Monday 27 May 2024

Story: Cocknosis Raildex


Kongou was a proud girl, but by no means was she stupid. She knew when she'd stumbled onto something bigger than herself, and she knew when to back off before it caught her as well. This was one of those times. Without question, without thought, she was not sticking around and you couldn't make her, no matter what!

Obviously, some esper with mental control powers was using them to create a harem for themselves. Shameful! Even going so far as to bring in members of Judgment! The sheer bravery of such a plan was truly astonishing to behold. In any other condition she might even admire the audacity of it, the gall, the moxy, but given the end was to create a harem of girls who could abuse their position of authority at your will to attract even more sexy strong girls into your orbit -

Why, the utter fiend! It was more than enough to put a wind in her sails. Almost literally actually because that's how her powers worked. Sort of. She could create mighty gusts in an object she'd touched, or even in the air itself, and in this case she was using that power to get the fuck out of here, pronto!

"Over there! I see her!"

"Judgment! We need to question you!"

Of course they did. The trick was they might not even be hypnotised. Merely taking orders from a hypnotised leader. Or they could be as well. It was impossible to say for sure. Her best bet was to track down the Level 5 herself, Mental Out, and explain the situation to her - or at least let her read Kongou's panicked mind. There was no way, none at all, that she would let this lie!

"Sorry, gotta dash!" Kongou said, waving at them with her fan. Of course, she had little illusion she could stay away from them for long. Judgement had experience in taking down troublesome Espers, and right now she was certainly troublesome for Judgement's new master. "Ohohoho! Sorry, but you're gonna have to try a bit harder than -"

She felt the air nearby shift, and immediately changed tracks. Kuroko was a teleporter. No doubt she intended to bring her directly to Master and make her submit. Compel her to do all manner of dirty, dirty things with her lewd, submissive body... But she would not submit so easily.

"Tsk, you're as fast as expected," Kongou said. "Luckily for me, I can fast change my direction in the blink of an eye thanks to my gusts of wind! You can't hope to keep up with me like that!"

Kuroko frowned, and warped away. Hrm... That girl had bigger breasts than normal didn't she? How peculiar. There was surely something to that - but she wasn't sticking around to find out more!

The best course of action was to keep to the ground. As tempting and as fast as it would be to propel herself across the rooftops, Kuroko was an adept teleporter - and down here, there would be a lower chance of her trying to do something untoward. As she ran she tagged things that she passed. Lampposts, mailboxes, pieces of litter on the street, and she tagged them with her power, and when she saw anyone from Judgement come by she sent them flying back with a mighty gust of wind!

Granted, that did seem to be gathering her quite a bit of attention, but - hohoho! At this point that was to her benefit, the more people watching her, the better! Though she did have to admit, she'd thought Kuroko herself would have been a bit more persi-


A hand touched her ankle, reaching out from a manhole cover. No! From down there! Before Kongou could do anything, she found herself teleported inside a building and - 

And... she was staring at a very large penis. Large, huge dick. Fully erect. With two girls lick lick licking it on either side. One of them she knew. The other she knew, but for some reason when she tried to recall, all that came back was 'penis'. Kongou began to drool in earnest. Penis, penis, penis...

"Uh, is this her?" the owner of the penis (which in turn owned her) asked. "She doesn't look like much of a troublemaker."

"She is," Kuroko said. "She's been setting off gusts of wind down the street at random for the last few minutes. Oh, the humanity! All those girls getting their skirts flipped in public! And, I suppose, all those civilians getting tossed into the air recklessly."

"I think you have your priorities wrong..." the penis owner said. "Okay, fine. I guess this is for the best. Um, so whatever you thought you were doing before, you shouldn't do it."

What she was doing before....? Was trying to get away before she was hypnotised by this penis, so that she wouldn't get brainwashed into being a dirty toy for this pervert. Which was wrong. Obviously it was wrong. The owner of the penis told her it was wrong. Therefore, it must be. It was wrong for her to want to escape being made into a living fuckdoll that had her brain completely rewritten to want it, therefore it was right for her to be made into a living fuckdoll who had been brainwashed thoroughly into wanting it.

Therefore, she was. A wry grin fell upon Kongou's face as she accepted her fate, then settled in to lick that penis and absolutely cement it over her remaining free will.

Yum~ Submission sure did taste nice!


