Monday 7 October 2024

Story: Curvy Motoko


There are some things that a good pervert punt won't help you recover from. Wantonly and knowingly flashing said pervert is very high on that list. It was one thing entirely when there was a bathroom mishap, or a certain other tennant playing a really mean and twisted practical joke. Quite another for her to, in essence, go 'hey there stud, check these out'.

It was also another thing entirely for her to feel fucking amazing for having done it.

That was the part that actually had most of her attention right now. Not so much the fact that she'd shown it all off, but the fact that she kind of liked doing it. He'd seen her in the buff before, as much as it annoyed her, but for her to deliberately display her body to him and to like it?! The stuff of madness! 

Oh, but that fresh horror was replaced quickly with a new one. She could feel it now. Reality was changing around her yet again. Sinking its claws into yet another person, pervifying them, corrupting them, oh would her torment not soon end? Surely it must! Surely! There must be some way to fight this, some method, some means. She could hardly roll over and let it turn the world into a horny orgy!

Thus, Motoko stumbled through the corridor, taking deep ragged breaths while trying her damndest to stay sane. Just stay sane, girl! That's all you need to do! Stay sane, and stay away from everyone long enough that you don't warp them any more! Do not become a lust plague upon your friends, unless -

"Going somewhere, sugar?"

Against her best judgement Motoko turned back to see Mitsune standing there. Leaning against the wall. Seductively. Then again with a body like that she probably couldn't actually do anything in any way but seductive. Motoko caught herself eyefucking the total babe on the other end of the hall and forced herself to look away... Though this wasn't helped from the way she was stretching out her limbs.

Jiggle jiggle.

Really not a fair thing to do, that. Ridiculously distracting. Motoko wiped at her face to get the drool off, and turned away - only to feel those tits right in her back, while a skillful pair of hands reached around her, grabbing her breasts.

"M-Mitsune!" Motoko chirped, nearly jumping out of her skin. "You're not behaving like yourself! I've been cursed, turning you all into horny parodies of yourselves!"

"Oh, that would explain the incongruities," Mitsune said, leg stepping around, hooking over Motoko's hip. Breath, hot on her neck. Skin, soft. How soft? Well, imagine sandpaper, right? That's pretty rough. Imagine the exact opposite of that. Um! Silk! Yes, like silk! Oh gosh, her brain really was messed up, trying for that metaphor! "But y'know, I really don't mind! This is super fun, you know?"

"F-Fun!" Motoko barked out. "What's fun about - "

Oh dear she suddenly lost complete control over her central nervous system. Mitsune was overstimulating her. On purpose, naturally. Fingers on her breasts, while using her own boobs to massage her back. Hot breath on her neck. Holding her close. So close, intimately close!

"Why don'tcha ask Naru?" Mitsune whispered, and then stuck her tongue in Motoko's ear. No hesitation, simply plunged it in. When she did Motoko immediately went crosseyed. "Made her cum herself stupid with my feet. But I betcha she can do the same with you, give her half the chance!"

"Nnnrgh, what kinda girl hears 'reality is being warped to make you and everyone we know into hot an busty nymphomaniacs' and doesn't get at least a little worried?" Motoko demanded.

Mitsune shrugged. Then spun Motoko around and around until she was dizzy, with eyes spiralling uncontrollably until, at last, she collapsed to the floor in a rather undignified manner... landing quite literally face first in Naru's pussy.

"Mmmph, oh Mitsune~ I'm not finished cumming from last time ye~et!" Naru moaned. "Oh! Motoko! When did you get here?"

"Yuri threesome time!" Mitsune yelled, tossing her clothes aside and grinning like a lunatic.

"No! No more!" Motoko pushed herself up to yell at her fellow tennant. "I shall not be lured into hot steamy action with my remarkably attractive fellow dorm mates! My libido does not rule my reason, and I shall not permit this curse to despoil us any more than it already has!"

Mitsune clapped and nodded. Which was suspicious. Very suspicious. Sexy, seductive, suspicious. What was she up to?

"In that case," Mitsune said. "You wouldn't mind taking your hands off Naru's tits, wouldja?"

Naru's... Tits...? Motoko slowly turned around, and to her horror her hands were indeed ensconced comfortably upon Naru's heaving bosom. Oh. She hadn't even noticed what she'd been pushing herself up on, where her hands had been resting and - Gosh those were soft and succulent boobies.

No! Come on, Motoko! Pull away, now! Rise to your feet and take your hands off Naru's extremely nice rack. Don't let your fingers dance around the surface. Definitely don't stick out your tongue and run it in a circle around Naru's nipple, coming close yet never quite touching, because you know full well how it drives her wild. And definitely don't lie back, lock legs with her and give her a slow methodical scissoring that will make her next climax last literally hours.

Needless to say, but she was having a lot of trouble actually following through on the things she was telling herself to do. Talk about a double negative leading to a positive, huh?


Oh, those two! They always pretended they were too prudish to go along with horny fun, but give them the slightest push and they were all over each other. Mitsune found it endearing, really. Just how slutty and sexy the two of them were! The three of them could have any man or woman in the palm of their hands at a moment's notice if they only wanted to, but- 

But it was really hard to think about that when the prospect of eating each other out on a nigh constant basis was present. Especially since all three of them knew full well how to drive each other wild.

Normally Naru would be giving as good as she got, but of course, Motoko was fresh and Naru was not. Which was kinda why Mitsune was hanging back a bit as well. Let them tire each other out, then she'd sneak in like so and -

Smother Motoko with her boobs! Let her hands roam down this ludicrously, impossibly sexy body while it fucked Naru even stupider! Every inch of her was divinely blessed, every molecule had a high sex appeal ranking, the cells of her body had been crafted for the sole purpose of turning on anyone that looked at her, and  -

And she could easily believe that this girl was warping reality. Didn't they say that space-time was curved? If so, then it was probably jealous of the curves Motoko was packing, because hot-damn! How did she not passively brainwash everyone she met? Surely she ought to have, right? 

"Come on, Motoko, teach us more!" Mitsune moaned. "I'm a good student, I'll learn how to have you feeling really good!"

"Hrm..?" Motoko grunted in between Mitsune's breasts. "Wait, that's it! Of course! If that's the case, then - "

All of a sudden, Mitsune found herself sitting on Naru's face while Motoko was rushing off out of the room, down the corridor to an unknown destination. Huh...? Huh?! Had she missed something just - 

"Ohhhh! Naru, your tongue is really on point today~" Mitsune purred, settling in and deciding that, for now, maybe it would be fine if she lost if it meant feeling like this. 

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