Sunday, 12 January 2025

Story: St Doria


Because I am an enormous tease, we're cutting away from the orgy to focus on more Plot. Namely, we're looking back in on Simone, who was, at this very moment, in her room... Having her way with another girl.

"Mmmph~" Simon moaned. She hated to admit it, but this Felicity girl truly was magic with her pussy. Enthusiasm can sometimes make up for experience. Hard to believe that, until a short time ago, this girl had the body of a boy. "How fascinating! You have developed a procedure that physically changes a person's biology to such a degree that they swap genders!"

"Wh-where did you learn to fuck?" Felicity gasped. Her enthusiasm only takes her so far, it seems. Mm! Though if she was being honest, it was becoming quite difficult for her to remain lucid, either!

It was a battle for dominance. Magic and science, after a fashion. Actually, if Simone was being honest that was just an excuse for her to get this girl in bed. It was fascinating. Normally she didn't bother with the lesbian stuff. Usually, it was to put some bitch in her place for whining about Simone stealing their boyfriend.

This time though, it was different. Definitely different. Yet Simone could feel something else at the corners of her mind. Justification. Reasons for going along with this, that were sneaking into her thoughts after the fact. Trying to make use of the fact that she was, at present, on the verge of climax to keep her from noticing as they slipped inside and - 

She gushed, and at the same time rejected the ideas: No, she was not doing this as a means to acquire Felicity's magic. No, she was not doing it because 'Felix' was a hot stud. No, she was not doing it because it would let her keep Felicity quiet. No, no, no, no, no!

"Yes! Yes! Oh, yes!" Felicity moaned, her head thrashing back while her hips bucked relentlessly. Which was also providing a tremendous distraction.

Then why was she doing this? It provided little strategic benefit that she could not acquire some other way. A threat of mutually assured destruction would keep this girl in line. Making her grip the bedsheets like this was, in its way, fun, but... wasn't she acting out of character just now?

Could it be something that Felicity was doing? Perhaps she had 'cast a spell' or whatever nonsense you wanted to call it. Used a 'love potion' or made use of a potent aphrodisiac? No, surely not - Simone was already functionally immune to every aphrodisiac out there from overexposure. 

Unless, that is, Felicity was aware of one that she was not. That was possible. She knew of no mixture of chemicals that could turn such a convincing boy into such a cute girl. Therefore, was it not feasible that, somehow, Felicity knew of something she did not? Some special biological factors that Simone herself was not fluent in? She could hardly claim to know everything about the human body. Even if she still rejected the idea this was magic, that did not mean she claimed to understand it - yet!

"There!" Felicity said in between sharp, wheezing breaths. "Whew! That was pretty magical, wouldn't you agree?"

"Hrm~ Only as a metaphor," Simone stretched out, then rolled over to embrace Felicity. Snuggling the other girl right into her bosom. She'd seemed quite distracted by breasts earlier, so that was probably a weak point of hers. "If you want to convince me, then there's only one way: You must teach me!"


Oh, so she wanted to learn magic now, did she? Felicity could see how it was. Lure her into bed, rock her world, then offer to become her apprentice. Hah! As if! There was no way that she'd take on a troublemaker like this! Someone who used chemicals and manipulation and sheer sex appeal to turn people into her slaves.... Absolutely the worst kind of person to learn magic!

However! There was a problem here. Saying no to Simone right now would involve a simple action: Stop licking her boobs. This was proving to be extremely difficult for some reason. It was hard to figure out why. Were her boobs just that delicious? Had she perhaps coated them in some kind of addictive substance that was, even now, sapping her will? Her reason? Her soul?

"You know, it's funny!" Simone chuckled. "You're the second girl I've run into at this school for boys. My room-mate is also a girl in disguise. Quite the coincidence, don't you think? That three girls, disguised as boys, might..."

... Huh! Felicity had just heard something that made her yank her head away from licking Simone's breast. She'd get back to it in a moment, but - 

"Lesson one of magic," Felicity said. "No such thing as a coincidence. There's always another meaning behind it."

"Oh, is that so?" Simone purred. "Then pray tell, what does this seeming coincidence really mean?"

"I dunno," Felicity said. "Could be that we were manipulated into meeting each other. Or maybe we're not the only girls here?"

"In other words, we must investigate and eliminate variables as per the scientific method," Simone happily chirped- then hopped to her feet and began getting dressed. "Excellent. This is something to investigate scientifically! That shall be our exchange. I shall teach you the miracle of science, while you teach me your supposed magic."

"Hey, I did not agree to that!" Felicity pouted, though her eyes were fixed to Simone's breasts. As for Simone herself, she continued dressing without replying a bit. "I said, I did not agree to that!"

Oh, that girl was impossible! She had no choice, then! All she could do now was get dressed and follow this troublemaker out of this dorm room so they could conduct their investigation properly!


Sometimes, the best way to get someone to do what you want is to completely ignore them. Simone was certainly doing that with Felicity - ah, make that Felix. Letting her get dressed, stumble out of the room - but at the last moment before crossing the threshold, Simone stuck her leg up against the other side of the door frame.

"Where do you think you're going?" Simone asked.

"I thought you wanted to investigate!" Felicity objected.

"I do," Simone said, then quickly entered Felicity's personal space. "But you're too obviously a boy right now. Your clothes are too baggy. Your breasts, not bound down." She bumped the door with her butt to close it, tsking and tutting, then circling the girl to take a good look at her. "The instant you're out there, they will know for sure. You're far too feminine like this. Far too girly! It will draw all manner of undue attention from a school for boys."

Tsk, tsk, tsk! She shook her head. My, my. This wouldn't do at all! She flicked her fingers down the front of this obvious and oblivious girl's shirt, unbuttoning them all without breaking a single one. She then produced a length of tape, reached under the shirt, and heard the girl whimper.

"Won't take a moment," she said. "This will be a little uncomfortable at first, but - " She stopped to nibble on Felicity's ear. "You be a brave girl for me, won't you? Endure it."

She taped those breasts down in record time, and then started to make some adjustments to the uniform. Trousers too baggy? A simple belt would help keep them up, which of course meant that Simone had to trail her hands around this girl's waist, holding her close to make sure it was secure. The shirt itself had to be tucked in as well, of course, to mitigate the effect of it being too big for her. Of course, this would draw it closer over the chest, and potentially reveal the tape through pressure at the back - But that was what the blazer was for!

"Adjust your posture," Simone said, slapping her on the ass and getting a good feel for it. "Make sure to keep your stride wide, and et voila, nobody will mistake you for a girl!"

"You're sure you don't know magic?" Felicity asked, looking herself over in the mirror.

"Not at all, my dear!" Simone laughed. "Unless of course, you count something mundane like -"

Suddenly, Felicity grabbed her collar and gave her a deep, deep smooch, right on the lips. Oh? What was this? Being aggressive was she, this cheeky little -

Oh! Oh, goodness! Goodness gracious! It felt like electricity was pouring into her mouth! Alighting her nerves, making her brain feel foggy, and -


"There we go!" Felicity said, pulling back after a moment. "I'll get in trouble for using mind control magic, but... You're clearly a dangerous woman. I shall take the lead on this investigation, dear. My magic's more suited for it than your scientific method, anyway!"

"Yes, mistress~" Simone replied, eyes blank, but lips turned up into a distant smile. The effect would wear off, in time, but you can now see one advantage that magic had over science: It can do whatever the fuck it wants.

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