Monday 27 May 2024

Story: SBO Negima


Mana knew that this was an act of sheer desperation, but she didn't care. This was the rational, sensible way to keep this bizarre curse from spreading. Once it was safely contained, then she could set about figuring out a cure. The exact mechanics of doing that without getting everyone involved infected as well was a little beyond her right now, but Mana was a mercenary. Not a scientist. Or a magical researcher, for that matter.

"So, do you still need me, or can I go already?"

There was Zazie, sitting right there, unaware of what was going on. The one thing keeping Mana herself from becoming a scatterbrained, horny ditz that would likely try to spread things further in some way. Mana took a deep breath.

"No, I need you to stay right there," she firmly announced. Let's see... was that Haruna over there, trying to approach Chisame? Had she gone bimbo? There were a few other people around so it was hard to tell, but if she turned... it would be a true disaster! "I'll buy you some candy later on if you sit tight and behave yourself."

"Well, okay then!"

Phew! That was for two reasons. The first was that Haruna was retreating inside the building. The other, Zazie was staying. Scan the area.... Come on, let's see if there are any more bimbos out there... Aha! Haruna stepped out of the building a moment later, in full on bimbo form! Huge boobs, an enormous rump, hips that doubled as sledgehammers! Right away, she shot the girl with a tranquiliser - And then the bimbo popped on the spot!

... Tsk! A test by Haruna. She'd used her pactio to send out a bimbo construct to see what would happen! Which meant she knew about the curse, which meant she was labouring under its effect.She'd also deduced that Mana was up here, which meant - 

"We'll need to head down to ground level," Mana grumbled. "Haruna's going to be a pain in the ass, as ever. She knows I'm up here, she knows what's going on -"

"How nice for her!" Zazie said. She jumped up and made ready to walk off the roof. "Shall we go?"

They went down the steps, with Mana going first in front of Zazie. There was a fleeting moment or so when she felt herself go dumb, probably because Zazie had looked away, or something along those lines. That was fine. Though Mana wasn't sure about this. The reason they'd been on the roof to start with, instead of prowling through the campus, was simply because there was less of a risk up there. Mana would be the only person Zazie would see, and therefore, she would not be turned even by accident.

However... Now that they were heading down... That risk was rising again. This is what made this whole thing such a mess and nearly impossible to deal with. You had to be careful in how you asked for help, because you could accidentally make things worse.


"Sorry about this," Mana said, whirling around and pointing her gun right at Zazie's head. She pulled the trigger - and missed, sending a chunk of wall into the future by accident instead.  It would reappear in about three hours.

"Hey! Cut that out!" Zazie yelped, leaping back with surprising speed. Tsk! How troublesome! Her reaction times were greater than Mana had anticipated, by a considerable margin. "Alright, that tears it, I must know what's going on right now!"

"I think I'm owed an explanation as well!"

Oh no, just as she'd feared, they'd drawn attention. Asuna was standing right there, hands on hips, glowering at them. This was not a great situation to be in, now was it? Asuna was practically a typhoid Mary type, herself turning Mana without turning herself. Immune to the effects of the curse, while being able to spread it. Thus, her priority was in capturing Asuna, right here and now! She immediately switched guns, loading up her sniper scope, taking aim and - 

"Urgh! Don't tell me you believe this bimbo outbreak nons-" Asuna said, right as the dart hit her.

Oh no.

Oh very no.


"Tee hee, oh yes!" Mana twirled around. "Zazie, how do you look as a -"

Except that Zazie was nowhere in sight. Aw! Fooie! She'd been looking forward to seeing how that total babe looked! Oh well, maybe later~ Once Mana had managed to have her fun too!


Ah, the people in her class were really strange sometimes, thought Zazie Rainyday, supposed weirdest girl in the class. It's kind of an unfair assessment when you get right down to it. She was quiet. She mostly kept to herself. But those others! They were freaking weirdos who couldn't help but share their business! Okay, sure, she was a demon Princess in exile, or on holiday on Earth, who liked hanging out with weird ghost things and sometimes spooking Sayo. The literal ghost. But yeah, those other girls were the weird ones, not her! Honest!

Whatever Mana was up to, she was getting pretty tired of it. Honestly, threatening to blast her three or so hours into the future! Who does that?! For no reason at all! 

Blegh, whatever, it wasn't fun anymore so she was off to do her own thing. Wandering away ,letting Asuna deal with Mana now. They'd probably have more fun together, whatever was going on.

Though... Of course, she hadn't reckoned with the fact that in her near future, she was about to bump into a secret bimbo!

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