Sunday 13 October 2024

Story: Negima C+S


Within Asuna's room, the girls lay asleep and secure. Of course, they'd gone down in shifts, just in case the perverts tried something unexpected. Snuck into the room and did something devious with their magic. Ayaka and Mana had taken the first shift, and now it was Asuna's turn alongside Zazie.

That was the theory, anyway. Taking the middle shift sucked. You had to wake up, stay awake, then go back to sleep again right after. Who could sleep at a time like this? Not her. Asuna kinda wanted to pace the floor, but -

What were they even gonna do? They were outnumbered. They had no plan. No way to counter the perverts. If only there was a way. There had to be a way!

"What do you think, Zazie?" Asuna asked. The girl handed her a glass of orange juice, which Asuna greedily gulped down. "There's a way to break this spell, right? That's turning everyone into perverts!"

"Probably!" Zazie said. "Our best bet would be to lure one of them in, capture them, and maybe perform an interrogation! Mana should be quite good at that."

"Though Ayaka could probably get them talking by lecturing at them," Asuna quipped. "Or describing her day. They'd probably beg for it to stop, huh?"

The two of them shared a laugh about that, but Asuna soon found herself wobbling. Oooh, her eyes felt really heavy all of a sudden. She yawned, but tried to stifle it. Failed, and - 

Darkness took her shortly thereafter. No problem. Zazie would notice she was asleep, and soon wake her up...


When Asuna went down Zazie lifted her hand and started a countdown from five. By the time she had three, Asuna was sawing logs. Quite loudly. Not so much as to wake up the others, but certainly noticeable. Asuna was the kind of girl to snore and then loudly deny it if anyone tried to confront her. At the same time, she looked so cute. Like a little angel!

A little angel that would soon be turned into a succubus.

Zazie rose to her feet, standing amongst these foolish prudes, feeling like a Goddess. She dumped her skirt. Her normal panties too. Revealing a snug, black g-string underneath. Next, she dumped her top to the floor revealing heart shaped pasties over her nipples.

For standing here, in this state, Zazie was rewarded by the spell. A big juicy carrot for the slutty tanned skinned babe standing amongst her peers. She posed as well, putting her hands behind her head, legs slightly apart, and then -

"Mmmmm~" she moaned, biting her lip... but as fun as this was she could not stay here. She had work to do. Horny work. Fun work, for which she would receive greater rewards, for she would lead these foolish prudes down the path of true enlightenment.

Thus, she strode seductively across the room, until she reached her bag of food. Bent at the waist to reach inside, then realised she was exposing herself to literally fucking nobody, which diminished the reward somewhat. Not entirely, but enough that she just went for the two items. A carrot and a stick. With these items in hand she strode back across, stick in her left hand, carrot in the right, with her hips rocking like a pendulum in a gait that nobody reasonable would ever use.

From here, this honorary succubus bent over to plant the carrot and the stick on either side of her fellow demon hybrid. Mana was, without a doubt, the number one catch in the room. The most dangerous by far. A few simple incantations later, whispered so as to not awaken anyone else, and - Boom. Pervified.

Or rather she would be. Once she woke up and felt the rewards for indulging, and the pain for denying. She'd resist. Possibly more than the others. But she would fall. They all would.

One might expect that this is where one of them would awaken. Notice what Zazie was doing. Alas... No. She went around the room, casting the spell on all of them until, at last, only Asuna was left. With her eyes sparking mischievously, Zazie set the items down, eager to see how Asuna would turn out when she embraced her inner pervert, and then - 

Nothing. As in, she could feel the incantation not take hold at all. She tried again. Then a third time. To no avail. She tried swapping the sides they were on. Tried putting them closer to either side of her head. Nothing.

"Tsk..." she muttered and sighed, already seeing signs the sleeping draught she'd slipped into the orange juice was starting to wear off. She put the items away, put her clothes back on, sat Asuna up, and lightly slapped the girl's cheeks. "Hey, hey, don't fall asleep now!"

"Huh?!" Asuna grunted. Bleary eyed, confused. She looked around at her surroundings and rubbed at her eyes. "How long was I out?"

"I dunno, went to the bathroom and when I got here you were slouched over," Zazie said. How annoying. This girl's magic resistance didn't stop potions from working on her, but cast spells were another matter entirely. Which meant... Actually, thinking about it like that, didn't it mean that she wasn't totally immune? Only mostly?

Interesting. Very interesting indeed!

"By the way, Asuna!" Zazie quite suddenly chirped happily. "I was thinking. Maybe, just maybe... We should try to condition ourselves to resist their alluring perversion magic!"

"Huh? Train ourselves...?" Asuna asked, still rubbing at her eyes.

"Yes, yes! Mithridates the Great feared assassination, so he consumed poisons in sub-lethal quantities to build up an immunity." Oh dear, it seems as though Asuna's eyes had already glazed over. Let's simplify a bit. "So, I was thinking, if we slowly expose ourselves to greater and greater perversions, we might eventually grow immune to it."

Asuna stared at her, nodded, and then after thinking it over with all due care and consideration, replied with - 

"That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard, and that says something."

Oh, darn. She wasn't going for it. One can hardly blame Zazie, she was rather thinking on her feet here. How do you get around a girl with this kind of magic immunity when you're trying to warp her brain and turn her into an impossibly thirsty bitch? Though it did hurt a little bit hearing her call it so stupid. Did the girl really have no inner filter? If Zaze wasn't a little turned on by being berated by the cute redhead, she might have fallen into a depression right there and then!

But... Then she thought about it a bit more. Looked at the others. It wasn't really Asuna she had to convince, was it? No. It was the others. The others who, even now, were trapped under her spell. When they awake they would be bound to become more and more horny, more and more perverse as time went on. Mana, Ayaka, Yuna and Akira, the four of them would succumb one at a time to the all too natural human urge to seek out pleasure and avoid pain.

And then...

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that," Asuna said. "It's the stress of the whole thing. I think it's getting to me a bit."

"That's okay!" Zazie chirped. She made a show of stretching out her arms. "I think that's our shift over! Let's wake up the next two and get some sleep! Those wily perverts won't get their claws in us!"

"Yeah, thanks Zazie!" Asuna smiled at her. Oh how foolish and naive she was. "You're a lot more reliable than I thought given how out there you seem to be sometimes."

If only you knew... But you'd find out. Once they figured out a way to bury that prudish attitude of yours!

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