Monday 16 September 2024

Story: Genma the MILF


There is little in this world that will make a young man more anxious than when his mother wishes to speak with him immediately. Save little details, like using his full name to insist on such a meeting. Or when she tweaks his ear, but still maintains a steady eye contact with him.

"So," Ranma's mother asked quite pointedly. "How is your relationship with Akane progressing?"

"Smoothly!" he replied. "We have great chemistry together and -"

Ow, ow, ow! She was really going for the torque this time! Face getting closer, too, she was really upset!

"Did you have sex with her?" she pointedly asked. He broke eye contact. "Did you use protection?" Beads of sweat trickled down the side of his face. "You didn't force yourself on her, did you...?"

"Oh, heavens no it was fully consensu- Crap."

The flat of her hand met the back of his head. 

"Honestly now, did I raise a son or a beast?" she hissed. "Couldn't hold it in until marriage, eh? Here was me thinking you didn't want anything to do with an arranged marriage!"

"And I don't," Ranma replied, not quite as calmly as he'd intended. "It's an antiquated political move that deprives both man and woman alike from their choice of how to live their life and - Yipe!"

"If Soun found out about this, you wouldn't have much choice now, would you?!" mother whisper yelled right into his ear. "I don't mind you starting a relationship with her, but you're taking it much too fast, aren't you?!"

She let go of his ear and crossed her arms. "Hrm... You do make a rather cute couple though, it must be said. I approve of her. Soun approves of you. Though he might change his mind after finding out what you've already done. Clearly, we have to arrange the marriage soon anyway before you knock her up... Ah, I know she's cute, but your base lust should be easier to contain than - "

"It's not just lust!" Ranma interrupted. Which surprised her. "I'll admit, there is an intense physical attraction between us. The likes of which I've never felt before. Physically, from top to bottom, she's exactly my type, down to the last cell!"

"... What are you admitting to right now...?" his mother asked, but Ranma continued on.

"But it's not just her extremely cute tomboyish figure that has my attention!" Ranma continued. "It is her fiery personality! Her no nonsense attitude! Furthermore, we share numerous interests and have fun talking with one another! You speak of arranging a marriage, but mother, I wish to do this myself with her, at our pace and not yours! Ours is not solely a relationship based on the most exact sexual compatibility in recorded history, but rather something more than that, something deeper and more wonderful! In truth, I love her! And I am reasonably certain that she loves me!"

Seeing his mother flummoxed like this was an odd feeling. She sat down on the roof and adjusted her glasses.

"I've not seen you this passionate about anything before..." she said in genuine shock. "Although, I also think you're oversharing a little too much about your feelings and your, ah, intimacy with her. I'm not quite ready to be a grandmother yet, you know!"

"Please! I beg you!" Ranma bowed deeply. "Do not tell Soun about our relationship, not yet. I wish to make sure that we have the same vision of our future together before we take such a drastic step towards it!"

"That's something you should have thought of before -"

"I couldn't help it, she initiated it!" Ranma interrupted. "Besides, she was fairly obviously extremely tense from her situation at school. Several boys were attempting to compel her into a relationship using brute force every day! The fact that she opened up to me like that, so intensely... I feared that turning her down would cause psychological trauma!"

He stopped for a second to think.

"Actually, that might be a justification after the fact for doing something I kinda already wanted to do," he admitted. "I mean. If your perfect partner suddenly up and pounces you out of nowhere, it's going to get your attention, you know?"

"Ah, I see..." mother nodded sagely. "I suppose that was a little sexist of me, anticipating that the man was the one to advance the relationship to that stage. Women have needs as well, I should not have placed all of the responsibility on you. It's not as if Akane is the sort to simply go along with social pressure."

"Yeah, that level of determination really works for me, you know?" Ranma sighed happily, thinking of his future wife, his current lover, and - "Sorry, I overshared again, didn't I?"

"No, it's fine, better to get this out in the open now rather than later," mother said. "Speaking of which - is there anything else you wish to discuss at this time...?"

Ranma crossed his arms and had a good think. "No, not about Akane," he said, furrowing his brow. "Although... Nabiki's behaviour has started to concern me a little bit..."


Ranma wasn't responsible. Nabiki squirmed a bit just from thinking his name. It felt good. Way too good. She hated how good it felt. Made her want to feel it again. So she should stop thinking about Ranma. Ranma. Rrrrranma.

He was a dork. A dork with a handsome face and fit body, but still a dumb dork who said weird things and wasn't her type at all. But her body was not listening to that. It was ignoring that. Her body wanted to fuck him. Be fucked by him. Didn't matter which. She'd take either right now, and it was driving her absolutely bonkers.

So Ranma wasn't doing it. Okay. Cool. If it had been him then he would've taken the first chance he had to pin her to her bed and claim her, give her what she needed, take what he wanted and leave her a moaning whimpering mess, then drag her off to Akane for a fun little threesome.

But he didn't. Hell, as far as she could tell he only acknowledged how hot she is on an intellectual level. Didn't personally feel it at all. Which chaffed. Nabiki was rather proud of her looks, thanks. She might not be an ideal homemaker like Kasumi, nor the heir to the family martial arts school like Akane, but she was every bit as hot as they were. Smarter too. Probably. Hard to tell with Kasumi sometimes.

His mother...? No, she'd not been around that sexy woman for long enough to be affected like this. Barely interacted with her. The more likely possibility then was -

Her own father. Could that be it? Sensing how willful his daughters were, he set up something to make them more compliant to marrying Ranma? The thought made her feel ill in her stomach. No, surely not. Daddy wouldn't do that - would he?

There was little else for it - she would at least have to talk with Akane about it. Get her to admit that she was behaving weirdly lately. Because Nabiki was certain of it now. Absolutely certain that something weird was going on, because right now, she was in her room, door and window locked, having planted her own face into her pillow while her shorts and panties were around her ankles and - 

"Oooh, Ranma~" she moaned, writhing right where she lay. Wiggling her butt up in the air seeking out attention and finding none. Fingers deep, deep inside her. Whoever was responsible for doing this to her would regret it. Oh, they'd regret it! Mark her words, they'd wish they didn't live long enough to regret it!

But... after she'd cum. Not one second before!

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