Sneaking into Ashford Academy had been way easier than Naoto thought it would be. For a school that apparently catered to the elite of Britannian society, their security was laughably bad. A few bushes here, a ladder there, and bam—he was strolling across the manicured lawn like he belonged there.
Kallen’s behavior had been weird yesterday. He couldn’t put his finger on it. Introducing that guy last night, some jerk called Zero who seemed to want to take over operations... His charisma had come a little too naturally. Whoever this guy was, Naoto couldn't trust him while he was wearing a mask. Then came the kicker this morning: Rumors about her dating some Britannian named Lelouch Lamperouge.
A Britannian. Seriously? Kallen? "Am I living in some kind of tragic comedy?" he thought.
Naturally, as a responsible older brother and freedom fighter, Naoto decided to do the sane and mature thing: sneak into her fancy school and figure out what the hell was going on.
The plan was simple. Get in. Find Kallen. Ask some casual questions like, “Why are you acting weird, and who the hell is this Lelouch guy?” Easy. Maybe even meet up with the guy. Claim his name was Nathan Stadtfeld. He was already wearing makeup to hide his Japanese features. A trick he'd pulled before. A school shouldn't give him that much trouble, even if he'd found it easier to get in...
Except now he was tied to a chair in a small, well-decorated room, surrounded by an alarming number of stuffed animals. A maid was standing at the door like some kind of ninja bodyguard, and directly across from him sat a young girl in a wheelchair, her hands delicately folded in her lap and her eyes screwed shut. She was smiling. Sweetly. Dangerously.
“I must say,” the girl began, her voice soft and polite, “it’s not every day we catch an intruder at Ashford Academy. You must be quite determined to see your sister.”
'Sister? How did she know that?' Naoto swallowed hard, his eyes darting toward the maid, who hadn’t moved an inch but radiated the aura of someone who could knock him out with a spoon if necessary.
“Uh, listen, I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” Naoto said quickly. “I’m just, uh, a concerned family member checking in on Kallen. You know, normal sibling stuff.”
The girl tilted her head, her smile never wavering. “Oh, there’s no misunderstanding, Mr. Kouzuki. You’re here because you’re worried about Kallen and this mysterious ‘Lelouch’ you’ve heard about. Isn’t that right?”
Naoto blinked. 'How the hell does she know my name?'
“W-who are you?” he asked, trying not to let his voice crack.
The girl clasped her hands together, her smile somehow growing even sweeter. “I’m Nunnally vi Britannia. Kallen and Lelouch are both dear friends of mine.”
Britannia?! Naoto’s brain screeched to a halt. The little girl was royalty?! And she knew Kallen?! And she was smiling at him like she hadn’t just dropped a bombshell?!
“That… uh…” Naoto tried to speak, but words were failing him.
“And don’t worry about Kallen,” Nunnally continued, her tone soothing. “She and Lelouch care for each other very much. It’s quite sweet, really.”
Naoto opened his mouth, then closed it again. "Lelouch cares for her? What does that even mean?!"
Before he could gather his thoughts, Nunnally leaned forward slightly, her hands trailing around his face with a gentle intensity that made his stomach flip. “You know, Mr. Kouzuki, it’s admirable that you’re so protective of your sister. But you really should trust her judgment more. Kallen is strong, capable, and intelligent. Don’t you agree?”
“Yes?” Naoto said automatically, though it came out more like a question.
“Good,” Nunnally said, sitting back with a satisfied expression. “Then you won’t need to worry about her. She’s in excellent hands.”
Naoto blinked. That was it? No threats? No ultimatums? Just a gentle, disarming conversation? Yet somehow, he felt more rattled than if she’d screamed at him or had her maid knock him out.
"Am I free to go?" he asked. Though he had to admit, it was strange. Royalty? Here at Ashford? Why would she reveal that so casually...? Was this girl going to kill him?