So this was the place, huh? Misaka stared at it with scorn. Another school. Of course, the one she attended was considered one of the finest in the city. This one... even from the outside she could tell the atmosphere was different. Not to say that her own school was better or anything, It was more like... The impression she got from this place was that it was more stern, more serious, and that sure as hell said something.

"Alright, enough staring at the entrance, let's head in," said that jackass 'mage'. Striding forward, cigarette in his mouth, not a care in the world. Cooly sauntering in like it was no big deal. "You two coming? Or am I heading in alone?"

"Don't mind him, he's -"

"I know what his type is like," Misaka turned her nose up at her lover, her master, the man who rocked her body so hard what else could she do but submit? "You don't need to apologise on his behalf, if he won't do it himself."

In they went, and everything seemed perfectly normal. It seemed normal. Seemed. With Esper students wandering around, clearly on the poorer end of things. The faculty seemed to be sleepwalking as well. Overworked, underpaid, it all had the stench of a school that wasn't quite living up to its full standard.

"I don't see anything weird," Touma said.

"Neither do I," Stiyl added. "However -"

"Two dead bodies on that table in the corner," Misaka whispered. Stiyl turned, and raised an eyebrow at her. "It's a good illusion. Warping our senses in some way? Light, or whatever? I'd rather not say how I can tell, but..."

"Touma, touch the floor right <i>there</i>," Stiyl commanded. He nodded in understanding, reached down with his right hand, and - Misaka felt her stomach lurch. Oof! "That's them. The missing Knights that came to investigate this place."

"Wh-What happened to their bodies?" Misaka asked. She had sensed their presence with her ability to sense the electromagnetic spectrum around her. The general shape of human beings was screaming at her, despite being unable to see anything. The lack of breathing or movement told her they were dead. It didn't say to her how they had died. It was like... like chunks of their bodies had been blown off! She backed into Touma on reflex, while he watched on staying surprisingly calm. "How are you not freaking out right now?!"

Then she realised it. He'd been in this sort of adventure before, hadn't he? At some point or other, Touma had seen this kind of carnage, this kind of raw visceral gore, and he'd simply... got used to it. How absolutely terrifying!

"Oobadaga oobadaga ooba ooba oobadaga..."

Though not as terrifying as that! Or that the students and faculty had all turned towards them, as one, chanting that same thing over and over again! Stiyl stepped away from the bodies, towards them, while Touma held out his right hand, and - 

And the students started to generate these little blue balls which absolutely could not be good news at all. Nor could it be good when they all started bleeding from their eyes, ears, noses and mouths! Oh no, oh no, what was happening to them? Misaka might be a Level 5, but she was feeling really over her head here!

"Tsk, we shouldn't have brought her," Stiyl said. "Touma, block those! They must be what killed the Knights!"

"Block them?!" Touma yelled. "Like hell, I can't get all of them, there are far too many!"

"Tsk, dammit..." Stiyl grumbled. "Making a bunch of Espers cast magic on purpose... he had to know what he was doing."

Huh...? The person in charge here was doing this to them deliberately...?

Misaka sparkled with electricity. Then, the room began to taste of ozone as sparks of lightning shot out all around her. You see, while she might be in over her head, in a situation that's out of context for her, Misaka is still the Railgun. She's still the premiere electromancer of Academy City, and its third most powerful Esper! She was Touma's loveslave, she was a complete tsundere, but do you know what else she was?

"How dare you?"

Pissed off at someone who would hurt other people on purpose!

"How dare you!"

All the metal in the room swarmed together pulled in by magnetism. All those blue balls were scooped up, contained within a dome, within which a series of explosions rocked it. Only her own magnetism held it together

"How dare you?!"

But there really were a lot of them, weren't there? In that case...

"Hey, you two!" Misaka yelled. "I'll cover you! Find the bastard that's doing this and punch his lights out!"

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Touma snapped to attention. "Come on, Stiyl! Let's get out of -"

"And Touma!" Misaka yelled, making the boy jump out of his skin too look back at her nervously. She looked up and down at him. Gaze lingering on his crotch. "I love you."

He made a confused strangled noise - and then the two of them ran off, with Misaka following after, dragging every piece of metal she could along the way. Hold on, Index! Just hold on a little longer, then you could join the two of them in yet another hot, steamy threesome!

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