Monday 24 June 2024

Story: Indecent


The sexual tension between Yuuki and Lala was about as dense as they were. It really all came down to his inability to, you know, act on it, because that alien Princess would have absolutely thrown down at a moment's notice if he'd pushed for it even a little. Which is amazing to think about, when you realise that she's an absolute ten out of ten, while Rito Yuuki is, at best, above average.

So let's set the scene a bit here. It's his bedroom. It's his bed. The walls are soundproofed, the two of them returned home still kinda brainfucked from what the aliens were doing, and as far as either of them were concerned they had 'homework' which involved banging. As such? There were no clothes on their bodies currently, and they were engaged in their homework with tremendous vigour and interest.

Lala was flat on her back with a leg slung over Rito's shoulder, while he was piledriving her nice and deep, penetrating her with all of his might, yet despite that the expression on his face was one of a student stuck on a particularly hard maths problem. Should he divide by four here, or perhaps add ten to both sides...? What would be the best way to solve this equation?

"Oh, Rito, yes! That's it, right there!" Lala moaned, quite a bit more into it than he seemed to be. Her back was arched, her magnificent heaving breasts thrust up into the air, jiggling around without restraint. Rito nodded, as if experiencing an epiphany - and then he proceeded to grope those astounding breasts in the same manner one might put the finishing touches on a rubix cube.

The contrast between them was quite noticeable, just in case that point wasn't clear. Lala was caught in the throws of passion, while Rito was caught in the delight of solving a particularly intractable problem. Frankly, given the choice, this author would rather be in Lala's position. I mean, it's pretty nice when you finally, finally see the solution after hours of pounding your head against a wall, but experiencing sexual bliss with the one you like? I dunno, that seems more potent, more powerful, more... Impactful upon the soul. It doesn't feed your pride, it gives you emotional fullfilment and -

"How was that, was it any good?" Rito asked.

"Blaaaaaargh~" Lala happily replied, lying there with her limbs splayed out, eyes rolled back in her head, tongue hanging out and her tail flopping around like a salmon trying to get back in the water. She then started to make incoherent happy noises which cannot be translated into text anything like accurately enough to convey how happy she was. Imagine something like "heehhaahahahaha~" and you can kinda start to get the idea, but it's even happier than that. By many, many magnitudes.

"Well, I'm glad!" Rito rose to his feet, still erect and ready to go. "I think I get it. So I make you cum yourself stupid by... Hrm... I wonder if I can make it more efficient...?"

Any human girl in this position would be done for the night. Hell, Rito ought to be done as well after the severe pounding he'd given her. His balls should be empty, his genitals should be going "hey let's stop for a bit to recharge before doing anything else," but somehow he was still raring to go.

Luckily Lala isn't human. Once she'd had about ten seconds of something approximating normal breathing again, she rolled off the bed and crawled to her feet upon shaky, shaky legs. 

"Hold on, hold on, we're forgetting something," Lala said, taking in one big gulp of air before righting herself. "Wasnt there something else we needed to do tonight?"

"Uh... Oh yeah!" Rito said. "I need to fuck Yui in the ass!"

Hearing Rito say something like that was a bit of a shock to the system. Yes, even after he'd spent the last few minutes giving her a deep, thorough dicking down. It does rather go to show how warped their perspectives are. Especially Rito's.

"No, no, I think that would be a bad idea," Lala said. "She was very stressed out at school today. I think someone was messing with her perception of reality - or maybe ours?"

"Sounds like something a good hard cock would be perfect to fix," Rito said, assuredly as the sun rose in the sky, very confident in his solution. "Especially in her anus. Right to the hilt to fill her up, that will surely shake loose... Lala? Lala, are you still with me?"

"What? Oh! Yes!" Lala gasped. "Ahem, sorry. My mind went... elsewhere for a bit." No need to elaborate, but for those unable to read between the lines - she was imagining what it would be like if they did anal next. "Anyway, now that we've done with our homework..."

