Monday 3 June 2024

Story: HHL Film Project


Fuck, but Shampoo was hot. It always pissed Akane off that she had to have someone this ludicrously pretty and curvy as a romantic rival. Yes, even when she was claiming she didn't want anything to do with Ranma, it still upset her that this was her apparent competition.

It felt like she was starting a race she didn't want to win with a major handicap, so it rankled on her pride, and made her want to catch up in any way she could. Shampoo's general attitude didn't help either. Being willing to use any dirty trick she could to push ahead. Trying to abuse love pills on either of them, the reversal jewel, trying to barter half baked curses for Ranma's curse in exchange for dates... Sneering at Akane all the while, insulting her, belittling her and mocking her at every turn.

Her plan today was to use her new perverse awareness to get her revenge on Shampoo. Claim Ranma right in front of her. Make it clear, make it apparent, the kitchen destroyer was the winner of this little race and she should go on her merry way to annoy someone else.

Except. You know. She is really, really hot. It would be a waste to not savour a bit of that foreign cuisine while it was up for offering. Why should she and Ranma remain exclusive, when it would be just as fun to have some more in there too...?

"You're almost there," Akane whispered. Shampoo was riding Ranma cowgirl style, while Akane embraced her from behind. His hands roaming up and around Shampoo's enticing figure, squeezing her breasts, groping at her waist, squeezing her ass, anywhere he could reach. He'd learned well. He'd learned fast. Even just watching him dick Shampoo like this was making her super fucking wet because she could imagine herself being touched like that, and - she grabbed Shampoo's chin, turned her head and gave her a deep kiss on the lips. The kiss was returned, and it tasted so, so sweet~

Akane pulled back, and then guided Shampoo off of Ranma's penis. It felt like... if they went any further, Ranma would be out of commission for a while. He had loads of stamina, but then again, it wasn't a bottomless reservoir. A little bit of preparation time would be good.

"Alright Ranma, you did really good there," Akane said. "I think Shampoo will be ready in a minute, won't you?"

"Yes, Shampoo feel ready," Shampoo said. Very good. Akane kissed her again as a little reward. Mmm~She was going to enjoy this a lot more than she was expecting to! What did they call this kind of relationship again? A thrupple? This was going to be so much better for all three of them, Akane could hardly wait to formalise everything!


It was the end of the day, and Shinobu felt really ,really good. It was weird. She'd been working hard all day while barely dressed, but she kinda didn't mind at all. The last of the customers filed out, a boy with a pair of cute twins, one on each arm, and that left her alone with Ukyo, Lum and -

"Oh, Darling~ I'm soooo horny, let me get on that dick!"

And Darling. Shinobu looked over to see Lum sitting in Darling's lap, while Ukyo peeled off his trousers and out sprung... Penis. Big. Erect. Enticing. Maybe it was being surrounded by food all day, but Shinobu felt very hungry all of a sudden. 

"We should really clean up," Ukyo muttered. "But... Helping all those people reach their perverted side, it's got me so wet I can't think straight!"

Oh gosh. Ukyo was licking Ataru's balls, while Lum was grabbing his head and sucking on his lips like he'd swallowed poison. Watching them made Shinobu feel... giddy. This feeling bubbling up inside her all day. This rightness about it all. This block in her mind that wouldn't go away, no matter what!

She'd been stuck on this story, this script, the way to bring the story to an end. She knew that the heroine would masquerade as part of the villain's harem to remain hidden away, but she hadn't figured out any kind of resolution. What was the natural way to end the story, to tie it all up in a neat bow? She couldn't think, she couldn't come up with a good answer, it eluded her all day.

Except, of course, the answer was staring her right in the face. Ataru was having sex with Lum, while another beautiful girl was pushing her body up against him, kissing his body, being groped by him in turn. The answer was clear, it was so impossibly clear. How could she have missed it? 

A harem wasn't a bad thing at all. It was actually kinda hot. The heroine shouldn't want to escape the harem, she should want to join it! The villain wasn't a villain at all, he was merely doing all he could to satisfy the needs off all those girls. That was it. That was the resolution. It felt so natural, she didn't even question it. The idea settled into her mind while watching Lum - Oh! She was rising and falling upon that dick using her ability to levitate. Happy, so happy, so content, of course Shinobu should want to join them!

"Darling, please let me join your harem~" Shinobu begged, dropping to her knees out of sheer desperation.

