Sunday, 12 January 2025

Story: Quadranma


Nabiki Tendo stood stiffly in the entrance to Tatewaki Kuno's bedroom, glaring at the garishly ornate cheerleader uniform Ranko had forced her into. The skirt was embarrassingly short, and the pom-poms in her hands sparkled in the light, making her feel like a gaudy, walking disco ball.

Ranko, looking entirely too pleased with herself, leaned casually against a pillar, twirling a lock of her fiery red hair. “You’re stalling, Nabiki,” she teased, a playful grin spreading across her face. “You look great! Now let’s see that cheer.”

“You’re enjoying this way too much,” Nabiki muttered through gritted teeth, tugging the hem of the skirt down in a futile attempt to make it less revealing.

“C’mon, you’re wasting prime performance time,” Ranko said with a wink. She gestured toward the small audience, where Tatewaki Kuno sat enthroned at the head of the room, his eyes practically sparkling. Beside him, Mariko Konjo lounged in a chair with her pom-poms draped across her lap, a smug smirk plastered on her face. Smug, and also satisfied. The stench of sex permeated the room.

“Well, well,” Mariko said, her voice dripping with mockery. “The great Nabiki Tendo reduced to this? Let me guess—you’re here to prove you’re my equal? Or maybe you just want to entertain Kuno-sama like the rest of us?” She chuckled, clearly enjoying Nabiki’s predicament.

“Don’t push it, Mariko,” Nabiki shot back, her usual sharp tone losing some of its bite thanks to the ridiculous uniform she was wearing.

Kuno stood, his arms spread wide in dramatic appreciation. “Ah, Nabiki Tendo! A vision of beauty and grace, descending upon my humble abode! Truly, the gods have blessed this day!”

Nabiki rolled her eyes so hard she nearly pulled a muscle. She turned to Ranko, her tone icy. “You owe me for this. Big time.”

Ranko waved her off with a grin. “Yeah, yeah, you’ve said that like five times already. Now get moving! Let’s see that cheer!”

Before Nabiki could argue, Ranko pressed play on a nearby gramophone. A bouncy, overly peppy cheerleading anthem filled the room, echoing off the gaudy golden walls.

Taking a deep breath, Nabiki forced herself to step forward, plastering on a wide, overly saccharine smile. “Fine,” she muttered under her breath. “But I’m getting my revenge later.”

She raised the pom-poms reluctantly. “Gimme a K!” she chanted, shaking the pom-poms with an exaggerated flourish.“Gimme a U! Gimme an N! Gimme an O!”

“What’s that spell?” she asked, her voice laced with barely concealed sarcasm.

Ranko gave her a thumbs-up from the sidelines, mouthing, “Bigger smile!”

Grinding her teeth, Nabiki forced an even wider grin. “It spells Kuno! Yay! Go team!” she squealed, adding a twirl and a hop. As she moved, she transitioned into an elaborate series of synchronized arm movements, crossing the pom-poms over her chest, sweeping them outward in a glittering arc, and finishing with a high kick that made her wince internally.

“Kuno, Kuno, he’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can!” she chanted, punctuating the lines with exaggerated claps and spins.

Tatewaki, of course, was enraptured. “Magnificent! Truly magnificent! Your cheer is a symphony for the eyes and ears, Nabiki Tendo!”

Mariko, unimpressed, leaned back in her chair with a smirk. “That was pathetic. Stick to blackmail and leave the cheering to professionals, sweetheart.”

Nabiki shot Ranko a glare that could have melted steel. “Happy now?”

Ranko barely contained her laughter. “You’re doing great! Just one more routine, and then the grand finale!”

“One more?” Nabiki hissed, her voice dangerously low.

“Yup! And don’t forget the big finish!” Ranko replied with a wink.

Nabiki groaned. This was officially the worst day of her life. But she couldn't help herself. One look at Ranko's pretty face, and - Ah! Her pussy quivered in anticipation. She had to have a taste. She had to!

