Sunday 12 May 2024

Story: Side Effects


Ataru had no idea at all about what was going on here, but he wasn't complaining. The girls had all stripped down, and they all wanted a piece of him. Ohohoho! The springtime of his youth had arrived! It's said that for a brief period, everyone has their popular phase, and here was his!

Ryoko was in his lap, her friends were hugging onto his sides, and now the other girls were joining the mix too. Lum was floating overhead, upside down, cradling his head and kissing him without any sign of jealousy. Ran and Ryuunosuke were behind him, one to the left and right respectively, nuzzling into his neck. Hehehe! This was great! They were all naked, letting him freely touch anywhere he wanted, without resistance or complaint. Actually, they all seemed quite happy to let him do whatever he -

"Hey, make some room!" Shinobu sniffed. "I was his girlfriend first!"

She tried to muscle her way in, but Ryoko in particular was pretty stubborn about it. She was fiddling with his fly, tugging it down and letting it out. Then sliding her body down until - Penetration! Ataru moaned into Lum's mouth, and she moaned back. Divine. Truly divine! No electricity, no jealous cries of 'Darling'.

"If I'm a harem girl, I'll be a really girly girl!" Ryuunosuke whispered. Ataru couldn't tell the logic, but he wasn't gonna deny it either!

"You'll be way more affectionate than Rei!" Ran whispered in his other ear.

"You are my God of sex!" Ryoko said. While having sex with him. Oh yeah! That's the stuff! Come on girls, let's have a lot of fun together now, and - 

"Hey, stop hogging the sex god!" Shinobu insisted, and that's where all hell broke loose.

You see, it's kinda funny really. Ataru had always wanted a harem for himself, but he'd forgotten the single most important rule of any harem like situation: The girls in it are their own people. It's why, in that one future he'd visited where he had a harem, Lum had left due to space, money, and being blatantly taken advantage of to support the harem.

Thus, one must consider the question: When you brainwash a bunch of girls by accident into being so hot for you that they are fine with sharing, how long are they gonna be fine with 'sharing', and start competing for your attention? It's almost impossible to share our affection among a group equally. Preferential treatment is inevitable - we're going to have our favourites and our least favourites, Within a group of cute girls? It's going to come down to personal preference. Biggest breasts, rounded butts, the girls that most adhere to our preferred 'type' be it body, face, personality, and among those different aspects will take different preferences of their own! Is face more important? Body type? Personality?

Ah, but who is to say that the overall face must be more important than personality? Perhaps, for example, having a cute face is more important than a slender waist, but big breasts is more important than either put together?

Then consider the individual needs of the girls themselves. Some might want more kisses, others might want to be held, others are fine with less of these, and so on. Thus, even if you treat all girls the same, they might be dissatisfied because they're not getting enough of what they need, and see others as hogging it all to themselves! It's not rational, it's not fair, but this should illustrate why a harem is so hard to maintain.

If you still don't get it, think of it this way: It's really difficult sometimes to keep a single partner happy. Each new partner you add to that makes it exponentially more difficult to keep them all happy. Had Ataru deliberately brainwashed these girls into accepting their new reality as his harem, then it would be one thing. That can be controlled. They'd be compelled to work out their differences.

Since it was accidental...?

"Come on, let me have a taste of him."

"Hey, watch the hands!"

Now, if Ataru was smart he'd have seen what was brewing and moved to do something about it. They seemed to be generally doing whatever he wanted. Except he was enjoying himself a bit too much. He wasn't seeing the storm brewing. He was seeing and hearing and most importantly feeling a whole bunch of girls losing their minds trying to sexually satisfy him. 

Ryoko in particular was being a wildcat, while Lum was drinking deeply from his mouth. Boobs! Butts! Girly bodies pressing into him from every which direction! This truly was heaven, wasn't it?

Well, you know what they say: Hell's greatest torment is a glimpse of heaven. To see what you could have before being cast down again, taken from it for eternity... such a thing is crueller beyond words.


Intellectually, Ryoko knew she'd been brainwashed. Didn't care. Sex is good. She was smart enough to recgonise that she had no coherent comprehension of whether or not the sex she was currently experiencing with Ataru Moroboshi was, in fact, any good at all. Didn't matter. Sex was nice. Ataru is a sex God. 

Intimacy was new to her. Vulnerability was new as well. Feeling it penetrating her like this wasn't anything like she'd imagined. It's possible that the sex was mediocre, but she didn't give a fuck. Actually that's not entirely true she kind of was giving a fuck. A deep, hard fuck that made her entire body suddenly feel alive.

She'd concluded it there and then: Even if Ataru Moroboshi turned out to not be a God of Sex, she's still be his willing love slave. A feeling like this was too good to pass up. Her only regret was that his hands were too busy exploring the bodies of the girls around him. The rest of his harem. Making them writhe with pleasure and - 

The pink haired alien locked eyes with Ryoko, and a wicked expression crossed her face.

"Gimme that dick," she insisted, then darted forward to kiss Ryoko right on the mouth. Ah...? Ah! Ryoko found herself cumming and collapsing, feeling drained of all energy in the blink of an eye. "Kukuku, serves you ri~ight!" Ran jeered, scooting over to take her place on Ataru's penis - 

"No you don't!" Shinobu warned. She got right in Ran's way. Ran, naturally, tried to kiss Shinobu but met nothing but the back of the girl's hand. "Wait your turn!"

"My turn!" Ran yelped. "I've been waiting for my turn on some good dick for a while now!"

"Hey, hey!" Ryuunosuke pushed her way in now. "I'll be a real chick if I put that thing in me, right?"

"Wait, Darling's penis is free...?" Lum asked.

"Ah, girls, you'll all get your tu~urn!" Ataru sang. "No need to be impatient, you should all - Yipe!"

From there, it descended somewhat into chaos. Though what else could one expect when Ataru Moroboshi was concerned? That he'd get everything he wanted handed to him on a silver platter? Hardly! If you want to see that... well, I have other Urusei Yatsura stories you could read instead if you wanted, where he does get exactly that!

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