Monday 2 September 2024

Story: Succumilf


The more Mayako thought about it, the more sense it made. This was a filler arc, not the second arc. Which meant that she didn't actually have to present any real challenge for the hunky, handsome hero and his entourage. No, all she had to do was act as a speedbump, a means to show the audience what a total badass he was, so that when the next arc showed up and the new level of power scaling was needed, the threat level escalated, the new villains would be all the more intimidating!

At least, that was her thought process. Ahem!

Now, let's see. It had been a good while since she'd swanned about seductively. If only she was wearing heels and a slinky dress, it might well come back to her. Alright, let's see, let's see-  

"Mayako! Resist it!" Kenshiro demanded, pointing at her so dramatically that it almost made her try to eject her own soul from her body. "Don't let this - This!"

"It's probably a succubus," Sora whispered. Perfect!

"How right you are!" Mayako cackled, letting her wings out and giving them a good flap. "Ohohoho! Come now, hero. I shall allow you to have this woman unscathed - in exchange for a single night of passion!"

"No!" yelped a girl that Mayako was pretty sure she'd seen before, but she couldn't remember her name. What was it again...? "Kenshiro, if you spend a night of passion with a succubus then - "

"Then she'll own your soul!" Sora warned. "Worse yet, she'll use you to defile Mayako's body!"

Well yes, that was rather the idea. It felt a bit weird, holding herself hostage to get laid. And fulfil her mission. It probably wouldn't work now that she was thinking about it, but still, it was worth a try. Actually, Mayako realised she should probably backtrack a bit. The whole "hold herself hostage" plan seemed increasingly ridiculous now that she was staring down the barrel of Kenshiro's intense, righteous gaze. He was practically vibrating with heroic determination. Any second now, he'd probably launch into one of his signature speeches about justice and virtue, and Mayako wasn't sure she could keep a straight face through it.

"Uh, on second thought," Mayako started, waving a hand dismissively, "maybe we can just, you know, skip the whole 'night of passion' thing and get right to the fighting?"

But Kenshiro, being Kenshiro, completely misunderstood. His eyes widened with newfound resolve. "I see! You're already trying to protect Mayako's pure heart from within! Don't worry, I'll free you from this foul succubus!" He pointed dramatically at her again, and Mayako could practically hear the dramatic background music swell in the distance.

"Oh no, that's not—" she began, but it was too late. Kenshiro had already charged forward, his aura practically glowing with heroic energy. Behind him, Rei twirled her binary whips in a flourish, ready to back him up.

Mayako flapped her wings in mild panic. She needed to stall. Fast. "Wait, wait!" she called out, throwing her hands up. "Before we fight, how about a quick chat? You know, just a little negotiation?"

Kenshiro skidded to a halt, looking confused. "Negotiate? With a demon?"

Mayako nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I mean, we're all reasonable people here, right? No need to rush into battle when we could... uh... discuss terms over tea? Or maybe coffee? Or..." Her mind raced. What would make this ridiculous hero pause? "...a training montage?"

Kenshiro blinked, his heroic brain visibly processing the idea. "A... training montage, you say?"

Behind him, Rei perked up. "Ooh! I love training montages!" she chirped, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "We could show off our new moves and get stronger for the next battle!"

Sora, meanwhile, looked completely lost. "Are we seriously taking a break to train in the middle of an exorcism?" she muttered under her breath, her eyes glued to Mayako with a mix of suspicion and adoration.

"Exactly!" Mayako chimed in, seizing the moment. "You wouldn't want to face me at my full power without proper preparation, right? I mean, look at these wings!" She flapped them for emphasis, trying to appear as menacing as possible. "They're very... um, dangerous! Who knows what kind of tricks I have up my sleeve!"

Kenshiro seemed to seriously consider it, stroking his chin in thought. "Hmm... You might be right. Rushing in without fully understanding the enemy's capabilities would be reckless."

Mayako internally sighed with relief. Maybe, just maybe, she could stretch this out long enough to think of a better plan. Or at least long enough for the next plot twist to save her from this mess.

But just as she was beginning to relax, Sora stepped forward, her eyes narrowed in determination. "Wait a minute," she said, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "Something's off here. Why would a powerful succubus like you suddenly want to negotiate? What are you really planning, huh?"

Mayako's brain screeched to a halt. "Oh, uh, I just... thought you might appreciate the chance to... um... strategize?"

Sora's suspicious glare deepened, but before she could press further, Kenshiro, ever the optimistic hero, placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Sora. I'll handle this." He looked at Mayako with a stern but kind expression. "If you're truly willing to negotiate, then perhaps there's hope for you yet."

Mayako mentally facepalmed. This was getting out of hand.

"Of course! Negotiation! Totally sincere!" she babbled, her wings twitching nervously. "So, how about we—"

But Kenshiro interrupted her with a loud, boisterous laugh. "Ha! I knew it! Even the darkest of hearts can be swayed by the light of justice!"

As Kenshiro continued his grand speech, Rei eagerly cheered him on, Sora looked increasingly sceptical, and Mayako tried to figure out how she'd ended up in this ridiculous situation in the first place. The only thing she knew for sure was that the "big bad" act was rapidly spiralling out of control.

Now all she needed was a miracle. Or at least a way to get Kenshiro to stop talking for five minutes while she tried to think of way out of this mess.

Come on, think now, think. What's the best way out of this mess!


Wow, this guy sure could talk, huh? Sora was actually kinda impressed. His lengthy friendship speech had managed to pin the succubus in place with her pretty face twisted as if she was groaning internally. All the while, Kenshiro's Awesome aura was like none she'd ever seen before. 

“This is <i>exactly</i> why I need to keep him from charging in!” she thought, glancing up at Mayako. If he did, then he might hurt her, and that was no good for anyone. Especially her cold, cold bed, and her needy, desperate loins. Not to mention the fact that her <i>mistress needs her</i>.

Sora frowned and shook her head. Mistress? Well, yeah. Mayako was her mistress. The love of her life. Ah~ Ohhh~ The very thought of her not being around made her feel... Bad. Very bad. Could it be...? Hold on one moment here! Was it possible that the succubus... that sneaky, dastardly succubus had already managed to use her affection for Mayako to turn her into its slave? That surely couldn't - 

<i>You are Mayako's slave</i>.

The idea hit the back of her head like a sledgehammer. She was, indeed, Mayako's slave. Ohhhh~ What a clever succubus you are, you pretty, sexy thing! Look at that body, look at those curves~ You were deliberately trying to keep Kenshiro busy, weren't you? That was your plan from the sta~art! 

No, Sora, you must <i>obey your mistress</i>. Guh! This deep in her soul already...? Surely not! It must be some kind of trick! Succubi were tricky like that, give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile! Why hadn't her usual protections worked? Oh no! If she wasn't careful then she'd wind up trying to force poor Kenshiro to submit to the hot, MILFy succubus goodness floating up there trying to look confident and in control when she very much was not!

As an aside from the author, is anyone else looking forward to when she realises that the real reason she feels this way is because she already sold her soul to Mayako?

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