Sunday 12 May 2024

Story: LS Ryu


After a certain point, Sakura was pretty sure they should call the meditation training a resounding failure. Call it a hunch. Call it pattern recognition, call it 'every one of them was naked, with one hand on their breasts and the other between their legs, blatantly and flagrantly staring at each other's sinfully writhing, masturbating bodies'.

Which didn't really have a name or anything attached to it, but it was certainly true. Sakura as well. She couldn't help herself. They were all so - So <i>hot</i>. It was a wonder this cold water pouring over their bodies wasn't boiling already. 

Where had they gone wrong? She couldn't figure it out. Nor could she concentrate long enough to do that. Because whenever she did try, and seemed to be getting somewhere - 

Lum threw back her head, causing her long iridescent hair to flow backwards, glistening with water and making the light sparkle as though a rainbow had descended upon them. A blessing from the Goddess, lighting up the world and -

And that's why she was getting distracted! They kept on doing things to make them seem really pretty! Unnaturally pretty! Far too cute for anyone to resist and -

Shinobu rolled her shoulders and let out a low sensual moan that sent a shiver down Sakura's spine. Then the girl tilted her head and she locked lips with Ran, suddenly making Sakura's lips feel so very, very alone.

They were teetering on the edge. No, perhaps they had already fallen off it. Tumbling down, down, into an abyss of lesbianism, where there would be nothing waiting for them at the bottom except big round butts, large breasts, pretty faces and heaps and heaps of - 

"Pussy~" Lum whimpered from down between Sakura's legs. She had floated over the other two girls, who were grappling on to one another tightly. Yet Sakura's attention was lingering on Lum because she was doing something very dangerous. "Pussy!"

"Lum, don't!" Sakura whispered, but it came out hoarse. Almost like she was trying to not say it. The ridiculously hot oni was prying her legs apart a little at a time. She should resist, she should push back, but instead... Instead Sakura's legs were opening of their own accord. Almost inviting Lum in, and -

The instant that her tongue fell upon Sakura's folds, her vision shifted. She was in a temple, full of statue of women. Statues of... herself. Posing lewdly. Putting her body on display in a quite literal fashion. Hrmph! How vulgar, how disgusting, how - 

"How lesbian."

It was her own voice coming back to her. Sakura heard footsteps coming from the back, so she turned to look, and there she was. Herself. Clad in a white robe like she was stepping out of Ancient Rome. More like a toga than the priestess robes she normally wore. It was rather obvious that she was going for something loose fitting, trying to show off her body, just like the statues.

"Listen, before you even say anything?" the other her remarked. "You've already lost. You're into girls now. Really, really into girls now."

"No, I'm not!" Sakura protested.

"Oh, okay!" the other her said. "What colour are my eyes?"

"Brown," Sakura replied, the same colour as her own... But then she realised that she'd answered <b>because</b> they were the same colour as her own, and she'd actually been staring at the other her's very nice boobs. Indeed, upon actually looking up they were in fact blue. "Neat trick, but I... I... Uh... I...."

The other her was taking off her toga. Letting her bare boobs just hang out there, and - gosh they were nice boobs.

"So, here's how this is going," the other her said coyly, playing with her tits her tits her really nice tits. "Ryuunosuke is a wonderful avatar. The epitome of the butch lesbian. She sort of sneaks on under that whole nasty 'attraction to men' thing, and helps awaken girls to the wonders of being into other girls. Through personality. Through cuteness. Through a surprisingly nice body hidden under those nasty manly clothes."

Sakura swallowed. Ryuunosuke...? Yes, that strangely fit. The effect was more pronounced when she was nearby. In fact, before her eyes, the being in front of her had transformed into a copy of Ryuunosuke instead. Though her breasts were quite a bit bigger than Miss Fujiname's - 

"Not by the end of the day, they won't be!" the girl scoffed. "Hah! Thanks to you, she's accepting it too! Nothing wrong with girls liking girls. Right now she's banging a super hot alien Princess. Got kinda the opposite aesthetic of Lum, dark instead of bright, but she's got her squealing like a stuck pig!"

"So... You're the corrupting force responsible for - For!"

"For awakening your inner lesbian? Sure!" the being shrugged. "The four of you have been exposed to her long enough that I can hop inside your heads right now and start messing around. Your little meditation trick is making it even easier, and when you actually bang Ryuunosuke - My, my! You're gonna get a hell of a boost to your bods! Full on Lesbians, not merely lesbians. The difference is in the capital letter, you get me?"

To her annoyance, yes she did kind of understand. Didn't much like it, but she understood.

"I need a Priestess, ya got me?" Now indulging in Ryuunosuke's rougher way of talking. "SOmeone that can help spread the word. Make every chick as gay as us - and maybe even turn the boys into girls too!"

"I'll - I'll fight you!" Sakura protested. "I won't be used by - By!"

Oh dear. Somehow Ryuunosuke was right there in front of her, and she felt impossibly weak at the knees. Look at her. She was so... beautifully. Perfect. The ultimate example of the feminine form. 

"Weren't you paying attention?" her Goddess asked, gently leaning in to kiss Sakura on the lips. "You lost already. Out there, in the real world, Lum's just made you cum for the fifth time. You're humping her face like a dog in heat." Ah! She was close now, far too close! "And yet, other chicks need their eyes opened. Much like yours have been. Now. Embrace your Goddess... And corrupt those other chicks, wouldja?"

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