Monday 24 June 2024

Story: Hentai Crystal


"Hey mom, how's it going, everything okay here?" Minako said while standing in the front door of her home. She looked around nervously, expecting, I don't know, a crossing guard to appear out of nowhere and try to wallop her in the head with a sign. "Nothing weird going on, is there? Nothing strange?"

"No, Mina!" her mother chirped happily. "It's been a quiet night!" Hold on, wait a second, hold the phone here... Minako was pretty sure that her parents would be targeted by the forces of Order. They hadn't been here yet...? That was a relief. All she had to do was hang around here and then - "Oh, but do you know who did show up? Alan and Katarina! They came to visit Japan, isn't that nice?"

Alan and Katarina. Hearing those names was like taking an ice pick to Mina's soul. Oh yes, she knew those names quite well. Alan, her first crush. Katarina, the interpol agent who had snapped up his attention right from under her nose. They were in Japan...? Oh hell!

"Ah, thanks for telling me!" Minako spun on her heels and rushed outside. "Don't open the door for anyone except me, okay? Not even if it's a delivery or anything, got it!"

"They're at the South Hotel!" her mother called out after her. 

Oh! This was why they needed to keep everything secret! Trying to juggle protecting everyone in your lives was simply impossible. They could run you ragged by making you try to keep everyone safe, stressing you out to the point you couldn't sleep or rest, running from here to there, and -

Sailor Venus leaped across the rooftops in search of them. The South Hotel, was it? Great, just great! At least Katarina knew she was Sailor V, which should make things easier. In theory. Once she'd caught up with them she'd - Aha! There they were! She could plainly see them down there, on a guided tour!

"Alan! Katarina!" Sailor Venus called out, leaping down to the street below. "We have to get you out of here, there are youma -"

"And on our left, we can see a complete harlot, who will spout nothing but lies and nonsense," the tour guide said. Which drew Venus' attention right onto her in an instant. A peppy girl, with hair in a mid-length ponytail wearing jeans and slacks, while carrying a megaphone. "If the two of you would please come this way, right away, we'll get you into a safe and orderly place."

"Quick Alan, avert your gaze," Katarina said. "I don't want you looking at her. Even I'm feeling tempted by that cheap harlot!"

"Have no fear, dearest!" Alan added. "I'm loyal to you, and you alone!"

So that was the way it was going to be, was it? This... Tour Guide was using its powers to manipulate their perception! How annoying! 

"You'd better leave my friends alone, or -" Venus began, but Tour Guide continued without giving a single solitary fuck. Which was on par for these prudes, now that she thought about it.

"Now then, it's time to bring out your special weapons for a one of a kind safari!" Tour Guide bellowed, smirking at Venus while a pair of rather old fashioned rifles appeared in Alan and Katarina's hands. What?! "Make sure to take careful aim - there's a Yellow Tailed Whore right over there, ripe for the plucking!"

"Oh boy, I've never gone on safari before!" Katarina said, her eyes completely misted over, rifle aimed squarely at Venus! Guh! A normal gun wouldn't do anything to her, but there was no way that gun was normal! What's worse, if it missed her - what about the people behind her?!

"Venus Love Me Tentacle Chain!" Venus yelled, bringing her chains out to tie the two of them up right here and now in hyper-erotic tentacle chains! This was the best approach to take. Hold them in place so she could focus on Tour Guide!

"Now then folks, it's time to dislocate your limbs, just like Harry Houdini, so you can slip those bonds," Tour Guide said without missing a beat. What? Dislocate their limbs...? "It'll hurt. A lot. However, it'll be worth it to pull this trick off!"

"Hrm... like this...?" Alan asked, starting to wriggle around with his shoulders. Ah. Ah! No! Don't do that! That devious brat! Using her friends against her like this... making them attack her with magical weapons, and now using their very own attempts to escape her bonds turn against her!

"If you look underneath the short skirted slut, you'll find Tokyo Tower."

"Huh? That's nowhere near- Woah!"

