Monday, 22 July 2024

Story: Negima C+S


There comes a point where you realise you're not winning without drastic action, and Asuna hated to admit it, but they'd well and truly reached that point. The campus was quickly becoming a lewd carnival, and there didn't seem to be any stopping it.

"Change of plans!" Asuna said. "Slumber party in my place! We'll figure stuff out overnight, while locked away somewhere safe where the perverts cannot get us."

"Are you sure about that?" Ayaka asked. "Mana... My eyes are up here, you know!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Mana said. A rare thing to hear indeed, coming from the normally taciturn mercenary. "Chisame's spell did quite a number on us."

Chisame. Oooh, that really stung. Now, Asuna was aware that this meant they couldn't have a television or radio on at all in case it got hacked, but - Come on, look at this group! They're all extremely competent, and - 

And not even the scariest girls in class by a wide margin. No matter. Asuna guided them all inside, and they piled up some furniture up against the door, all to buy themselves just a little more time. A little more time... to figure out a way to deal with this endless parade of perversion!


There comes a time when someone on the losing team has to pick between continuing to play, or taking their ball and going home. That was the choice that faced Asuna right now and, to Negi's disappointment... she was holing up in a room. The door obviously locked. Probably stuffed some furniture up against the door. It was just her and a selection of other students holing up in there, no doubt trying their best to plot and scheme and come up with a way out of this situation...

But the problem with that plan is it gives the enemy time to think as well. Time to think and plan, and if they're already ahead then you're going to get even further behind.

Then again, Negi was liable to get a bit... distracted, what with all the cute girls around him already, catering to his every whim. Here's Evangeline in a cute gothic dress. There's Chachamaru in a naked apron. Over here we have the cheerleader trio, putting on a show for him, and over there we have Chao doing all manner of yoga poses.

Life was good. Life was great. Hehehehe, it was funny to think about how he'd obviously been brain scrambled into becoming a pervert. An observation helped along by the fact that any time he tried to think about that, he would get distracted by boobs or butts, or - 

"Hi there Nodoka!" Negi happily waved at the new arrival. "You didn't happen to encounter Chisame en route, did you? I was wondering how her trap was going."

"Oh, it's going well," Nodoka said, rolling on her heels. Oho? More confident than usual, wasn't she? As her teacher, that was nice to see. It was always a problem that she had, which he was genuinely worried she'd not be able to get over. That lack of confidence, being far too introverted for her own good. Now, she was striding into the room like a slut hunting for dick.

Well well. She was a pervert too, was she...?

"I see, you're one of Chamo's girls?" Negi asked. "Quite brave of you to walk into the lion's den like this. Outnumbered, outgunned... That's quite risky, isn't it?"

"I prefer risque, myself!" Nodoka tittered. "But look, I'm not here for anything like that. The truth is - we want the same thing don't we? The horny needs to be fulfilled!"

Well now! That was her certainly speaking his language! There was a sense to it. Why should two groups of perverts be opposed to one another, when the smarter move was to ally? The real enemy was the prudes. The ones who wanted to spoil all the fun!

However, he smelled a catch in the works. What was Nodoka up to? Coming here alone like this was a tremendous risk. I mean. Look around the room. Some of the strongest people in the academy are right here. Evangeline? Chachamaru? Chao? None of them were enemies Negi would want to take on all at once. And yet, here she was, walking in here brazenly as if they wouldn't do anything to her at all!

"By the wa~ay, I know all your fetishes~" Nodoka teased. "That's the magic of my artefact, you know?"

"The devious witch..." Evangeline whispered. "The one thing that no pervert wants! Kink shaming!"

"Unless that happens to be your kink?" Chao offered, but Nodoka shook her head. "Oh well, worth a try."

Negi nodded in appreciation of her creativity here. It was quite brilliant, really. Consider this - would you want your browser history exposed, even to those who already knew you were a pervert? Probably not. It's the kind of thing you'd rather keep to yourself - you have no idea how they might react!

Using that approach Nodoka could easily put them all in check. One might think that they could do something dangerous to her, threaten her physically, but they knew better than that. Anyone, absolutely anyone that would do something like this would first give a copy of this information to at least two people, or prepare an automatic email of some sort to release in the event that something happened to her.