"Not yet," Nunnally said, then.. Popped her top, and a rather large pair of breasts spilled out. "Phew, it's a relief to let these out! Tee hee, if my brother knew how big they were now, he'd really panic."
They... actually were quite large. Very big, quite round as well. Healthy too, by all appearances. Naoto looked away from them, blushing like mad. What the hell was she -
"H-Hey! What are you -" he demanded. The girl was pulling his trouser zip down with her teeth! "Stop that, cut it out!"
She then used her tongue to scoop out his dick, which was - to his shame - already growing quite hard. Then, she plopped it in between her boobs and - And his brain felt like it was melting away. The instant she had those boobs wrapped around his cock, it was like another world had opened up for him.
"From now on, you're not going to cause any problems for my big brother, are you?" Nunnally asked, sweet as sugar, though she was also salivating. Ah. Ah. Ah! So soft! Warm! Inviting! How twisted it was, but - But he couldn't! He shouldn't! This was a member of Britannian Royalty, wasn't it? "If you promise, then I'll make sure to do this to you lots and lots~"
This was quite far from what he'd imagined happening today, but... was there anything he could do here? The girl might have her eyes closed, and she might not be able to walk, but <b>holy hell</b> did she know how to please a man! It was insane, it was ludicrous, it was flat out impossible!
Would he last? Could he last...? Or would he be reduced to a pleasure seeking plaything of a Princess? What would win out in the end? His pride or his lust?
I mean, you know what sort of story you're reading, of course you already know the answer to that one.
Oh, what a beautiful morning it was. Kallen sat up in bed, stretching her arms out - then realised she'd spent the night in Lelouch's room. A shame Inoue couldn't be here too - but they'd work something out for her. That girl deserved to be bred by Lelouch as surely as any of them did.
She was first up, so she slipped out of the room and went to the shower. The whole lot of them did stink quite a bit. Luckily, she'd had the foresight to bring along a change of clothes last night. She grabbed those first, set them aside along with a towel, then stood under the streaming hot water, letting it cascade over her body. Giving her a real proper wakeup.
Never before had Kallen felt so aware of her femininity. If you asked her, she'd say she was too much of a tomboy to be 'sexy'. Actually, guys didn't hit on her that often. Tracing her hands down her curves, she wondered if they were stupid or blind - or maybe too intimidated by the knowledge of who her family was? A nobleman's daughter would never date them. Hah! As if she'd date a Britannian!
Then again, she'd spent the night in an orgy with an undercover Prince. And she was planning to do that again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...
The shower curtain flicked open, catching Kallen completely off guard. Dammit! She'd been so caught up in daydreaming about Lelouch that she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings!
Luckily, all that she found there was a super sexy naked redhead. No, not her own reflection. This was a girl with orange hair.
"Morning, Kallen!" Shirley said, and before Kallen could reply back, Shirley had entered the shower alongside her, to kiss her right on the mouth. No complaints here. It was funny, they had been kinda competitive over Lelouch not too long ago, but now...? Not so much? "How is my sexy resistance warrior doing today, hrm?"
"Fan-fucking-tastic," Kallen replied. "I've not been this happy in literally years."
"Hrmm~" Shirley hummed, holding Kallen close. Their boobs squished into one another, and their hands both slid down each other's bodies, settling on hips. "Are you sure I can't talk you out of this resistance thing?"
"After that things Britannia has done to my people?" Kallen asked. "No. Not a chance. I don't think you'll have much luck persuading Lelouch either. Is he still sleeping?"
"No, he's fucking C.C. right now," Shirley pouted. "That girl is a witch, I still don't know how she did half the things she did last night." Shirley let out a sigh, defeated and overcome. "Fine, fine. I'll play along. But you're gonna need more than me to cover for the two of you. Which leads nicely to my next point, actually... Let's see if we can get another girl to join our happy family, huh?"
Another girl...? Oh. Of course. Kallen knew already who exactly she meant. They'd need more than Shirley to cover for them, right? In that case, who better than a student council president?
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