Venus suddenly found herself propelled into the air as the tower itself appeared right beneath her feet! Tsk! She formed a slide out of horny tentacles and - oh, oh, ohohohohoho, that was a side effect she hadn't expected~

"Watch your feet, folks! That absolute skank is about to slide right into quicksand!"

Eek! A weird patch of gel like sand appeared on the street below her! While she was pretty sure 'Sailor Venus sinking into a patch of quicksand' was somebody's fetish, it sure wasn't hers! She used her tentacles to whip a street light to pull herself away and then - 

"Be mindful of that street light, it's been making weird creaking noises like it wants to fall over!" Tour Guide continued. Not giving her a moment to rest! Honestly now, quit pointing out all these 'points of interest' for just one second or else - 

"Alan, Katarina! Snap out of it!" Venus yelled. She'd had to let them go in all the chaos. "Remember our time together in London? You remember, right? We had lots of fun, didn't we?"

Tour Guide put her microphone down. "It's no use, give up!" she jeered. "They're completely under my spell, there's no way you'll - Hey!"

"Thank you~" Venus chirped, whipping the microphone right out of her grip. Bad guys can never help it, can they? Simply gotta get their monologue on! "Alan! Katarina! If you look to your right a love hotel is forming underneath that prudish -"

"If you look to your left, a blonde bimbo just stepped on a mine!" Tour Guide said into another microphone. What? "Aw, sorry, did you think it would be that easy? Gotta be careful, now! There's a landmine underneath your foot, and if it goes off? It won't just be you that they're picking off the walls!"

"You're way too cruel!" Venus yelled. So the microphone only works for her, huh? Well then. It was time to show this creep that Sailor Venus was the most experienced of all the Sailor Guardians! And a lot more than a pretty face!


She'd worked through everything. You know? A tour guide should be like that. Prepared. You never know when someone on tour might throw you a curveball. You've gotta think fast, outside the box, know your stuff and it'll just come effortlessly.

This utter skank had no business interfering in her guided tour. She'd guide this Alan and Katarina right into the waiting arms of Order in no time flat! All it would take was manipulating their surroundings until she got the result she wanted. And now? Venus was a sitting duck. Can't move. Can't trap her friends. The only move available to her was - 

"Venus Love Me Tentacles!"

"Oh dear, it looks like an invisible forcefield has appeared around me~" Tour Guide sang. "I'm completely untouchable, all thanks to this inexplicable miracle! Hopefully it goes away soon so that we can continue our guided tour!"

Yes, that was a bit of a cheat, but it's how her powers worked. So long as she was able to talk about a landmark, it would appear right there. Heh. She couldn't - 

"Can't manipulate living things, just places..." Venus interrupted her thinking. She was using her tentacles to spin her friends around so they couldn't aim at her, and they weren't shooting until they were aiming at her again. "Interesting. I should be able to do something about that."

"Yeah, good luck with that!" Tour Guide jeered.

"Sorry, didn't catch that? Could you speak up?" Venus asked.

"I said, good luck with that!" Tour Guide yelled.

"Sorry, not quite getting you, traffic is too loud!" Venus yelled.

"I said!" Tour Guide yelled. "Good luck with that, Sailor Venus!"

... Huh. Why was her voice that much louder there at the - She looked up. A tentacle was holding that microphone Venus had stolen from her right over the top of the forcefield surrounding her. "That's not Sailor -" she began, but then she was dwarfedon all sides by tentacles. They were all over the place! Surrounding the forcefield, muffling her voice, drowning her out! No, no, no! Unless...?

"The forcefield has been replaced by an anti-tentacle..." she began... but trailed off. "Ah! My power only works if there's someone able to listen to it! That's what she was doing this whole time! She was working out the limits to my powers, testing what I could do so she could counter them!"

Truly, she had underestimated her enemy quite terribly... but she's not the first one to make that mistake. Sailor Venus is a lot more than a pretty face - even if she acts like an airhead a lot of the time.

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