"What is it that you want?" Negi asked, giving her a big smile. He patted on his lap, inviting her to sit with him. The other girls cleared a space, and Nodoka graciously sat down.

"Well, I was thinking that Chamo's kinda too... uh? Silly? Yeah, he's too silly to be in charge of the pervert brigade," Nodoka began. "I was gonna take charge, but if you've been pervified as well already, then...?"

"Then blackmailing us is a dangerous waste of time," Negi finished for her. "If you were thinking of surrendering control over your group to me?"

Look at her. He always knew she was being held back from her full brilliance by nobody but herself. Sneaky. He could see it in her eyes, her true intentions. She didn't want to be 'in charge'. She wanted to be directly behind the person 'in charge'. Whispering in their ear, letting them make the hard choices, while her own cute mouth guided things generally the way she wanted them to go.

It was insidiously erotic. Nonetheless, this was not something Negi could permit. He was the one in charge here. Not them. They were his girls, he wasn't theirs. They all had a crush on him, it wasn't necessarily his idea... But he should properly educate them, should he not? In fact, he should educate Nodoka as well, about why it's not such a good idea to wander into a magus' base of operations with something more concrete on your side than some mere blackmail material....


Alright then. They'd done it. They'd barred the doors, barred the windows, they were safe. They were secure. Or at least, Asuna hoped they were. All they had to do was last the night, then take the new day in stride. See what the damage was like, and come at it with a plan without being distracted by attempts to pervify them.

Though looking at the group, she wasn't feeling too great about it. Asuna tsked. Ayaka, of all girls they could have rescued. Mana was at least a mercenary, even if she was a little bit flustered after falling into Chisame's trap. Akira, Yuna, Zazie... Not exactly setting the world on fire here, with this team. 

"Alright girls, here's how we do this!" Asuna said. "I know it's kinda scary out there -"

"I'm not sure scary is the right word..." Ayaka interrupted. "Besides which, would it not be more natural for me to make this speech? I am class president, after all! Ohohohoho!"

"You'll be foot in your ass president if you keep that attitude going..." Asuna grumbled, but she set it aside for now. Ayaka was more used to leadership roles, as annoying as it was.

"In which case, girls!" Ayaka clapped her hands. "I know it looks bad, I know it looks bleak, but we're going to tough it out and get through this mess, I promise you! Now! We've already barred the doors and windows, but will that be enough?"

"Most likely not," Mana said. "I can put some traps on them. If anyone opens them before they're deactivated, that person would regret it."

"Nothing lethal..." Ayaka admonished. "Good start. Second thing! While Mana's magic would likely wake us up in the event someone tried to get in, there's still a great risk that someone might try."

"Ooh! Ooh!" Zazie put her hand up. "Shouldn't we, maybe, sleep in shifts?"

"That makes sense..." Akira said. "If we sleep in shifts, then we stand a much better chance. There's no way one of us wouldn't notice if someone tried to pull something!"

"Also! Zazie brought food!" Zazie said, holding up a bag. "That way, we won't go hungry and make stupid choices tonight!"

"Awesome thinking, Zazie!" Ayaka gave her a big thumbs up. "In that case, the only thing left for us to do now is figure out our gameplan for tomorrow! Then, we turn in nice and early, taking turns to keep watch. Ohohohoho! Those perverts won't know what hit them!"

As she spoke, Zazie, in particular, smiled and nodded along, while within her bag of food... there lurked another bag, a smaller bag, one full of carrots... with a little wooden stick right next to it, carved into the shape of a spatula...


Nodoka was beaming from ear to ear. She'd done it. She'd stood up to several really strong girls, and Negi, and managed to get what she really wanted! Right now, she was sitting in his lap, happy as could be, pushing her body up against his and kissing his neck and <i>yummie</i>~

"I have to give you credit," Negi said. "That was a creative way to use your Pactio."

"Uh huh! I knew you'd approve!" Nodoka beamed brighter, so bright she should be blinding to look at. "Sooo~ We're not getting at those girls until dawn, most likely. What do you all wanna do in the meantime?"