She blinked rapidly and rubbed at the side of her head. "Wait, homework? Since when is rigorous sex a part of homework...?" That didn't make sense. Actually, it made less than no sense. It was complete and total gibberish! "Heading over to the Kotegawa place to fuck her in the ass...? That doesn't sound right either. Why would -"

Something went blip inside Lala's brilliant skull. A crystal, cold clarity washed over her out of nowhere and she looked around the room as though really seeing it for the first time.

"Did your room always look like a sex dungeon," Lala wondered aloud. "Hold on. How do I know what a sex dungeon looks like...?"

"They showed us how to make one in home ec today, remember?" Rito said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Lala looked down - noticed he was naked and erect, and then looked away. "Huh? Is there something on the ceiling?"

"No, no, just... Ahem! Wow, we actually did that, didn't we...?" Lala asked. "Um... Okay! So! Um! We really need to get going to meet Yui now -"

"To fuck her in the ass?"

Lala gulped. Her brain had filled in a rather vivid image of herself being fucked right in the butt once again, but this time she had a bit more clarity about her. She kinda wanted to try it, but was currently rational enough to recognise how bad an idea that would be.

"No, no, no! That would be a bad idea," Lala said, fidgeting nervously, rubbing her arm. Biting her lip. "Tomorrow, maybe. When we're back to normal. If we're back to normal tomorrow." A beat. "Maybe in an hour or so if we can fix it."

"Fix what?" Rito asked.

"Uh... One sec! Now that I can see everything clearly, for what it is... Maybe I can..."

She rushed off and did what she did best. Mindfucked or not, Rito knew better than to get in the way when Lala was inventing. He would stare at that butt, though. The tail swishing around too... that would give him something nice to hang onto while he was drilling her nice and deep!

"Here you go!" Lala said, and plopped a pair of glasses right over Rito's head that made him realise - 

"Oh wow we had sex!" he turned beet red. So beet red that beets got jealous. You could just about tell his blood pressure had spiked, to the point steam was practically gushing out of his ears. "Oh no! Oh no! We're not even married! What do we do if I knocked you -"

"I mean, we raise it in a healthy happy home with the backing of a benevolent intergalactic empire," Lala interrupted. Like it was no big deal. Which really is in line with Lala's personality the more you think about it. "Oooh, I wonder if half human half Deviluke have special properties? I need to remember to do a genetic resequencing..."

"Hold on, hold on!" Rito interrupted. Obviously, he was seeing a glimpse of his inevitable future forming right before him, and... right now he didn't actually want to look directly at Lala, anyway. "If our perspective is being warped like this, then someone is responsible."


"Couldn't we, I dunno, ask your dad to blow them up or something...?"

"Rito Yuuki!" Lala gasped. "Daddy wouldn't blow them up! Much. He'd maybe blow them up a little tiny bit, but not all the way! Besides which, I..." She frowned. "I'm not sure why I could suddenly see reality so clearly. Nor am I sure why Yui could. We need to go and see her, right away! Peke! Put something appropriate on me!"

"Right away, Mistress!" her personalised programmable wardrobe announced. And then... Lala found herself standing there in a very, very sexy and massively inappropriate schoolgirl uniform. Normally she wouldn't have a problem with this, but she was trying quite... hard... not to keep having sex with the boy she liked. Which was difficult when he was looking at her - or more accurately, trying quite hard to not look at her - like that.

"Peke, what's the big idea?" Lala asked.

"I have put you in the sexiest, sluttiest outfit I can conceive of presently," Peke replied. "To encourage Rito Yuuki to breed you. Breed you so hard you can't think about anything but being bred. Over and over and over ag-"

"I get it!" Rito yelled. "Alright, fine! Urgh! I guess.. I guess we go to Kotegawa's now! Let's get this over with before something else weird happens!" 

You know, on the one hand Lala should probably tell him to put some clothes on. On the other hand? Nah, she was enjoying the view back here a little too much. The girl might be normal now, but as it turned out? She liked sex. She liked sex with Rito a lot.

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