"Dummy," Ataru scoffed. "You didn't even need to ask. Lum, you don't mind if Shinobu gets her turn now do you?"

"Mmm, of course not Darling," Lum lifted herself off his dick, letting it stay there, while she drifted around towards Shinobu, guiding her along towards it. "Go ahead, dear. It blew my mind when I got on it as well."

With an invitation like that, what else could Shinobu do but climb on? She felt its head push up against her entrance. She couldn't bear to look down at it while it was going in and - 

"Ahhhhh~ There we go, that's what I needed," Shinobu chirped. All the tension and the pressure she'd been feeling all day suddenly started to melt away. As for Ataru himself, while she was pushing herself up and down on his cock he was squaring his fingers as though looking through a camera lens, right at her face.

"That's a good look you've got there, I like the tongue hanging out, I like that you've got your eyes rolled back in your head and you're completely blissed out, but your motivation is 'I just joined a harem'," Ataru said. "Uh... Hrm! I know! Ukyo, Lum! Use those tongues on her ears, would you?"

Shinobu felt the tongues enter on either side of her head, and it felt like they were swirling her brain around inside her skull. Oh. Oh! Ohhhhh~ One would think that the sexual pleasure was what was making her moan and whimper, and... to a degree, it was, but that wasn't the whole story. No, no, not at all!

You see, now that she was part of a harem, now that she was accepting that this was how she should behave and dress from now on, that she should share Ataru with these two luscious babes and any others that took his fancy, Shinobu was pounding through that writer's block like she had a wrecking ball. She knew exactly how this story would go!


You know, after getting caught in the middle of the catfight between these two for so long it was kinda nice to see them getting along like this. Ahhhh! Watching Akane help Shampoo prepare for the scene was kinda relaxing, you know? It felt like he was on the verge of something truly wonderful happening, and all he had to do was sit back and let it happen.

No need to risk saying anything dumb. No need to somehow make things worse. All he had to do was watch as Akane ate Shampoo out until she was nice and ready to resume their performance.

"Okay, that should be good now!" Akane rose from between Shampoo's legs, wiping at her mouth, then turning towards Ranma with a strange smile on her face. "You ready to go another round, dummy? Let's pick it up from where you gave in and started giving me - the bad guy a deep, deep dicking, okay?"

Right. Made sense. He kinda figured they had that part down pat already. No need to play it out.

"Alright, positions!" Akane clapped, and lay back, spreading her legs wide open. Ranma scooted over, got between her legs and put it in, thinking nothing of it. Except that it did feel pretty nice. "Hrm... could you maybe start kissing my neck or something? I want us to pick this up in the middle of the action."

"Real picky today, huh tomboy?" Ranma shrugged, again not thinking anything weird about it. He buried his face right into the nape of her neck and took a big deep breath. Mmmm~ She did smell nice, at least. And felt nice. Really, really nice... his hips were moving before he knew what he was doing, which is only natural because sex does feel good. Really, really good, and he was pretty sure if he did this and that it would feel really, really really good for Akane as well.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Action!" Akane declared, and immediately went into character. "You see, foolish hero? My feminine wiles are too much for you to resist! You put it in at the first chance you had, the instant I spread my legs you couldn't do it fast enough!"

"A momentary lapse," Ranma warned. "Ohhhh, I will not succumb to your beauty so easily! I will not -"

"Okay, Shampoo done with this pretend play."

Huh? His sidekick suddenly dove in from out of nowhere tackling him with a big kiss, and sitting on the villain's face.

"Ah... you've come to save me...?" Ranma asked.

"No, Shampoo come to help you give in to villain faster," Shampoo whined. "Then we go back to Tendo home and have wild threesome. Wo ai ni, airen! Nǐ ràng wǒ xīngfèn kitchen destroyer!"

Ah! To think that his sidekick would have already been enticed, bewitched and brainwashed by this deviant succubus! Was there truly no hope for - 

"Oh, wait!" Ranma asked, right before his body suddenly convulsed with pleasure and he nutted inside Akane. "Uh, so, we were gonna fuck in front of a live audience or something? Uh...? Th-that doesn't - Guh! That doesn't seem! Oh god, we're having a threesome!"

It seemed that the illusion of perversion couldn't last forever... But given that Ranma wasn't doing anything to try to get away from this when he very well easily could have, it probably didn't mean anything bad as far as Akane or Shampoo were concerned. Quite the opposite, actually...

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