Saturday, 6 April 2013

Discussion: Sailor Moon, Tainted Cube

For this update, I'm really torn. After all, my usual strategy for such a thread is to introduce each of the sailors in turn, skipping over all of the filler... but there is quite a lot of filler between Mars and Jupiter. Might it be better to put that off for a little longer, and focus on a different story instead?

Given that we're following on from Rosario, this thread may adopt an idea from Love Pendant Usagi and have our heroes start converting youma into additional members of Usagi's growing harem. Between that and Rei's new personality, it seems likely that there'll be plenty of stuff within the filler material to draw upon without bringing Jupiter in as well. In fact, her presence might overcomplicate this next update quite a lot, and make it really hard to properly pull her in.

Though that said, I'd probably want to introduce her in the next update for this series. Any thoughts?


  1. I think it's a good idea to hold back on jupiter for awhile, maybe even two post's. A mistake a lot of people make when writing is that they go right for the kill, but it's a good idea to have buildup. Not only does doing so give you a longer and often more intersting story but it also makes the climax all the more enjoyable.

  2. Maybe at least have Jupiter as a cameo, just so you know she's there, but not involved yet.

    How far are you going to go? The cruise episode?

    1. Good question. I'm not entirely sure how far I'll go yet, but that may be a good cutoff point. Either for this episode or the next time Sailor Moon comes up.

  3. Okay, this doesn't deal with Sailor Moon, but it does deal with Tainted Cube in general, and I don't know where else to put it.

    Both of these plot ideas would come after a Rosario Vampire episode.

    1) Tskune wishes that Inner Moka liked him more. The next episode would be a Love Hana episode where Keitaro empowers Suu, only to have her magic form be a combo of her Red Moon form and Inner Moka. Maybe calling herself Red Moon Witch, has witchy technical powers, but gets super strength if she drinks Ketaro's blood.

    2) Tskune wants some of the nicer monsters spent time in the human world to meet nice humans so everyone could get along. This results in Ranma almost taking the place of the main character of the Monster Musume No Iru Nichijou and various monster girls are dumped into the Tendo home. I can see a nice running gag is magic girls were the boogymen, or boogygirls, of the monster world, and the new sweet monster girls telling Kasumi their version of ghost stories that feature a magic girl as the villan.

    1. The only problem with the first idea is that it is predicated upon Love Hina following Rosario, instead of the other way around. Which just doesn't seem likely to happen given trends so far.

      That was intended as a joke, it may not have come across that way.

      But I do really dig the second idea. That sounds like a lot of fun.
