Monday 17 June 2024

Story: Double Trouble


What does it mean to be sexually compatible with someone? Does it mean you're not clumsy together? That you're both able to be intimate without issue? It can't just be a case of 'square peg goes in square hole', right? Let's ignore the obvious metaphor that invokes and focus on the real nuance here. Does it mean you're both into each other? Does it mean there's a deep emotional connection? Or is it something else? An intangible quality that cannot be put into words?

From Akane's perspective, limited though it might be, she and Ranma were extremely sexually compatible. She didn't know how she knew that, she just did. Ah... how to put it?

The first time was kinda clumsy, awkward, and short. An intense burst of experience that felt like it had gone longer, but neither of them knew what to do with each other. They put tab A in slot A and kinda let what happened happen.

The second time was a bit better. They held onto one another the entire time, and Akane had a clarity of thought. 'What am I doing?' she'd wondered. 'It feels good, but what if he knocks me up?'

By the fifth time, Akane was on her hands and knees, getting drilled from behind by Ranma's big hard dick. His stamina was god tier, and it was driving her on too. "Go on, fill me up!" Akane whined, thrusting her body back into him. "Knock me up, please! I need it, I need it soooo badly~"

He spanked her ass and let his finger sink into her flesh. Ohhh, she liked that~ Her future husband was a machine in the sack! Such a quick physical learner, and he was a pretty good teacher too. She felt him nut inside her and then... they both let out a contented sigh and collapsed onto one another.

"Wow, I needed that," Akane burbled. Her hand roamed across Ranma's chest, so manly and strong and... Mmmm... His heartbeat was such a mighty rhythmic tune drumming in her head, she loved listening to it. She snuggled up into him closer, and took a deep whiff of his scent. Mmm~

"We're not doing something stupid, are we?" Ranma asked. "I mean, those two probably didn't, you know, jump right into bed with each other."

"Then they were the stupid ones," Akane said. She felt better. Better than she could remember feeling. Like all of her stress had drifted out of her. Gone up into the air and - poof! Cue one extremely relaxed Akane Tendo. Her eyes flickered to the clock. Still about an hour before anyone was due back. "How many do you want?"

"How many...?" Ranma asked. Then he worked it out. A bit slow on the uptake, but he got there in the end, and when he did, enter one deer in the headlights situation. So cute! "I'm - I'm not ready to become a father."

"Are you ready to become a husband? Because, I mean, if you think you're not marrying me after tonight, then..."

He got a little nervous then. "Wh-What will you do?"

"Oh, that's easy!" Akane said, kissing around his jawline. "I'm gonna have sex with you. Over and over again. Until you agree."

Mmm, she really was hard up huh? Thinking about her situation that made sense. The older man she liked didn't see her as a woman. The boys her own age treated her like an object to be won. Ranma, though? He was different. Maybe if she hadn't seen a glimpse of the future she'd have hesitated a bit. Her experience with boys hadn't been all that good, but....

Apparently he would have eventually worked his way through her defences. Which was a good sign. Apparently they would have sex pretty regularly. It was a bit of a cheat seeing how things would turn out between them, but...

God, she was so happy getting her bell rung! Mmmm, they could make a quick start on having kids, too. Ranma might say he's not ready to be a father, but she could tell. He was. He might not think he was, but that was just nerves. The way Akane was feeling nothing could make her nervous anymore.

"Uh, maybe I should cut you -" Ranma began, until Akane grabbed his hand and guided it to her breast. "Okay, fine, I can't cut you off, but maybe we're going a bit too intense."

"You know what? You're right. We should probably slow it down," Akane said. She nodded to herself. Yes. They could have sex any time they wanted as soon as they got married. No need to tire themselves out tonight, let's leave something for the honeymoon. "To be safe, why don't you turn into a girl? We should be able to control ourselves if we're both girls."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Back in a sec!"

She watched him leave, and was already kicking herself. Damn! She had no idea she was this pent up! Was it any wonder she was so aggressive all the time?

Much though she hated to admit it, girls had needs too. The boys might be more open about being perverts, but a girl needs a bit of affection now and then as well. Not the sort that Kuno or those perverts tried to give her each morning. Something to make her feel special. Appreciated. Not just for her looks, not because she was a piece of meat, but because of who she was!

Which was making her worried a little bit. Maybe she should be taking the time to get to know Ranma better before they did anything like that again? I mean. It was good. Really good. Addictively good. But... She'd thought of it as a cheat before. A shortcut. Knowing how the relationship turned out got them to proceed faster to the point they could be together.

The problem was that when you cheat, you cheat yourself. By taking this shortcut they'd bypassed getting to know one another and... There was a small chance she might be pregnant already. Or would be by this time next month and - 

Ohhh, that warm feeling was not a good sign was it? Their older selves weren't parents yet. Beating them to the punch, that wasn't something she wanted to think about too hard. Alright. This was the smart thing to do. They'd had their fun, and now they'd go cold turkey. Get to properly know each other a little. Then, only then, could they indulge in a bit of fun.

"Alright Akane, what do you wanna do now?"

Akane turned to address girl form Ranma, who was standing in the doorway... wearing only her damp red shirt, and nothing else. The fabric clinging to her body, highlighting her curves. Her legs on full display. The shirt barely under the curve of her ass. The prominent bust underneath begging for attention, the inquisitive damp face -

Oh goodness what a strange discovery to make about herself. As it turned out she wasn't just attracted to Ranma because he was a handsome hunk of man meat, which was a blessed relief. It was the person underneath that she was attracted to!

Or, alternatively, Ranma was just that hot in both forms. Either way, Akane oozed out of her bed naked, rose up to meet Ranma, then leaned down to kiss the slightly smaller girl on the lips before pulling their bodies close. They moaned into each other's mouths, knowing they were tasting forbidden fruit, and yet... To Akane's surprise, Ranma went along with it. Guiding her back to the bed. Almost as though she was half fighting it, but also not really putting in as much effort as she could.

The next hour flew by in a flash. Akane wasn't even sure how they spent the time. She remembered using her fingers and her tongue a lot, but the thing is, Ranma's girl form is so <i>impossibly fuckable</i> that she couldn't keep her head straight.

The first she knew of it was when the alarm sounded, warning them that they had ten minutes before everyone was due back. The two of them looked to the clock, drenched in even more sweat than before, and stared at it while still clung onto one another.

"Alright, ten minutes," Ranma said, her breath sharp and ragged. "That's enough time for us to wash off, get dressed and pretend we were studying all night."

"Sounds good," Akane said. "That is what we agreed, right?"

"Or! And this is just a suggestion," Ranma offered. "We keep having sex despite the risk of being caught in the act."

Akane bit her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. Her hand trailed along Ranma's body before settling on her boob. Squeeze, squeeze! Not fair, it's so big and succulent!

"This is gonna be a problem isn't it?" Akane asked. Ranma nodded, and then their lips met one another, and then - Ohhhh god, how did she ever live her life without this? How could she go back? It was like she didn't want to do anything at all but lay here with Ranma, in either form, getting her body absolutely wrecked!

That's the thing about opening Pandora's Box, though. You let out everything, and it's really hard to get it all back in. 

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