Sunday 12 May 2024

Story: Chilly Harem


Dearest diary, I may have been able to conduct some form of damage control. After Lum left, having made a mess and not cleaned up after herself (as usual), I made sure to spy on Darling's room to check on the results of our attempts to entice Lum to the harem side of the force.

Pardon me, they recently released a quaint movie about space - which I shall write about another time. For now, more important matters require attention.


Why was his room pitch black? Ah, Ataru had been enjoying that flirting session. Lum was away, dealing with her friends, which made it the perfect chance for him to get some flirting done. Alas! A failure today! Which wasn't all that new to him. Oh, if only he had been able to go on another fun date with Ryuunosuke. Or Shinobu... Or maybe Oyuki or Ran or Benten or - 

"Oy, my lights are not working either?" he grunted. "Bah! Why are these curtains closed -"

"Did you have a fun day, darling?"

Eep! That was right by his ear! By now, he was in the middle of his bedroom, having crossed to open the curtains. Slowly but surely, the lights came on, and he turned around to see Lum floating in the air, screwing the lightbulb back into its socket while looking down at him with a weird expression on her face.

And weirder clothes on her body. Black latex. Like someone had poured oil over her body from her shoulders down, and it had solidified in a single thin layer. Though it showed less skin, it felt like he was seeing her absolutely naked. Lum seemed to enjoy his gaze, and spun around in the air to really show off.

"New outfit, huh?" Ataru grunted. He looked away. Quite pointedly. He never liked having to admit that Lum had a 10/10 body, because it would only encourage her. Make her more eager to chain him down, keep him from sowing his wild oats. "Well, I don't -"

Zap! Oh, right away with the electricity, huh? Except that was more like a love tap than her usual fist of god approach. It was less like he'd been struck by lightning, and more like he'd been slapped.

"Look at me, Darling!" Lum insisted. He turned his head up and - Zap! "I said. Look at me. Darling." Still he refused, and this time an even bigger zap.

"Okay, okay!" he turned and looked. Then he saw Lum brandishing something in her hands. Something that quickly took his breath away. Not out of arousal, mind you, but fear. Absolute fear permeating his body. "Ack! L-Lum, is that a -"

"A whip? Why yes it is, Darling!" Lum said. She licked her lips, and patted it into her open palm. It was still folded up, but it was also sparkling with electricity. "So. Darling. Here's the deal. This room is soundproofed right now, and I want to have sex."

"D-Do I have any say - "

The whip lashed out to the floor next to him. Lum giggled, and it sounded both cute and scary at the same time.

"Of course you may refuse," Lum said. "I won't do anything if you refuse, Darling. You can choose the position. You can choose what we do... But... That is just a free sample."

F-Free sample? What did she mean by- oh, she was unzipping her top and letting her breasts out. They were rather nice breasts. He tried to look away again, but Lum turned his head to make him look, so he closed his eyes, so she shocked him and - 

Boobs. Boooooobs!

"You'll get to have sex tomorrow as well," Lum said. "If you're a good boy, you get to have sex the way that you want it... But if you're a bad boy, you'll need to be punished first."

Punished first! But also sex?! Ah! Ataru had once heard someone talk about a confused boner, and he'd thought they were cowards with no capability of taking advantage what was in front of them, but now he was starting to get the idea! Of course, now it all made sense! Lum was trying to condition him into a steady Relationship! The fiend! The temptress, the siren!

Flomf! Her boobs were right in his face, rubbing up against his cheek. Hehehehe~ 

"So Darling, what will it be? Will you agree to my terms?"

Temptation is a difficult thing. When something is just barely within your grasp, but the terms and conditions attached are so strange, it's like torture. Sweet torture! Lum was offering him regular sex! No interference from outside! Nobody would know! The only downside was - 

"You'll shock me!"

Plonk! She put something on his head, made her lips sparkle with electricity and then oooooh~ She tasted so spicy! He felt something passing through him, but...

"That should keep you safe, Darling~"

Gah! Oh no, she really had thought of everything! He was scared! He was aroused! He kind of wanted it, but he knew he'd be damned if he agreed! There was no escape, no way out, nothing he could do except -

Suddenly find himself buried in snow as his closet spilled open due to a space time corridor forming in there without his permission. He didn't know whether to be upset at Oyuki, or - 

"Lum! You've got to pay for the damages," said the pretty silver haired alien wearing her bikini instead of her robes! He could never stay mad at her!


As you can tell, dearest diary, the situation bordered on a complete disaster. Instead of submitting to the idea of sharing her Darling to her mutual satisfaction, instead Lum had become a twisted dominatrix hell bent on taming Ataru's very will!

Obviously, this cannot stand. Hence my own interference at a timely moment.

Though one must admit. She did look startlingly sexy in that outfit. I should probably order one for myself. Benten as well.

Now, as for my damage control, I'll get to that shortly.

Always yours,


1 comment:

  1. Just one comment this time:

    - Instead of submitting to the idea of sharing her Darling to her mutual satisfaction, instead Lum had become a twisted dominatrix hell bent on taming Ataru's very will!

    Should be "Instead of submitting to the idea of sharing her Darling to her mutual satisfaction, Lum had become a twisted dominatrix hell-bent on taming Ataru's very will!"
