Monday 3 June 2024

Story: LU Railgun


So this is a familiar sight, right? Touma and Misaka walking side by side, hand in hand. The only way to keep her breasts from growing ridiculously, obscenely, distractingly big. Using his Imagine Breaker for something like this... Holding hands with a girl out in public! It made them look like a couple. Which was a problem when Uiharu had instructed her followers to try to set up him and Index.

"This doesn't mean anything!" Misaka insisted. Huh. She was kinda cute like this, wasn't she?

Of course, what Touma didn't realise yet was that she'd been levelling up her ability to seduce him as well. Neither of them knew that. It was a skill she had been developing while completely and totally oblivious. It wasn't on right now owing to the Imagine Breaker being hard at work - But that hardly matters. She had used it on him already, and that was entirely sufficient for it to have lingering effects on him. After all, this wasn't an ability that affected him - but rather her. It made her more aware of how to appeal to him, and it did actually work.

Which was messing with his head a bit. He knew intellectually that she was cute. The kind of girl who couldn't leave others alone. She had to get involved somehow, and he understood that feeling all too well.

"Look, there they are! Touma and the Railgun... holding hands!"

"That's the wrong ship!"

"Wrong ship! Abandon ship!"

They'd been noticed. Of course they would be. In a city like this, if a large batch of people spontaneously decided to look for you under someone's direction, it's inevitable you'd get noticed. Unless you had some sort of stealth superpower, and even then there was a good chance someone would notice you with a power that could see through it somehow.

The crowd gathered quickly. Looking around, Touma couldn't see a way out. Misaka was scowling too. She didn't seem any happier about any of this than he was.

"Let go of my hand," Misaka said.

"But your chest - "

"I can't use my powers while you're blocking them!" Misaka yelled back, turning beet red and kinda cute too. The hamsters at the wheel inside Touma's dumb, anime protagonist head were running in the wheel. Skitter, skitter skitter, then they came to a screeching halt, pulled out a whiteboard and wrote on it - 

She has a crush on you, you absolute idiot.

The thought was enough to make him let go of her hand. Her body began to crackle with electricity instantly, and also <i>boing boing</i>. Instantly up a size, filling out her shirt, while the air began to smell of ozone and the Railgun reminded everyone present why, oh why, she is considered the third strongest in the city!

Metal shavings from the ground around them formed under Touma and Misaka's feet, forming a defensive barrier and a path at the same time. This girl's as crazy as she is cute! No, no, not the time for that Touma, even though... Man she has a nice butt too. The breasts are pretty big, and getting bigger all the time, but she really was the all around perfect thunder tsundere package. Shame about the shorts though...

"Hey, you coming or what?" Misaka yelled. He reached out his hand on instinct - "Not that hand, dummy! Your left!"

Oh. Right. If he took her hand with Imagine Breaker they'd probably drop and - Woah! They were higher up than he'd thought! Still, though. Now that he was holding hands with her using his left hand, while her boobs were still getting bigger and she was also getting more and more effective at seducing him...

Doki doki. That's the term used in Japan to denote a heartbeat. A pounding heartbeat, at that. Guh! Come on, calm down, calm down! It's just biribiri. That annoying electromancer who always challenges you to a fight, who has an explosive temper, especially when you're around other girls, and she gets really weirdly shy and bashful when -

Oh crap she really does have a crush on you! Ah! This was a really bad time to realise that!

"Gah! Stupid perpetually growing boobs!" Misaka yelled. "Ohhhh! If only they'd stay at a constant, decent size!"

"That building over there," Touma said. "If we land there for a bit, we can get your boobs back to normal without anyone getting in the way! At least for a little bit."

Obviously, she wanted to get this damn thing over with right here and now, but that wasn't going to happen with her like this. At this point those boobies were twice the size of her head and still getting bigger! Before too long she'd need to use her magnetism to hold them up at all!

They landed safely on the rooftop, and once they were on safe ground he put his right hand on top of her head. On the one hand, they were both a bit disappointed to see them deflate like that. On the other...? She was still super cute.

"This is so stupid..." Misaka grumbled. "So I can't use my electromancer powers without - Mmmf?"

He couldn't hold himself back anymore. His body wouldn't let him. He tilted her head up and kissed her right on the mouth. Ah! What are you doing, you idiot! At least ask before doing that with a girl! Even if she likes you, you have to ask first for that sort of - Oh, she was wrapping her leg around his waist and pulling his head in.

.... Score! 

"Gorrilllllaaaaaaa! Hands offffff heeeeeer!"

Oh good. Just what they needed. The horny lesbian teleporter coming in to ruin their fun together. Where had that horny girl been at anyway, wasn't Saten supposed to find her?


Hehehehe, this was paradise, pure and simple! What else could Kuroko call it? So many onee-sans! Ah! They'd been corrupted by her photography before, and were now okay with her doing absolutely an-y-thing she wanted to them! A little skinship here, a little skinship there...

But it did rather feel like she was forgetting something.

"Kuroko! There you are!" Oh, wonderful, an interruption. It was Saten. "Listen, Misaka went off with Touma, and -"

"Which direction!" Kuroko interrupted. With that gorilla...? Unthinkable! This was something she could not permit! "I cannot allow her to be stained by those meaty hands!"

"Hrm... Wait... Actually..." Saten said. "If I tell you, can you promise to do me a favour? I've worked out a way for you to become a Level 55 Erotic Photographer again... But I would like you to use that ability to help set Uiharu back to normal. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yes, yes, whatever you say," Kuroko said, paying little heed to what was being said to her. All that mattered now was finding her onee-sama! "Where are they?!"


Boink! Off Kuroko went, teleporting in that direction like a champ. It wouldn't be hard to find them. Where Misaka went, there was usually something... Electric or magnetic following along as we!l!


"Phew, that should take care of that," Saten said, wiping sweat from her forehead as she watched Kuroko, freshly returned to her level 55 erotic photography skill, bounding after Misaka and Touma. "Those three should stop Uiharu right away, and -"

"Ahem, Misaka ominously coughed," a Sister put her hand on Saten's shoulder, a little tingle of electricity passing through her body. "Misaka would like to know what you meant by that, Misaka hinted at a threat."

"Also, we were enjoying being groped by that girl, Misaka says confused like the dirty whore that she was."

Ah. Oh. Oh no. Her getting away with it skill wasn't quite, uh, good enough for this, huh? Or maybe it was...? We'd have to see what happened next, wouldn't we?

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