Monday 10 June 2024

Story: Drive


Any version of Asuka around is beyond confident. Hell, you could even call them arrogant. Even so, Asuka knew that when the most rational one around is the one with muscles the size of grapefruits, you were in trouble. Oh, she did not like this. She did not like this one little bit. The three of them, trapped here in this horny water sport coliseum, an impenetrable force field around them... That's a loss condition right there. But what made it worse?

"Gimme back what you took!"

"No, you give me back what I lost because of you!"

The two idiots in front of her were horny with sin. Out of context, that's the kind of sentence that makes a person go 'tautology' internally, and get confused about the redundancy. In context?

"Fight, fight, fuck, fight!"

Don't think for a second she hadn't noticed that, you sneaky dolls! It was starting to piss her off something rotten - which was kind of the point, wasn't it? They wanted them beating seven shades of shit out of each other, for their personal amusement, making them all fall under the influence of wrath. How stereotypical! A muscle girl of her stature compelled to fall under that form of corruption? Become a battle maniac, who could only get a sexual high when punching someone in the face?

Disturbingly, punching these two in the face did sound pretty good about now. Especially Shinji, for being so damn smug after stealing the other Asuka's 'sex appeal' It was worrying to think that whatever happened, the loser would probably take the same thing from the winner, which made her quite determined not to lose. She liked being ripped!

"Alright, your ass is mine!" Shinji yelled, leaping forward crotch first directly towards Asuka.

"You want my ass? Well here it is, you little worm!" and... she was leaping backwards butt first.

Wait. Hold on a second, if they kept at it like that, then wouldn't they - 

<i>"Unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen! The two of them are going for a truly devastating grapple! Intercourse!"</i>

Yep. Intercourse. That's one thing you could call it. The two of them did kind of look like they were jockeying for position, but, uh. Shinji was kinda balls deep in Asuka's pussy. It didn't look like regular sex, per se. For one thing, he was keeping his hands off her, and there wasn't as much humping as there was... pushing. A tremendous effort by the two of them to push the other over. Using their genitals.

"Had enough, dummkopf?" Asuka sneered, wriggling her hips around in a mostly vain attempt to shove him over. "Gimme back my hot fuckable body, and maybe you'll get a better ta~aste!"

"You first!" Shinji grunted. "My big hard cock is gonna break you and make you mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!"

It wasn't really a question of which of them was winning. Muscle- Asuka was losing. Okay. Alright then. How do we deal with this mess? The two of them were all over each other basically, and - Urgh! She felt like a third wheel. The hot dog trick obviously wouldn't work again. 

"Hey," she whispered. "So, I'm not allowed to touch this surface with anything but my feet, right?"

"Those are the rules!" the Rei referee - the Reiferee? - said. "If you touch them with your hands or feet either, you lose."

"But our genitals are fine?" A shrug was the reply. Urgh. "You know, you could be less obvious about the corruption angle."

"Where would the fun in that be?" was the smirking response. Alright then. Be that way. While those two were having angry competitive sex, she was going to put an end to this nonsense, right here and now. By strolling along to the middle of the platform. Taking a deep breath... Then raising her foot high into the air and slamming it down as hard as she possibly could.

The cracks formed over the surface immediately, just as planned. Spreading out all over the platform. So she jumped and kicked it again, and again, and again, widening the cracks each and every time.

"Come on, you stupid platform," she grumbled to herself. "Crack already! Break! Wait, wait... don't get pissed off, stay calm, just apply your strength and then -"

"Break! Break! Break! Break!"

... Hrm? What? Were they cheering her on? She stopped her foot and looked around. They were watching her with rapt fascination. Was she about to break a rule? Was there a reason they wanted them in the water...? No, wait. Even if she remained calm, then she was still technically using 'violence' as a solution to the problem. Perhaps it would manifest as the desire to use her strength to break things? Or something like that?

"Break! Break! Break! Break!"

Hearing a crowd of Reis chant that was extremely unnerving. Oof! She didn't want to keep this up, did she? That seemed like a really bad idea all of a sudden! She almost gave in, there. Almost surrendered to wrath! Which meant... Okay, thinking time now, thinking... What's the opposite of violence?

"Does it feel good, pervert?"

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing!"

"Haha, beat you to it!"

"No." She said that in a flat way. "No, no, no. Really? That's what I have to -"

She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a weary, weary grunt. Normally, the virtue that opposes Wrath is Patience, but that didn't seem like a tremendously good idea under the circumstances. Trying to wait them out, make them bored... Except that those two idiots were going to keep them entertained no matter what!

That is, unless she broke the spell the only way that she could.

"God, Shinji! If you like banging her so much, why don't you marry her?"

The two of them stopped cold. There we go. That's it. She could feel herself turning scarlet as it was, but this was the best way to go.

"Who says I like banging her?" he asked with his dick buried in to the hilt.

"What, you're not loving all of this?" Asuka asked. "Hrmph! You really are stupid, you know! You don't say that sort of thing while you're banging a girl! Even when it's obviously not true. I mean, you are hard as a rock."

"Bet you're liking it too, huh?" Shinji asked. Alright, there we go. If not for the rules she could pretty much sit down and play tiddlywinks. The dominos were already set up and she'd set off the very first one. The two of them could take care of it from here, she was basically a redundant presence from here on in. "it must feel so good having my enormous dick pounding your tight pussy."

"Not as good as you feel~" Asuka leaned back into him, pushing her back into his chest and kissing him right on the lips "That felt good, didn't it, you spineless worm. Mmm, I always knew you liked me. Ever since that time we first met and you peeked at my panties."

"The wind picked up your dress, I couldn't help but see," Shinji said. "I'm pretty sure that slap of yours wasn't as strong as it could have been either."

"By the way, the Walls of Jericho were known best for falling!" Muscle Asuka casually mentioned.

"Ohhhhh, is that so?" Shinji asked teasingly. "Mmm, that must mean you actually wanted me to come over, huh?"

"No! That's not what I meant! Ahhhh, stop giving him ideas!"

"Or what?" Muscle Asuka asked. Casual as you like. "Might he get the wrong idea...?"

"W-wrong idea?!" Asuka squeaked. "No, no, no! I don't want him to think I like him! That's stupid!"

"... Do you like me?"

"Do you?!"

The two of them turned beet scarlet. Redder than Asuka's plugsuit. The crowd was sitting on the edge of their seats. Come on, just a little bit more...

<i>"Looks like the two of them are pussying out!"</i> the announcer called. Muscle shot her a mean look. Oh no you don't! Trying to set them off again, huh? Not while she's around, dammit!

"Yeah, I bet neither of you has the balls to admit it, that would require intellectual and emotional honesty and - Hey! Stop making out, you've gotta confess!"

"Boooooooo! Fight, fight, fight, fight!"

"I like you..."

"I like you too, stupid."

Perfect! They wanted the three here to make war, but instead they were making love! In some ways that's an opposite of wrath as well, right? Hrm. You know what? Patience did still kind of apply here anyway. After all, she had to be patient with these two complete idiots to get them to the right state of mind to admit their real feelings!

The trio were promptly ejected from the pool area - and out into the main hallway.

"And stay out!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Muscle said, while the two next to her were trying to wrap around each other like a pair of octopi. "We're going, we're going..." On to the next circle of hell. She could only hope they really had gotten away without bringing any Wrath with them. Then again... Perhaps patience could be a lustful thing too, under the right conditions? The next circle was... heresy, if she remembered properly?

Oh dear. Where would this one take them, then...?

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