Sunday, 12 January 2025

Thread Voting: Open Until 19th Jan

 Hey guys, here is the spreadsheet.

So this week, it's UY Dream Jumper and Change-Switch Fever!

For the former, let's continue with Benten's dream. For the latter, I think it would be fun if the twins manage to establish an effective quarantine - but this still doesn't stop the orgy happening within!


  1. Federal Breast Inspector 1/2
    Curvy Akane
    Code Geass: Britannian Breeding
    Double Trouble

  2. 1. Tunnel of Lust Love
    2. Furinkan Boy's Club
    3. Pretty Boy Ukyo
    4. Akane the Half-Alien
    5. Genma the Ex-Harem Protagonist

    Patreon: Your own Personal Shampoo

  3. Ataru's Kingdom
    UY Destiny Temps
    LS Ryu
    Kimigure Hentai Road
    HHL Film Project

  4. A Guy's Pride & Joy
    Hentai Crystal
    Creeping Perversion
    Anime Alpha Males

    Patreon: A Guy's Pride & Joy

  5. 1. Negima: C+S
    2. Secret Bimbo Outbreak: Negima
    3. Naruto: Massage Invasion
    4. Negima Stultus Pulchram Rewrite
    5. Bleach: Unwanted Harem

    Patreon Vote (Gornyetch): Negima C+S

  6. A priority win with only 102 votes? If this is how things have gotten, my voting strategy is... I may have to kick a couple of threads from the rotation if I want to keep making progress.

    Anyhow, Change-Switch Fever. I don't think there is a world where this quarantine actually holds out in the long term, but for now? Sure, why not. Let's see everyone have a wild and raucous time while stuck inside containment, maybe while some of them try to pretend that that isn't what they're doing and that they're not totally into it. Sounds like a blast.

    1. On top of what your saying for Change-Switch (and I don't know if this would apply for this entry or later) I could see the containment making the "infected" even worse once some or all of them find out about it. Either through a concentration of the fever or because of "screw it" from being locked up.

  7. 1. Federal Breast Inspector 1/2
    2. Friendly Hentai Tome
    3. Akane Quest
    4. Tunnel of Lust Love
    5. Dogi of Delights

  8. A Guy's Pride & Joy
    Negima C+S
    Akane's Quest
    Tunnel of Lust Love
    Hentai Crystal

    Patreon Vote: Hentai Crystal

  9. Genma the MILF
    Magical Christmas Cake Yumiko
    RCM: Succu-MILF
    RCM: Great hero's descendent
    Genma Saotome, Ex-Harem Protaganist
    / Lightweight

  10. Quadranma
    Double Trouble
    Sudden Wedding 1/2
    Urusei Yatsura: First Impressions
    Chilly Harem

  11. Cocknosis Raildex
    Data Corruption
    Power Creep
    NGE Ring of Truth
    Konosuba Succubus Shop

  12. Own Personal Shampoo
    RCM: Insecure Werewolf
    Sailor Succubi
    RCM: Curse of the Humans
    Fire vs. Fire

  13. 1. It's FATE
    2. Code Geass: Euphemification
    3. Code Geass: Britannian Breeding
    4. TLR: Indecent
    5. Real World Sailor Moon

    - [occasional whimsy]

  14. 1) Code geass miscalculation
    2) Konosuba Darkness Arrive
    3) Fate skill grinder
    4) love normal
    5) code geass euphemification