Nabiki crossed her arms, glaring daggers at Mariko, who had sprung to her feet with an almost predatory gleam in her eye. The cheerleading queen twirled one of her pom-poms dramatically and pointed at Nabiki like she was issuing a royal decree.

“No, no, no,” Mariko said, striding over with a shake of her head. “That was terrible. If you’re going to perform in my domain, you’ll do it right—or not at all.”

“Your domain?” Nabiki echoed, raising an eyebrow. “We’re in Kuno’s bedroom, not a gymnasium.”

Mariko ignored the jab and grabbed Nabiki by the wrist, pulling her toward the center of the room. “I don’t care if this is a ballroom or a broom closet. A cheerleader is only as good as her routine. And right now, yours is…” She crinkled her nose as if she’d just smelled something foul. “Let’s say ‘in need of work.’”

“Hey, I didn’t sign up for cheerleading lessons,” Nabiki protested, trying to pull free, but Mariko held firm.

“Well, you’re getting them anyway,” Mariko replied with a grin. She glanced at Ranko. “Turn that music back on. We’re doing this properly.”

Ranko, clearly enjoying the spectacle, shrugged and replayed the obnoxiously peppy anthem. “You’re the boss,” she said with a smirk, leaning back to watch the show.

“Alright,” Mariko said, taking up position beside Nabiki. “First, loosen up. You’re stiffer than a steel pipe.”

“I am loose!” Nabiki retorted, though she was standing like a board with her arms crossed.

Mariko gave her a pointed look. “Uh-huh. If that’s loose, I’m a world-class ninja. Now, let’s start with the basics. Pom-poms up, smile wide, and bounce like you’ve never had a bad day in your life.”

“I’ve had plenty of bad days, thanks,” Nabiki muttered, but she grudgingly raised the pom-poms and attempted a half-hearted bounce.

“Nope, not good enough!” Mariko said, shaking her head. “Bigger! More energy! And don’t just smile—beam! Like this!” She flashed a toothy grin so bright it could have been weaponized.

Nabiki sighed and tried again, forcing a grin that felt so unnatural it might break her face. “Like this?”

Mariko studied her critically. “Better, but not quite there. Let’s try something else.” She leaned closer, her grin turning mischievous. “Time to channel your inner valley girl.”

Nabiki blinked. “My what?”

“You know, like, ‘Oh my gawd!’ and stuff,” Mariko said, waving her hands as if it were obvious. “Act like you’re the bubbliest airhead on the planet. Trust me, it works wonders!”

Nabiki snorted. “I don’t have an inner valley girl.”

“Everyone does,” Mariko said with a wink. “You just have to let her out. Now, follow my lead!”

Mariko launched into an exaggerated routine, shaking her pom-poms with reckless abandon. She added dramatic spins, a series of quick jumps, and a synchronized clap-punch motion that sent the tassels flying in an impressive arc. “Like, OMG, Kuno-sama, you’re, like, so amazing!” she squealed, flipping her hair dramatically.

Nabiki stared at her, utterly mortified. But as she reluctantly mimicked Mariko’s movements and phrases, she found herself suppressing a laugh. Against her better judgment, she threw in an extra hair flip and exclaimed, “Like, totally, Kuno-sama! You’re, like, the best!”

Much to her dismay, the routine became oddly fun. For once, the sharp-tongued Nabiki let herself go, embracing the absurdity. She even added her own twist, ending with a dramatic high kick and an enthusiastic “Yay, team!” that sent the pom-poms fluttering in a glittering arc. And while she would never admit it, she couldn’t deny the strange thrill of playing along.

The ornate ballroom had grown a little quieter, save for the occasional rustle of pom-poms as Mariko guided Nabiki through another set of intricate cheerleading moves. Despite her protests, Nabiki’s grin—though begrudging—had softened into something closer to genuine. She had to admit, much to her dismay, that this whole cheerleading charade wasn’t as insufferable as she’d anticipated.

