled. "Kasumi, are you sure you’re not... tired or something? Maybe you need a break?" Yuka suggested gently.

But Kasumi just shook her head, her short skirt swishing with the movement. "Oh no, I’m feeling just wonderful! In fact..." She struck a pose, raising her arms as if she were about to start cheering right then and there. "Ready? Give me an 'S'! Give me a—"

"I think we get the idea!" Yuka interrupted. "Alright Sayuri let's GIMME A G, GIMME AN O, what's that spell?!"

It took Yuka a moment to realise what she'd just done, and the instant she did, she grabbed Sayuri and bolted as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Definitely something weird going on," Sayuri gasped. "But god, they were so cute!"

That was the problem. They were. They were way, way too cute for their own good. Yuka wasn't into girls, but - But right now, she kinda felt like maybe she should think again about that...


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