Under normal circumstances, Nabiki Tendo was the one in control. The cool, clinical detached beauty who outwitted everyone around her by using a superpower called 'thinking'. People danced to her tune, in the palm of her hands, while she barely had to tug at their strings. They made it easy. Trivial. Practically handed her the keys to the car and told them to drive.
Today was different. Today was an exception. Today she felt way too fucking horny to think. She was in Kuno's bedroom wearing a slutty cheerleader outfit, being egged on to ride him while acting the part of the valleygirl. A ditzy airhead that was completely the opposite of her real personality.
She was hesitating. While she had enjoyed that little roleplay bit with Mariko, that was a whole other thing. Play acting. It felt like, if she lowered herself here and now, right onto Kuno's dick, and then played up that act, it would irreversibly take her down a path she couldn't walk back from.
"Aw, what's the matter, 'Biki?" Ranko whispered, right before trailing her finger down Nabiki's spine. "Go ahead. He's nice and hard. Ride that dick and giggle like an idiot the entire time."
As if to cut off her protests, or perhaps even to remind her of how much control she had over the situation, Ranko kissed Nabiki on the lips. Fuck! How was she so damned good at this? Even the taste of her, the feel of her, this girl's very presence made Nabiki impossibly wet! Her body lowered almost on its own. She felt the head of Kuno's cock kiss her entrance, and then...?
"Guhuhuhu~" Nabiki half giggled, half gasped, and her body involuntarily shuddered. They'd fucked before, but this felt different somehow. It wasn't Ranko's presence, but rather some other quality.
"You like that, huh?" Ranko whispered.
"Yes, I very much do!" Kuno grunted. His hands slid around Nabiki's thighs, before rising up to rest upon her hips. "I may never tire of either of you! These succulent forms of yours! The boisterous Ranko, the cold and distant Nabiki, the energetic Mariko! Oh, how I shall cherish all three of you!"
"Sweetie, let me do the talking for now, 'kay?" Ranko giggled. "Alright, 'Biki! You gave us a starter, but now it's the main course! So why don'tcha give us a big cute ditzy cheer?"
Nnnrgh~ Nabiki felt her eyes flutter. It felt good. It felt fucking great! She bounced on Kuno's lap, savouring the feeling, the fullness even before he started to fuck her back! Which he wasn't doing yet, as if he was waiting for -
Oh, of course.
"Kuno, Kuno, he's a hunk!" Nabiki began, fistpumping the air with alternating hands. The motion of her arms caused her body to bounce in ways that were proving very interesting on his dick. "Gonna fill me with his spunk!"
"Not yet, but soon~" Ranko chirped. Nabiki looked over at her, intending a look of intensity, but wound up portraying pure, naked lust instead of anything else. Ranko was casually fingering Mariko, leaving the cheerleader completely insensate, lying back and humping into those fast pumping fingers, and -
Lucky bitch... But despite thinking that, Nabiki's eyes still fluttered and she returned her attention to the boy beneath her.
“Go, Kuno! Do your thing! Chase your dreams, and take that swing!"
Oh fuck, he was taking that advice to heart! Now Kuno was giving her a proper dicking! His hips were rising up hard to meet her hips, and filling her up so good so good so very fucking good! Nabiki immediately launched into her next lines, adding a bit of hip movement into things as well. It wasn't like she could, like, kick or anything while she was riding him like this, right?
"The world’s your stage, you shining star, So reach for glory—it’s not far!”
Her first orgasm hit, and Nabiki found herself wobbling and letting out a big dumb grin and an even dumber giggle. Somehow, it felt even more intense than usual. Never mind that she had an idea of how 'usual' felt. It was the first time she'd cum this hard without -
"Come here for your hit~" Ranko purred, suddenly grabbing Nabiki's breast with her one free hand while the other was knuckle deep inside Mariko, making the cheerleader bite down on her baton while she came even harder than Nabiki was. Ranko leaned forward, opened her mouth, and Nabiki tried to lean into it - but couldn't quite reach without getting off Kuno! "Oh, just to check. What are you?"
"Ah~" Nabiki gasped. "I'm - I'm!"
"I ask because sometimes, I wanna make out with the Ice Queen of Furinkan," Ranko said. Like a switch was flipped, Nabiki blinked and her facial expression shifted.
"Is that so?" Nabiki asked. "Maybe when I'm done with Kuno - "
"But other times I might wanna make out with a totally ditzy airhead~" Ranko teased. Once again, Nabiki's expression flipped on a dime, the intelligence seemed to retreat from her eyes, leaving a mischievous, naughty and playful gleam behind.
"Then, like, get on board the bimbo express!" Nabiki fluttered her eyes at the pigtailed babe, who smirked right back at her.
"So which is it then?" Ranko asked. "Depending on your answer, I might give you what you need."
Nabiki's breath caught in her throat. Depending on her answer...? What she needed?! It struck at her pride as a woman, but at the same time she didn't know how to properly react. Her body twisted, her fists gripping pompoms thrust up and forward as if she was conducting an elaborate cheer routine - but should she instead be the cold and clinical Ice Queen? Was that what Ranko was after just now? Nabiki couldn't tell anymore, and it was - It was driving her insane!
"Wh-What do you want me to beeeee~" Nabiki burbled, her body humping to gobble up the cock filling her up while she puckered her lips and tried to kiss Ranko while her body couldn't go too far without toppling over and - fuck, fuck, fuck!
"Hrm, let's make you a bimbo for now," Ranko said. "Then later, when you're in what used to be your room eating me out, you can be a stone cold bitch again. How does that sound?"
"Okey dokes!" Nabiki giggled. "Go, go Ranko! You're so juicy! I'm addicted to your pussy!"
"Damn right you are!" Ranko smirked, and finally, finally gave Nabiki what she wanted, what she needed, what she craved more than anything else. Her body shuddered in another climax. "You're my toy. And you're gonna thank me for it every time I fuck you. Sometimes you'll be my bimbo. Other times, my ruthless bitch. Sometimes, you'll help me expand my harem by helping me get other studs and sluts hooked on my hot ass. But no matter what, you're mine. Once you're done with Kuno, I'll make sure to brainwash a trigger into you, so I can change you from ice queen to ditzy slut on a dime."
Nabiki let out an incoherent gurgle as she felt Kuno nut inside her, fully knowing that this girl was right on the money. There wasn't much else for her to do now but slump over and bask in the glow, while watching as -
As Kuno, still hard, railed Ranko doggy style. That hot hunk grabbing onto her pigtail for extra leverage, but it was funny. Nabiki still had the impression that she was the one in charge...
"So," Mariko said, rolling over into Nabiki, breathing heavily. "Bet you're a bigger bimbo than me right now, huh?"
"Tee hee~" Nabiki tittered, rolling into her as well, realising how drenched in sweat the two of them were. "No bet!"
A few comments:
ReplyDelete- "Go ahead. He's nice and hard Ride that dick and giggle like an idiot the entire time."
Should have a period after "nice and hard".
- His hips slid around Nabiki's thighs, before rising up to rest upon her hips.
I think it should be "His hands slid around Nabiki's thighs, before..."
- His hips were rising up hard to meet her hips, ad filling her up so good so good so very fucking good!
It should be "her hips, and filling her up so good"
- It struck at her pride as a woman, but at the same time she didn't know how too properly react.
It should be "she didn't know how to properly react."
- "Okay dokes!" Nabiki giggled.
Perhaps it should be "Okey dokes!"
- Nabii still had the impression that she was the one in charge...
Should be "Nabiki".
Nothing more to report.