Then the sound of the heavy double doors creaking open drew all eyes to the entrance. Standing there, framed by the light spilling in from the hall, was Ranko, her fiery red hair pulled into an effortless ponytail, the oversized pom-poms she carried almost glowing in the chandelier’s reflection. Oh fuck! Oh fuck she was way too fucking cute!

Mariko placed her hands on her hips, an eyebrow raised in mock challenge. “What’s this, Ranko? You here to show off, or just admire the pros at work?”

Ranko smirked, stepping forward with a bounce in her step. “Admire? Nah. I’m here to show you how it’s really done.”

The playful jab made Mariko narrow her eyes, her competitive nature flaring. Nabiki simply groaned, already sensing the chaos about to unfold. “Oh, great. Just what we need—Ranko showing off.” She complained, but in truth she was kind of excited by the prospect.

Ignoring her, Ranko strode confidently to the center of the room, tossing her pom-poms into the air and catching them with a flourish. “Cue the music,” she said, shooting a wink at a baffled servant who hastily adjusted the gramophone.

The anthem restarted, but Ranko didn’t just jump in. She waited, letting the beat build, swaying slightly as though she were feeling the rhythm. Then, with a dazzling smile, she launched into a routine that instantly demanded attention.

She began with a series of high-energy cartwheels, the pom-poms catching the light as they arced through the air. Mid-cartwheel, she transitioned into a backflip, landing flawlessly and spinning on one foot as if gravity itself bent to her will. Her movements were fluid, almost hypnotic, and every bounce of her step was perfectly timed to the music.

Mariko’s jaw dropped. “She’s… not bad,” she admitted, though her tone was grudging.

“Not bad?” Nabiki muttered, watching Ranko execute a perfectly synchronized series of claps, spins, and kicks. “She’s a show-off is what she is.”

Ranko wasn’t done. She added a dramatic leap into the air, her pom-poms extended like glittering wings. As she landed, she transitioned seamlessly into a rapid sequence of high kicks and punches, punctuated with sharp spins that made her hair whip around like a fiery halo.

Then came the finale. Ranko threw one pom-pom high into the air and dropped into a perfect split, catching the pom-pom mid-descent with her free hand. She held the pose, her other pom-pom raised triumphantly, her grin wide enough to outshine the chandelier overhead.

The room was silent for a moment, save for the gramophone’s fading melody. Then Kuno erupted into applause, leaping to his feet with wild enthusiasm. “Astounding! Magnificent! Ranko Saotome, truly you are a goddess among mortals!”

Mariko, stunned, crossed her arms and huffed. “Okay, fine. That was impressive.”

Nabiki couldn’t hide her surprise either, though she couched it in sarcasm. “Great. Now the rest of us look like amateurs.”

Ranko, still holding her pose, gave a cheeky wink. “It’s not about being the best—it’s about having fun.” She stood, tossing her pom-poms onto a nearby chair. “And admit it, Nabiki. You’re enjoying yourself more than you thought.”

“I’m enjoying myself less because of you,” Nabiki retorted, though the faint smile tugging at her lips betrayed her.

Ranko laughed, clapping her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. I won’t steal all the spotlight. You’re doing great, Nabiki.”

Mariko frowned, clearly itching to reclaim her title as queen of the cheerleaders. “Alright, if you’re so good, Ranko, maybe you can show us a thing or two for our routines.”

Ranko grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, I’ve got plenty of ideas. Bu~ut! Nabiki, remember our promise! You gotta fuck Kuno first. My ditzy little airhead Ice Queen, dancing on my strings. Always remember - I can make you feel like this at a moment's notice. Either of you. And no matter what you'll thank me for it."

While she spoke, Ranko infiltrated Nabiki's personal space, making her heart race like it was trying to shatter her ribcage from the inside. Then, came a tender kiss. She was right. Nabiki hated it, but she was right. Her eyes fluttered, her breath hitched, and her pussy was absolutely soaked through, and when Ranko parted from her there was only one thing Nabiki could say right now.

"Tee hee~ You ready for the fuck of your life?"

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