Sunday 12 May 2024

Story: Akane's Titnosis


Is it any wonder Akane Tendo was temperamental? Some people call her spoiled, but if you really think about it she basically never gets what she really wants. I mean. Loses her mother at a young age, okay? Then she develops a crush on the cute young chiropractor practising nearby, while he only has eyes for her older sister. Her father won't take her seriously as a martial artist. Ranma won't admit that he likes her and generally straddles the line of 'jerk' and 'actually nice' so tightly that it's hard for her to gauge how she feels about him.

Meanwhile what does she get? A bunch of perverts at school super into her. Has to literally beat them back every day she attends. Each morning before class starts. Then she gets romantic rivals for the boy she's not sure she likes who are, in many ways, objectively better partners for him than she would be. Oh, and that boy also turns into a super cute girl who is actually physically cuter than her! On top of that, Nabiki steals her clothes all the damned time, Happosai lives here, she has to put up with all this weird supernatural nonsense.

The frustration is inevitable when viewed through that lens. Yet here she was. Lying in a heap of bodies. Naked, sweat drenched bodies. Clinging to each other out of sheer afterglow. Her own heaving tits resting on Ranma's chest, while he held her close, and Shampoo's inferior boobs were pressed into her back, Ukyo was hugging her legs, Kodachi laying over Ranma's stomach so she could kiss Akane's tummy, and - 

And her sisters were somewhere in this tangled mess too. Not that Akane much cared anymore. Her tits were telling her that she had just had sex with the boy she liked. Her tits were telling her that she really, really liked having sex with him. These things were both true. She'd also had sex with the other girls, but that wasn't the point right now - she'd been fucked by Ranma. She'd fucked Ranma. They'd fucked each other and she'd enjoyed every little bit of it.

"I'm a pervert," Akane whispered, a big smile on her face. "Mmm, Ranma. This is exactly what I needed."

"Yes dear," Ranma replied, with a distant sounding cadence. Hrmph! Akane sat up. The other girls all sort of rolled over off her, but quickly realigned so they were doing lewd things to each other instead of her. Right now, Ranma had her full attention.

Okay. Okay. So you have a harem of mostly girls at your beck and call right now. They were all really fucking cute. She rolled on top off him, sat there feeling his member, now soft, poking into her thigh. Ah. But when she squeezed her tits and hefted them up for his glazed over eyes to gaze upon, they focused immediately upon them, and she felt that member slap up into her. It would rise, make the hit, then bounce back down. Like a pendulum's swing. Sitting here, feeling triumphant, feeling refreshed, feeling free for the first time in her life, Akane decided to make a few things absolutely clear.

"Alright Ranma, before all the stuff with my tits, how did you actually feel about me?"

She already knew the answer by now. It was obvious. She just wanted to hear it, right here, right now.

"I loved you," Ranma answered.

"Loved?" Akane replied. "How about now?"

"I worship you!"

Not quite the answer she wanted. "Let's stick with love. I think that's healthier for both of us." She rewarded his honest answer by letting him kiss her nipple. At the moment of contact, he was instantly, fully erect, and so Akane shifted her weight, her positioning, to... There! Full on penetration! Just what the doctor ordered.

"So, all that stuff about me being uncute?" Akane asked, savouring the feeling of the boy she liked penetrating her. She cast an eye to the side. Deliberately ignored her sisters being there for now. Put her hands on Ranma's chest and licked her lips. "Haaaa~ What was all that about?"

"A combination of frustration that you weren't admitting to liking me, confusion at my own feelings, and a deeply rooted fear of vulnerability, which manifested in immature bullying," Ranma replied. Huh. That sounded... way too smart for him. Probably the effect of titnosis compelling absolute honesty, bringing out ideas he might have heard about and not considered on a subconscious level. "Also, you were really hot when you were pissed off."

"I thought I was pretty when I smiled?" Akane asked, giving him a good example of that right here and now.

"You're really cute when you smile," Ranma said. "But when you're furious... Ahhhh, I can feel it, your true inner potential as a martial artist." Oh! Oh! He'd grabbed her around the waist and sat up, really starting to give it to her nice and good now. Retaking control. Giving it to her so deep, so thorough, so - Ohhh, yes!