"Hrm...?" Negi mused, his hands brushing around her ass. Tee hee! That tickled - and it felt fucking great too! "Well, I was thinking we could watch our ditzy cheerleading trio put on a special routine for us."

A special routine...? Oh, how wonderful! She spun around and sat in his lap, snuggling in - and giving Evangeline a tugged down eyelid in exchange for the thoroughly evil expression she was shooting back at her. Kukuku! Gotcha, bitch!

"I have a few ideas for that, if you'd like~" Nodoka continued snuggling in. She was nice and comfortable already, but the spell was rewarding her for this slow, impromptu lapdance. "Let's have them... chant my name!"

"Nodoka's kind of a long chant for a cheer," Negi laughed nervously. "How about... Something simpler? Something shorter? Like, say, Queen?"

Oooh, Queen? She liked the sound of that! Queen Pervert, hee hee! She watched with bated breath as the cheerleaders filed out, in their extra skimpy, extra sexy uniforms, and then - 

"Ra, ra, shish boom ba!" they waved their pom poms, they wiggled their asses, and they made those tiny frilly skirts bob around, such a wonderful distraction they made! "We shake our booty, reign supreme! Nodoka's our horny Queen!"

"Yay! Such a nice cheer!" Nodoka laughed and clapped, and tilted her head to let Negi kiss her neck. "Now, the other three of you, why don't you join in too?"

Oh, that was a mean and dirty look Evangeline was giving her! But she still had a hold on them, kukuku~ So long as she could hold their kinks over their heads, they'd do whatever she - 

High kicks! Panty flashes! Oh, goodness! Such choreography! Nodoka didn't know where to look, it felt like she was missing out on so much just by blinking! 

"Please oh please watch our routine, Nodoka is now our Queen!" the girls all chanted in unison. Oh! They were stupendous! Wonderful, and - 

Negi's hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her in nice and tight. "That feels good, doesn't it?" Negi whispered in her ear. It did. It really, really did! "Good girl, keep watching now."

The cheerleaders all paired up, Evangeline with Chachamaru, Chao with Misa, Sakurako with Madoka. Evangeline ground her ass up against Chachamaru's crotch, while Sakuraka and Madoka humped into one another, and Misa seemed content to use Chao like a dancing pole, while they continued their wonderful chant.

"Can't take your eyes off now you've seen, Nodoka is now our Queen!" the girls chanted, lewding up their dance little by little. It was the hips that did it, Nodoka decided.

"Doesn't watching them cheer for you make you hot and horny?" Negi whispered. It did. How couldn't it? Six babes dancing for her amusement, calling her Queen and - 

"But Negi is our special King, and to his praises we shall sing! So don't be such an introvert, do what we say like a pervert!"

Oh, that was a clever rhyme! Hold on, what did they just say?

"Shush now, watch the routine, it's so lewd and dirty isn't it?" Negi whispered. Ah. Ah! Nodoka tried to look away, but - But!

"This isn't just some silly fling, Negi, Negi, he's our King!"

"You're trying to brainwash me!" Nodoka insisted, trying to stand up, but - She couldn't bear to. It hurt too much! It was far too lewd, too nasty and sexy. Ah. Ah! Ahhhhh~

"That's right, let the spell do its work," Negi chuckled. He cradled her body, pulling it even closer to his own. "There's no chance of you fighting it now. Really, Nodoka, you came so close to greatness, but you forgot to consider mental effects. Did you really think we'd hurt your cute body?"

"Mmm, that's the worst part~" Nodoka sang, feeling her legs starting to kick alongside theirs. She wanted to shake her ass as well. Just like they were. Put her in a tiny frilly skirt, give her some pom poms and oof, she'd be so darling! "I did, but the idea was so lewd and perverse that I couldn't stop myself! Mmmm~"

It was only a matter of time, now. She'd intended to take over Negi's group, or at least become its second in command. Now? She was completely and totally at their mercy! Instead of the other way around.

And the spell went 'good' in her brain, giving her a hit of heady, horny pleasure. Ahhhh, that's the stuff!

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