Monday, 6 January 2025

Story: It's Fate


She would always remember the day that she met her new neighbour. A shy kid. A boy her age sitting in the front garden kicking at his heels.

"What're you doing?" Chise had asked. The boy seemed surprised, and then looked away.

"My parents want me out of the house for a bit..." the boy muttered to himself. He wasn't making eye contact. Which was rude. So Chise ducked her head around him. Every time, the boy would turn away. Look somewhere else. Eventually (by which she meant very quickly) she got annoyed by this behaviour, grabbed his head and made him look right at her.

"Alright! Just what I've been looking for!" she said. "I need a lab rat, and you're it!"

Chise took that boy's hand and dragged him off to her laboratory, where they spent hours playing lab rat and assistant. The boy's name was Eito, and he was so much fun to tease. He always followed her lead. Always did what he was told. Lab rat? Guinea pig? He was certainly as shy as a hamster. That must be why she'd always liked hanging out with him. Even as they got older, matured, that's what she'd told herself. It wasn't something as unscientific as a crush. Her mating instincts would surely select someone smarter, more athletic, more likely to give her strong children than this dork!

This dork... who was now sucking on her oversized breasts and railing her nice and deep! It made this girl genius feel rather foolish, thinking that her instincts were wrong all this time! She should have listened to them! Pound, pound, pound! Her body craved this feeling, craved it like a drug, craved it like - like nothing else on this Earth! At some level she knew. She understood. Her brain had been fucked with, but the dopamine rush was too good, it was too much, she couldn't stay rational in this physical condition. There are limits to the human body, limits to willpower, limits to how much you can resist and stay sane, and she'd gone a long way past those limits by now.

Oh, but she knew something else as well by now. Engraved upon her soul was this idea: She wasn't enough. She was his sexy girl genius with tsundere tendencies - but she wasn't enough. Eito's new appetite would need more than her to satiate it. More. More! Much, much more! More girls. More sexy girls. With different flavour, providing different nutritional value for his mind and body.

She knew. She knew, she knew, she knew that these ideas were not hers. She knew, she knew, she understood that her brain was being reprogrammed. But she could not understand how to stop it, and she'd stopped understanding why she should even try.

"I love you~" she sang, and every cell in her body sang in agreement. What she was experiencing now was not climax, but rapture. She was on top of him now, somehow. The way they'd wound up in this position was strange to her, but she felt him release inside her, and then -

The poor boy passed out. Right there at the bottom of the room. Aw. He was adorable like this. Chise patted him on the head. "Love you~" she repeated. "Love you love you love you~"

HE WILL SLEEP FOR ABOUT AN HOUR the screen flashed at the edge of her vision. The fog over her mind was slowly but surely clearing. Chise shook her head. Oof! What was this...? YOUR PERSONALITY SHOULD BE RETURNED TO NORMAL BY THE TIME YOU FINISH THIS SENTENCE.

The full stop at the end was punctuated by a random stone being tossed right at the computer. It did no damage, but the damned thing was right.

"Alright, you made your point," Chise grumbled. "You can manipulate things just that perfectly, huh? Predict it that perfectly? Pervy machine! Giving this guy a harem! Did he even ask for that?"


Was this computer really advocating polygamy?! She couldn't believe her eyes! If anything, Chise had half a mind to find the power source for this thing and -


"I wuv hi~im!" Chise sighed happily. Then she shook her head, like she was trying to shake cobwebs out of her hair. "Wait, no! This is a hormonal reaction to finding an appropriate mate, with whom I have a deep emotional attachment! There is no such thing as love, merely a love hormone!"


That stopped her in her tracks. Was that her thinking that, or had the computer itself put the idea in her head. She might still be a bit loopy from the dopamine. Sex felt good as an evolutionary matter. It encouraged partners to hook up, and the better it felt, the more compatible you were, and - that being the case, right now Eito was probably a square peg to her square hole. In a matter of speaking. Not that Chise had any bearing on how good sex could be, but it was hard to imagine it getting much better than that.


"Oh?" Chise flipped her hair back. "And why should I -"


She swallowed on reflex. Ah. So that's what it is. Get her addicted to sex, and then use that to manipulate her. Her body was already starting to crave another round. Chise squirmed, feeling more girly and feminine than she could remember feeling. She had half a mind to drag Eito off to her room, tie him to her bed and prove the computer wrong.

Except, of course, it wouldn't be that simple. How could it be, when you're dealing with a machine that could freely manipulate destiny with a few well chosen lines?


Yumako sat up feeling really, really good. Her head was kinda bleary, and she could feel sweat pouring from her every pore. Also, for some reason she was naked and lying amidst a bunch of also naked girls. Not quite the usual workout routine, then. Especially when she saw another girl rise, rubbing at her eyes sleepily.

"Yo, Saito!" Yumako said. The rich bitch looked like a half asleep cat, unimpressed at being woken against her will. Then, for some reason, Yumako felt this kinda weird urge to kiss Saito right on the mouth. So she did. At first, Saito reciprocated - but then she pushed Yumako away.

"What are we doing?" Saito asked. Then she looked around the room and scowled. "Where's that hunky dork gone? I need to put him in his place!" She licked her lips and made a weird grindy motion with her hips. Then, looked to Yumako with a truly wicked expression. "What are you staring at? You want some of this?"

Actually, Yumako kinda sorta did. She wanted to wrestle with Saito. So bad. But... Time and place, you know? She really ought to get dressed first anyway, and -

"You really wanna head out there like that?" Yumako asked. "We both stink. We oughta shower."

Indeed - and that's how the two of them wound up in the shower, hot steamy water cascading down their bodies as they kissed and washed each other. For some reason, the two of them were muttering Eito's name over and over again. Only when they were done and towelled off did the two of them dress again. Though it wasn't easy. Their clothes were all over the place, and Saito was in a real hurry - which struck Yumako as a bad thing.

"Watanabe's missing too..." Saito grumbled. "I bet she's hoarding him to herself in an attempt to win - Aha! There she is! The slut!"

Saito was looking out a window at the front of the house. Right in front of them, Chise was dragging Eito (shirtless) into her house using a series of drones via remote control. She seemed kinda anxious. Her hair was a mess, too, and her clothes seemed pretty dishevelled. Not helped by the fact that, despite her boobs being absolutely ridiculous, she was not presently wearing a bra.

Oh, who cared? Saito was rushing out of the house, and Yumako wasn't about to leave her on her own! Not a chance.

"Watanabe!" Saito yelled, and tackled Chise to the ground. "He's mine. Mine, I tell you! Mine, all mine!" and then, she leaned down to kiss the mad scientist on the lips.

"Wait, wait!" Chise pushed her away after a moment. "Control yourselves! We've been brainwashed by a wicked artificial intelligence that wants to make us into Eito's harem!"

For some reason, that made both Yumako and Saito moan. The words 'Eito's harem' echoed in Yumako's ears, sounding as beautiful as any melody. Nonetheless! Saito wasn't the sort to let sleeping dogs lie, and Yumako could see that. Then again, Chise's claim about a rogue AI seemed pretty ridiculous as well? What should she do in a situation like this?

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