"Ah! Ah! Wh-What if I'd admitted it first, then?" Akane asked. "Wh-What if I'd - "

"I'd have probably made fun of you and taken advantage of it," Ranma admitted. "But inside, I'd have been super happy. So happy, but with no way to express it."

His face was suddenly closer to hers than she'd expected, and so she kissed him. Why wouldn't she? The Akane that was, she was miserable. Never got what she wanted. Lacked the strength of will, character or mind to do whatever was necessary to make it happen. She could've been more aggressively flirtatious with Doctor Tofu instead of trying to rely on growing her hair out. She could've asked her father to transfer her to another school to get away from Kuno. Although, hearing from Ranma that even if she had been more assertive with him that he lacked the maturity to reciprocate a confession...?

That actually made her feel quite a bit better about how she'd been dealing with him. He wasn't ready. Neither of them were really ready for this. A proper intimate relationship. They were introduced to each other at the worst possible time for both of them. Stressed by Kuno and the so called hentai horde. Stressed by Shampoo and the Jusenkyo curse. It was like a perfect storm had come together, forming into a tight knot that would keep them from claiming the ultimate prize: Happiness. Contentment. Attachment to another human being that would last a lifetime.

And then along comes titnosis to slice through that knot, and in the process make the reward even greater.

"Oh, Shampoo~" Akane jeered. "Mmm... bring me that hot Chinese booty of yours. Suck on my tit while I fuck my man."

"Yes, mistress!" Shampoo immediately replied, scooting over to clamp her mouth around Akane's tit. Heh. With a mere thought, she was able to fill it with delicious milk. Look at her. This pain in the ass was now obeying her every whim. The girl who repeatedly claimed that obstacles were for killing was one of the biggest obstacles to Akane's recent happiness - past Ranma's own pride. Oh, she'd certainly escalated the issue. Been a major multiplying factor, but you know what?

Bitch be hot. Akane trailed her hands down that kitty's curves, loving every inch of them. Ohhh, yeah. That's the good shit, right there! Akane remembered all the times she'd gotten in the way. Tried to blackmail or force or trick Ranma into going on a date with her. Making Akane forget about him, trying to make her see Happosai while under the effect of a permanent love pill. Ohhh, she remembered! She remembered it all so well!

Thing is, now that her inner pervert was unleashed, Akane was wondering at Ranma's willpower. She was pretty sure most boys would have succumbed and tapped that the first chance they got. Shampoo's body was ridiculously sexy, after all!

"You too, Ukyo!" Akane demanded, and Ukyo couldn't crawl behind Ranma fast enough to get to her other nipple. "That's right, sup it all down. Feel my milk enter your bodies, feel it melting whatever's left of your weak, pathetic willpower. You're mine. All three of you are mine!"

Ukyo, she got on with the best out of the other fiances. Even so. She was pretty sure Ukyo wouldn't take it well if they ever did hook up. Still, her attempts to split them up had more relied on Ryoga, and on feeding Ranma lots of okonomiyaki while being all cute in front of him. She was more passive than Shampoo. Less antagonistic. But... No less hot! She didn't flaunt it the same way, but Ukyo Kuonji was as much a 10/10 as Shampoo!

"Kodachi, you just masturbate right there, okay?" Akane commanded, feeling giddy with power. They were doing whatever seh asked. All of them. "Ohhh, Ohhh, watch as I ride my man! He's mine. Not yours. Mine, mine, mine! All mine! My Ranma! My harem!"

"Wow sis, well done!" Nabiki clapped, and all of a sudden Akane was forced to contend with the fact that her sisters were in this as well. "Complete victory." Ah! Ah! Wait a second here, she didn't want to think about -

"Although, this does lead to the question," Kasumi added. Oh no, she was hugging Nabiki from behind. The two of them naked! This was getting a bit... oooh, awkward now! "Now that you have your harem..."

"Whatcha gonna do with it?" Nabiki finished.

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